Resolution 05070RESOLUTION NHG 5.070 TRANSFERRING $4,166,00 FREE VARIOUS RECURTIETEN DEPARTMENT ACCOUNTS 10 RECREATION DEPARTNENT AUSONNT 151,402, TO PROVIDE REEDS FOE FURNISHING TEE NEE' LITSCINIPATIR TbalEEATION BE IR RESOLVED BY. THE COUNCIL OF' THE. CITY OS ALAMEDA, that in crdor to phovide funds required for furnishing the now Lincoln FAIWA "Recreation. Conter, the son of q44,56H.00 be, and. the same is hereby transferred from vaniouh Recreation Dohabtosort ricchG7nAn to Encrust:Igo Dopsrtment Account 151.4.02 (Cspital. Outlays-- • FoTnituro SOSO. FiXtUres), SS follows: V4,368.00 151.100 (Personal ServioHs) 451-203 (Electricity) 1R1,20n (Gas) 151.205 (Water) 151.521. (Recreational Supplies) 19 151.402 (Caoltal Outlayo- FurnitnrosEixtuses) The guditor is horeby blithgrioNd and diTespoo to nhhn said transfon on. 1,10 booho snd records. -I, the undersigned, isPbeby obitify tbnt the foregoing HosoTution was duly ann regblarly introdgced end adnpted by the (Soupcon of the Ctot. of' Alameda. in adjounied ranM24nr gEn,tning anspnbaed on the 22nd Ogy of March, 1955H ITE the foTiow1og vote, to wit: (5) AYEG: Councilmen. Hang, Jones, McCoEl., Morgsi and Pessidont Anderson, NUNS', Hoge, AUSEHT IRYge, IN WITNESS USET5SE, I hnremnto set Ant hand. Tnd affixod thh sfficial seal cf said. City this 23rd day of Mnrch, 195C, SYIRISHY: H. TENNIEE 795g..CRerN7-5755nA5City. oT AIHATOPHi - I hEreby cohtify that the foregoing in a 14,4E1, true. and coTeeht copy of "NEsolutioo No. 5070, TRARISEAREATING ''').4,36[4.00 FEET VAREnTS,41i1SHEYSTION "DIEGAIMENT Acca55.72 TO RETEEREOG DETERTERNT ACCOUNT' 151.4(12, TO TESTIS: FUNDS YOH FERNISRGET- THE nhW LIMO:11N PARK. RECREATION CENTERR, introduhed and adopted by thg Coonsi4. on the 22nd. day of March, 1955.