Resolution 05079aESOLISTION NO. 5c,)79 ADCFTING ,SPECITabbsTiONS ,SOIO FURNISbINS3 TEE CS.TY OS' ALAMEDS. EIGHT (d) NJ,Sri 1955 LATTSOOF MODEL TVO -DOOR ;SEDANS, -NOP. THS, CALhilia .1,1„Tf. ANTLTPI9.CTIP1...YI2X.CP-'3fK,„ APTJ'''rr!-.17-21,,41rforrorrorr hY Thd Cdfsbit 07 THh Glov Cds shsofTlv,. thot ths Snecificattors snsl Nrvisions for fuhniohlng to the (Nity o0 Aismsds ddght (6) new 1955 latest slodel. two-door sedans, f Departr,Thrit, No. MS f in ice of tdo sity Clerk or. March 2d, 1955, bs, and. the same, ,hh 5ereedy approved P.i.16. TESCI7STS„ 17TISTED„. that tho Council of' tbo City of Nismsda will rdosive sealed bids up t o the hour of B!...05 o7slock P. M. on. Tuesday., Apssil 5, 1055, isr furrSsrins: to the City of said stronotiles, In accordonce with. Osseitlsotions soda ProrisSrfrs. M791s. nsrst be hbevedbed to tAdo C]ssfS, fd Mos Citv Alas Controct, alsosb.leS, will re avardsd subjset to ths provisSons of the Chd.star of ssAd Cits/-, to the responsible biddar 'Was submits the lowet and best bid, The rJ.ssbt is reserved to reject sny or all bis. I, the ohNssbl,sndd, hereby bvstify -t tdo forbsbths Hssolttion ,,bss duiry end. J..btrodsed. ond sSopted bso the dourcii of tbs blt.v of Aimr,bds erAjobdviod 190prarr..r ofertIng abscr.bled oo. tiss, 5ay of Kshoh, 1055, bs- trio following vote, to wit. . AsEb„ do thsSlsn Havd, sno TrdsV or's dr_fdroso, Shvhs; ABS-NPT, done. ffITNTS, ISSINEON, J have 19areunto set my herd and offitsb. the crfficisl soca cf sal:a Cfty TS. fb 23,rd. Jody of Ndbch, (r-3.Er,rir ) ;Tit S 1 e rJS 6? The Citv of Aldm7vdsS.— I bssebs cortify rbat the fu...rssinE is a full., true and costett cops- of sySesolatibn No, 5079, SDOfTINN SPECIbICATIOSTS FOR PITRTTSSITNd TO THN VITT' ffib ST7ISITDA 'EIGHT (a) NET" 15755 LAT7ST Mb,DEL TWO -DeC.H 3-SDPNZ-T, 701i THE POLICE DEPS7SZNENT, CALNShTS NON dIDS DIrbsCSiNG CITY OYIST0S TO s.rfAh,,VSTId'h E:4,7TS,5, introduced std od.opted by tde Cod:loll. on ths 22nd Sao of NsrvAr, 1955, she TStv or SHNsmoda