Resolution 05121RESOLUTION NO. 5121 ADOPTING SPECIFICATION'S, SFFCIAL ,FOYISIONS AND FLANS FOR TNSTALLATION OF THE IFOTTD EET STODN' SEFE)" FTOY OTIS DRIVE TO WA.T.EETON. STISRTUT, CALL:INC, FOR I,IDS AND PiliFCTITI CITY Chinitft TO AhiiiihJihh c d dude di ICITIFIFFICS, the City Erusclaccaer hacareeepared. Speceficateurz, Special Prostliarjens and Plans for installation. of the Mound )street storm sewer, froe Otis Drive to Water- ton Street, numbered TPJ 6-55-16 and failed. in ths cfclas sf the Olty Clerk• on June 1955; N.tfi TD)FCF.,01:F., Ss id "'di) COLOT- C' ("Ife 02 !lejc.),,P,), that She ufer,,culeal SperalCisiors, Provp,ipcs snj. Plsrd, ,111,-Csra ecu aforoaced, snd t'as seNcs L20 hereNp arnroPod :end a.)cptcd. PsSOLPFD, 77RasfR, perforsance an0 acispictIru cf uoak '-'12,f Is sslj ')recifacPtstoca unt Provjp., arc be, '1.11C, Luc saNe ts IsereN7 PutNarlcsji. papoL7F,0„ btnntlior, lant tee Chuncalii tta d' alcheaa derelve tacica' niOt he to the Csur of Ps:05 otc,)ocr F. Fe. 55 TracrOcy, artre fcr 'di`J darbisnihn eo the Celt,: o' all labor, naterials, macalrelp, teals an0 cculpalent usses- aar7 fsr C'ss For* 'sorsisecva rfcr-ns So, in accsrlan se wet's_ claeS Snna4sisatIsra snl ProvIcl.na. Liss MU26 n:2CSOnt0a. tO 'Cur CLtv Clark, la tbe Cita itad-1, Ctur,Se, fsF)forula, unc!or acalc0 aolnr srd ulairD7 nar,pad dn tru out34ds, "Prcrosal for fustal.lat.7cr of Knund Strsst 'Sterne Se"er D21-,7,) tO haicator dtcncet", or ainfiler destpustirn. Contract, in aua -dud, wi)) awnrden suininct tc Fhs pacptsiors sf tPc C)..sr!tar cf teee City of alccasoe, tr tfsq IF,sconsitla trlaje7 cuba,l'et josost sus?, b)d. Fhe rtPht r-ssrssei ,bara-Inct Spncirinutione nra Prcnitiand :hey bo na6 be ene anaschatihe lt,pcsr or p.---Nlice.1',n C7 fl - r` 'la n'Ticb in tnc -Ja 1, i1ewei, Ce-i iodnia: The City Clerk is Nureby directed to aSvcrtece, in. the Alameda Times-Star v. noteca aa111,7 for pealed. Lida, in Pscordance witt the provialons of th..is rasolu- tiOn 2.3.71(i of sneld. Specifications' and. Provisions. * * * * * * * * * T. the underai,:,ned. laereby certify that the foreg9tiliz Resolution-was and rea7"aarlp introduced. mild adopted. by the Council of the ultv of Alaneda. aecra- lar meetiora atacenllod. on. the jay of June, 1.9'55, by the follewinj vote, to wit: (5). AYES: CouncLimon Haata, Hocesu, 1 Messe»i. ens" President Ktunt'21a, NOT.S. None. A1331,:liT : None. FITFESS PFTICEOF, T. have heareanto set ply hund. and affixed. the official sea". of sPed. City ttis fith. dap of June. 1) 55. TITPIeff H. 7,!')-.TTn-P, (n)AL) at' the Jaity of flat:nada * * t * * * * * * I hereby certify that the forermin7'.. is a Zull, truc and. correct copy of "Resolution No. 5121, ADOPTI7C, SPECIPICATION.S, SPECIAL, PROVISIONS P.Itp ...z)LArs FOR INSPAIFATION OF TIPT, FOUND STREET STORM SIPSER FRON OTIS DRIVE TO ),11:UTESSPON STFEFT. CALLING FOR BIDS .PND DIRFPTINF CITY CLEFT TO .1)5Jyria)TIsT, sAmE", :Introduced. un," adopted by the aounce.1. on the Fth. dap of june, 1955.