Resolution 05097465 RESOLUTION NO. .5097 ADOPTING SPECIFICATIONS FOR. FURNISHING TO THE CITY. OF 7111 UL ONE (11 Nal 1955 FOUR-DOOR SEDAN FOR THE PCYLICE DEPARTMENT, CALLING FOP 'BIDS AND DIEECT:KNG 0 ADVERTISE SAME. RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALMETA that thw Specifications and Provisions for furnng to the City of Alameda one (1) new 1955 four-door sedan, for the Police Department, No. MS 5-55-7, flied in the office of the City Clerk on May 3, 1955, be. and the same are hereby approved and. adopted. RESOLVED, FUWPEER, that the Council of the CTIA 1y 01 Alameda will receive sealed bids up to tho hour of 8105 otclock P. M. on Tunsday, May. 17, 1.995, for the furnishing to the City of said aotembbile, i1 . accordance with said Specifications and Provisions, aids must lie presented to the City Clerk, i1 the City Hall, Alay moda, California, under sealed cover and plainly marked on the outside, "Proposal for four-dner Sedan", Or similar designation. Contract, if awarded, will leo awandd. subjeot to the provisions of the Charter of said. City, to the responsible bidder who submits the lowest and best Thc right is r to reject any or all bidw. The City CleMk is hereby. directed to advertise, in. the Alamwde. Star, a notice callinz for sealed. bids in accordance with the provisions of thib resolution and of said Specifications Provisions, * * * * * * * * * I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution wab duly regularly ntroduce and adop - r di Alameda in regular meeting assembled on the 1414 day of May, 195'5, by the following vote, to wit: AYES: (ounbilmen Haag, Hbve, McCall, Moresi and President Knanelly, NOES: None. ABSENT: None. IN WITNEn:S WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my. ha7 d. and affixed thn official eeal of said City this Nth .day of May, 1955. SHIRLEY H. TETNIER City Cle7 k. or the city of Alameda 1 hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and. correct copy of "Resoltion No. 5'097, AEOPTIM 7T (3 FOR FURIETTHIM TO THE CITY. OP ALAMTai ONE (1) NEW 1) 55 FOUR-DOOR SEDAN, FOR THE fONICE DITINTATENT, GALLING FOR BIDS AND DIRENTITM CITY. CLERK TO ADVERTISE aNmE", introduced,vd adopted by the Council on the 3rd day of May, 1955. - / y City C.Neryof thii—Dity of Alameda „"-- '‘.