Resolution 05074419 RESOLUTIO NO. 5074 ADOPTING- SPECITICATInNS FOR FURA.T:SHT.NG TO TEE: CITY OF' ALnREDA ONE NEW. COMPLETE TRUCK IKCLUDITZ SER710E TYPE f3.01Z, 170(..T .13.1:DS DIERECTING TO ADTEETIEE RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL. 07' THE CIT1 OF' A.LANTTI that the SpneinInqt.lns and Proviion for furnishAw7, to the CAty of Ainmeda one nen car:pinto truck lan'inninj..s snr,rIce type bodT, No. 1,13 3-55-14, filed. in. tlae office of thr, City Clerk on MnTch 22, 1.95'::,„ be, and the same oro h.er.eby anpnoved and odopted. 'RESaLVED, FTMTBRR, that thn Coune.ni. of the Cni.ty of AinineaR ,11-J seraled bids ur, to th.c., hour of o'clock In on Tuesda.y., April 5, 195'5, for the furn,nshing to ths) Oity. seid truck-, in accondnce wdth said Specifinntions. and. Provisions, Inds mist be presented to the City Clerk, in. the. Gity H..,;cia, Alameda, California, under senaed cove and. pialniy manked on. the ontnidn, "Proposal for Truck including service type body', or' simllan- desintion„ Contract, if awan6ed, nilp be ,,,,,nded sunleon to Ini.e pToviions of the Charter of said Oity, to the nnspon3iblc bidn2.ey' who snbmits thP Dowest and. Inet bld, TR. ri.gi-t i3 reservad reect n7.747 or all elty is hereby directed to advertise, in tl.le Alamedn Tinos -Stan., e notee calling for in accordanne with. the ptovioion of thls ncn;olution and of' sald Specifict.J.ons nnd Provisons„ I, the Innd.nrsigned, 1.1neby certify that thn fnneg.oA.ng ResoluA...ion was duly. trld reEvasnly introduced and adopted. by t.lon; Conncil of. tne City cf.' nlari.E.nla La re,,:nlar• meeting asnembled on the 22-nn d.ay on March, 1255, by the oilow-ing vote, to wit: 1.3,:onnonn MnCr:lj, Mnrf'si ane, PresIn'Innt nrninn'ncT, NOM: lone. IN ',..,ITNESS WHEREOF, I Roreunto s6t my hand. and affixad the official_ sesi of (nit:7 tnini 23rd dn.., of Mnrnh., SHIFLEY TEKN=. (SEAL) 7,TIT,51er 3f the Cit7 Rf Alannft. E nnn.iny crinr, crano'_nn funl, of ,0 OITY CR HOL:11, 2rtnn:i-cd c,np-ci-, RR