Resolution 051274 99 RESOLTITIOg NO. 51.2T SISIMORIALIZING THE ITXT.:CUSTOft, COMSSITTET.,..; 11.ES:a N OSSOCIATION OF STATES FIEGHTSSF OFFISIALs IN 7 MATTER OF DESIGNATING THE hUSTS gliCSIS SAS JOSE TO NAN PSNASI, SIA THS 11AST SHORE FR:ESSAY AND THE RicHat-i\TD-SAIS RAFAEL ETSEDO:5], A.s 'T..5t,Tt..is‘stsor, _ . . WHEYS:AS Route US S. 101 from San Jose to an. afael.. goes throtl...S San i(ranclo'le.° alTd a.(Trcss the Golden Sate J(TrIsge5 Psos,. Ss.uts 0, S. 101 parallels sai.d. U. S. Rout.3 fron. Set. Jsze to San Francisco; ant.] TOSSSILP,S, tss..5 nss 'East ShsPe Tos,..:esErT sso 1S-e SieSsnor...--Sn5s ,Srdspo5. s(„1:1 offer ss.:,re itss,t Istoits for T.S.7om,15, trcs.s.(3 SrOtt SDIT JOSS) 'CO Sas S.r.s.:(,..)(...T f.ad cst1.1 proopc.sTs! ”SettesteSTS'SC, t',S„Stse T1-, S. 1301", -"-oi 15ss..h sTsi.iar ..',.estsp.,,t-..(,n (so 7: cestsstssbis r...„sts ,rd SF:TT-CEPS, SSE; KirTossss,.. Coonss ft.iFistrso eSS,,,SSTers' tetOtSilretesE's Or, reeler the-. ,I,Sre,V AThitt Senlittet,SIS3 letrefteS30eSITSS10:), 'Sae rscosSed Its Sistat SO:5, roots., Ss.ssis saatteses To3 sAltosnate ho.s.s.... S. 2., SOS' STETTEISSSSH, TITT SESOt(TTS SOIStiC ts-D-T OSOSTO STS ALIOTSOs tiost Sos "S.lect.b Ccsooltltsc sof e,r A ,sosT, Ttiss 0 s L!; s`TTT 111Slotss5.' ass', I 7: A,S neseo,y teSSSeCt, Sties' ertsytee' Slee ""sett)eeted =teed remte yo-rh tip,n Jose los Sen Hafse3, vls sts•-s', '.(sTs«—( Srs?.(Tra7 sr.( STs. NinhysrO -Hon Pffhel ENT.Che, No "SSS.TE5,noto Sisutc U. S. 1Sas; snd SIT IT f(STSTSTOST, ISSSOTTOTS tSst OOSSO2 of t(5.T.Ss Iss sent to SraoS E. SuoSoss, DIrochoss of PabLIc ,TorNo, Stoto of STTSTesffs., to INn HefOhfoo cf fhn CaTil- foITHol IihtlffsH anS to Seols5c NoSoy, Ofstf ITohowhy lhoofININSIS hfot IfINhy offhsost tioe reose,,,t of thf Sj.ty HT ANs-oeda RP hrfols fft Yofth, I, the ondersIgnec, hereby sertifv that tho foregoiro_EssoTot.,..on EN..s dulh• artl retalarly introduced End adonted b7 the Sours-sTi.. of tise City cf AttnmeeB. rrietT.tin sPsemSled on th.e 21st day of June, 1955, by following. vote, to ) ANTE.,,S(, Cosn.c.ilm6n Hanss Hsve5 MSSPS7i. 5 MoreoT. and. Ppesident EStartslly. ASSZST: None. SITISESS WO= I tt.../ hereturts Set rss SITSS. and. affixod. ST.1 offfSci(S1. s.sal of' said City thSs 22nd dsss of June, 1955. Sit:7 Clerk or th.e. Oit7 of Alarfda n..reSy certify that Sh6 fores(sSng, e. Ss1.1, tstle etsd sorscst „f 'Resolution. Sc.. 5127, SSI4ORIALIZING. THE EXISSUSIVE COSSITTEE OF' ASESICSK A(2.c«.-..ucrm(ya OP ETAT,. .sTGAWAY 0..s.sIGiStiTS IN IONE MATTER Hof DESIONNTING THE STSUST=. Sliels SAN JOSS TO SAN P.I\FLES.55 'TOTS SAST SHORE ISSISTSTATS AND THE EICISHOND -SAN FLA:FA:EL .SRIDSES ..ATT lissSoTTOTSUST TOSSTS U. S. 107.1,." iTstrod.s.ced. and pttotptd by. tho UnonoST. on. tho Plot day- of Juno, 1955f.