Resolution 05081RESOLUTICH WO. 5081 AUTECTTICULING EXECUTION OF ACCEETYENT WINH PORT Ca OZNIPEND 1J SraTT.,,EN OF PEapTiNijmEOTULTIATI27. PROCEfaanE______ WHEREAS, the. Pont of OcMiand cicd. the. City of Plcmcdc. name mecohed. acTeewent on the, terms of settlunont of penC„ial litigation in condemnatiun; and. :ORE-ET:AS, the tecmc oC' such cetilememt ape fully set forte in. a propsed areement betNen. said parties, oeia. acrcement fccvimcc ceen. fiacd. witn. tb,E,` City Cimrk of the City of Alameda et tha nomting ua thia Council hid. ,".3Ry of limach, NMI THERSNOCR, BE IT ENEOLVaTT EN' THE CUUNCIL OP THE CITY OE AI.2=i1 as fa)llows: Th,et the foymi of agreennt hermimucvo reformed to anM tha termm and pro - visinna thoreof be, aud tho amo hereby. appacmcd, That the Mayor of 'al:10 ef Alamedu be, and. hc lacc.coby amtbociccd. and. Cimmutod. to execute. ccl.C. szcemmemt. an ,acfccif of thm City and. thc Camrk. im clithmr- ized to attest the same. I, ane undersigned, hmreby uf.cptify MCie acreccinc NecoluTicio ums duly cnC acmuTTrilT introdumed. snd. aMoptad ay tha CcEncil toc 'taty ca Alameda. in. cdjoumcml regular meetinc, cmommbled. on the 82nd. dey of 1Maach, 1955, by the fo'll.o.w- dmg mote, to ait: mYrNim Cuurmilcn NcEc, Januc, TluTc11, EiNcEM cna PacoiColiC AuTcacun, cNiToiN: 1....;TE,.-E.T....Naa 8TaliitatC.cm, i liamuc imcccacrato mot my and affifacuca take oliaicicil coal scid. UAM8 PCim8 Cmy of Maach, 18E5, T77.7.779:fio a( tql(,7(lit,o of I heaeby certify. tilat the fEar,mcmalicm 18 a full, truc and correct canc. of' 8RecolutCon No. 5CC1, ANTEORIZING NXECUTION AGETTITTYT WITN PORT ON OAKLAND IN SETTLEMENT OF PaNDIJC1- UONDE1411,illON PiC.00EEDINiEJ', mnM cUmot.c. NT. thm, Coummif on. +Mao 22n. day. of MMach,