Resolution 05124l93 RESOLUTION NC- 512M AUTUCIZING IrXECUTION OF IdtIME TO R EAT PPEPKITY BETWMPN 44KDA BELT COPOPORPTION, IMUSOR, AND CITY OF ALAMEDA, A MUNICIPAL CORPORATIONt -4 1(41 FOR SUBSTATION PURPOSES. WHEREAS, the City. of AlphnPt., actine, mad throujh. Its DepeEtment of Pub- lic Utilities, has requested of Alamedri Bolt Mira, e. CaElfornir. corporation, a lease to certain reRl. property situate An the City of Alameda, owned. hy salj. Alateedp. Phit Line, said deRpe to be for, a. period. of ERree (3) years from. the 1st day. of Ma*, 195m,e. and saiI hronerty to be uped by. the Mit7 of Aterhde for the construutIen. and main, term:Ace of 9. sutestation; and. WUMPUAS, Alemede Pelt Lino IR hl.Inte te cntet jrto a iorde pofoomett 4Ito ete se°,4 C71y nrbencter stdd -ea] h000rt 'PR:70 property ie meho RetmicpPorly Pee3h'ted tte fohn of )rodc tepoMnortoP r4R,rred Lc; :7.31,2 n frehr, of ]:-Rtr setItne foptt tho C.Caa,a, om-tonent3 the r7reements rrocfd hoot betteen ,erid etpRtia hes odn hranohod anR eb.m'.'.t4d to this loons]: at lLs to7plar h.:Petit - tr1U June 7, 2955, neRfh6 "Flied Jute 7, 1955" 2,22 ordereI fl?pd tte Iitet Pletut of saId City; and "HRLLAP, 34,; founI end detotoIned by tels 4o4nRIL Ihet the toot 1R-ereste of tRo P'ity of MIcherd m41 he servoe ry thr ecchoteece err exhort:14h of saIt Iermul; NOM PHMdPIPOUP Pt IT PPPOLPMP IM TH7 CO'nUIL OR 714,7, C'? OP ifieutIP 4s follows; 1- Thar: thm form of lease hereinaleve referree to anE themherms, conai- tiona nd. covenants thereof be nnd the tame ape hereby approved, anal. that: saId. iraoom in the form aforementIcped,bo, 4nd. the same le hereby accepted from Alemsdr Belt Line, 2. That the Mayor of the !City of Alameda is hereby. ftutht,rized nnd. _ directed to execute, end. the City CitrP to attect, as the. Ict n.nd dead of tho City eI Althleda, R. lease substantIally in. the forr. and contal.nine7 the terms, conditions ahreements eet forth In the aforementioned. form of 'lease. I, the undersined, hereby- certify. tipat the fore.7oInr: Reeolution wee Phly end reguf.aRLy introdthed. anA rOopted. tete Council of the 'City of Alameda. it reuaar neetinF assembled on the 7th. da7. of June, 1955, by the follamin vote, to IPM: CeRneIlreen Reed, Peva, Tlpfeel :end 7mcei3cp KtapptMe, ABSENT: Pone, IN MITNESS WHERE07, I have. herelnto set ;my bath and. affixed. the official seed.. of snid City. this 8th day of June, 1959% SHIRLEY H. TENN= (SEAdl City. ItPerk of the 'Citt7,, of Al4rterda I hereby certify +not tte foreg, is e full, true nd. correct copy of "Resclution. No. 524, AUTIORIZINC. EaECUTTON LEATE 44 0f471.4mh UFMMUIPIT BELE' LINE, A CORPORAPOtt, MESSOR, leND CITT OF ALMEDA, A MUNICIPAL CORPORATIEE, LESSIT, FOR MIEPTATIOM PUPPOPES", inftoduhod and. aduhted by the PoucId.. on the Ith det. of Jane. 1955.