Resolution 05116495 REP3OLTITT..d.diT NO. 5116 ADOPTIN.3,. .APPROVING .i,Jppl.4.-ORTZTNG, 'THE pp,,..,,pcupTc. pmET.IOTANDUM OF ACIF,T,P1P77,17 'AITTH THE STATE OF P.A.LIFO.RNIA EXPENDILIPJEL 'TAX ALLOCATION FOR MAJOF CITY S1 RETi7S POP TUT, FISCAL ',TEAR 1.9E.5-7.,.9E;P. dp- 7457..idEAS, the State of CaltifoiTa hs.s cdulmln.tpd a MPmprandP.,11. of Project Asreement for the fiscal. -ysar 1955-1956, for the e,pencliture of Ciao Tpdp. Allocation. for Majc,P Oltp- Streets; and WEERFAS, it !s in the pud.)171..c Imtp,..rdPst that AErrecrpnt hopid. be e - tett 771-1FIUYOR. BE IT RES01,d1TM BY T,Pd,,. COURITd.: OF TT.I.F.,.] CITY OF P.I.PdPEDA that 2pid project stotement be, Find it is hereby adopted as tb.e budget of proposed. expenditures of pps tax allocation, and that said Memorandldr. of Apreement be, Ppd. the same is hereby approved, and illtat the M.apor of time Clty of Alpmpda be, and. hp idereMpp autno.rdzed Plad direptepd. tp execute sal...a AprFE:enpant or, beimalP imde of Alameda, arid tine Clipd Clpdpk 1.8 pu.td!,..orized attpst the S 2.Yrt I, time P.nderslEimed„ hereb7 cery ttat the ferepoing Resmipt-Idor pap Ppaly and ragularly introduced. and pdopted by the Coudiell oir thE.p... City of, Alampda r rep71.11.F.r meet assembded on tdhe 7th =dap- of 195F, bp td.,,e ) , , -TES: Councilmen. T.J.w,„. How., Moresi prMi President: FraPPlly, I N T S WHE ITEOF , I hn ve hp Imp= to s e t 1,12n.d. and zmidrixed. the offt oda 1 s °.J.1 of said City th:1M3 et la day. of June, 1955. SIEP.LE7f H. TEITC,IP,B. hereby certify tdr.P., the. f or ego ing Is a fp.11, trod., and correct :dopy of uRepolutdion 1.ro. 511P, ADOPT:TING Ed.radd7r, APPROVING AUT.HCR.IZING YEMOId.MT17.11,J 07d .10,FPFVFINT` dr'm4 ST.I."7 PLIFORPITA d0P. C1 .T.7 ALLOCATION 1.d01, Sd'Ird.Tddds, POP TT:FR pipprod ycp,R 19,77; intro duc ed e..3,..^.77.)ted. by the ec,unci7.. on thc, 7th. tln:- of jl.rne, 1955.