Resolution 05134RESOLUTION ND. 5134
Section 1
This Resolution shall be known as the "Salary Resolution for the Fiscal.
Year 1955-1956."
Section 2
Paragraph 1.
1. The following paragraphs explain all of the rates of compensation
applicable to positions in the service of the City, the setting of whose salaries
and rates of compensation are specifically allocated to the City Council by the
City Charter.
Paragraph 2.
1. The following salary schedule includes certain individual adjustments
to make rates of compensation more nearly comparable to those being paid by public
jurisdictions and private industry in the Bay Area for comparable types of work.
2 Incumbents of re-assigned positions. In those cases where certain
classes may be abolished and the positions allocated to new or other existing classi-
fications, the incumbents of such re-assigned positions shall he placod et the same
relative step in the salary range for the new class as they occupied in their former
3. Except as herein otherwise provided, persons in positions bearing flat
rates of compensation shall be paid the desigjnated flat rate during the fiscal year
4. Full-Time Employment. The salary rates as specified in the Compenea.-
tion Plan shall be considered gross compensation for full-time employment and are
exclusive of vacation, holiday, sick, or other leave with pay.
5. When it is necessary to compensate a monthly salaried employee for
service on e daily basis, or to compute partial earnings, the daily rate of pay
shall be determined by dividing the monthly- rate by the total number of days in
the month involved.
6. Part-Time Employment. Those employees appointed in aecordance with
Section 7, Rule V, of the Civil Service Rules, shall be paid for actual tours worked
at an hourly rate established for the classification or based on the appropriate
step in the salary range for classifications whose rates are computed on a monthly
basis. In the latter case, the hourly rate shall be computed en the basis of a
2,080-hour or e 1,976-hour year, whichever is applicable.
a. In the matter of the compensation of Emergency Surgeons (Part-Time)
employed in the City's First Aid Station, in the event any of the four positions in
such. classification shall become vacant, the remaining Emergency Surgeons who shall
serve more than one weak in each four-week period shall receive additional compensa-
tion for such services at the rate of $150.00 per week of seven days. IT it becomes
necessary to call in doctors not regularly employed by the City as part-time Emer-
gency Surgeons to serve for the time left open by any such vacancy or vacancies,
such doctors shall be compensated for their services at the rate of $150.00 per week
of seven (7) days.
7. Salary Advancement. Salary advancement for classes in the step plan.
shall be made subject to the following provisions:
a. Appointment to a position will normally he at the first step in the
salary range. An employee may be appointed to other than the normal
entering salary step upon the recommendation of the Appointing Author-
ity, when it is decided that such action is in the best interests of
the City.
b. Advancement to the second step will be made upon the satisfactory com-
pletion of a probationary period. This is six months in the case of
all classifications excepting Police Officers and Fire Vighters Such
increases will become effective on the first day of the pay period
following six months of service.
c. Thereafter, an employee who maintains a satisfactory level of work
shall be advanced at annual intervals to succeeding steps of the
assigned salary range. Such increases will become effective on the
anniversary date of the increase to the second step.
0, Any person who is appointed to a position at a step above the first
step of the assigned salary range will be advanced to the next step
after one year of service. Such increase will become effective on
the first day of the pay period following one year of service.
e. New employees entering the Police and Fire Service shall be employed
at the minimum step of the salary range for their positions. Annual
increases to each succeeding step will become effective on the first
day of the pay period following completion of each year of service.
8. Salary Schedule.
Range No. Step Step Step Sten Step
1 2 3 5
. A - 150
1 200 210 220 230 240
2 210 220 230 240 250
3 220 230 250 250 260
230 240 250 260 270
4-A 275
5 25- 0 250 26- 0 270 280
6 250 260 270 280 290
7 260 270 280 290 300
7-0 - -
8 270 282 290 300 315
9 280 290 300 315 330
10 290 300 31.5 330 345
11 300 315 330 345 360
12 31.5 330 355 360 375
13 330 345 360 375 390
14 345 360 375 390 505
14-0 355 370 385 500 415
15-5 - - 365 390 415
15 360 375 390 1!05, 525
16 375 390 405 525 455
17 390 405 525 545 1465
17-0 - - - - 470
17-3 - - - - 475
18 405 425 455 865 485
18-A - - - - 590
19 415 5.35 555 575 595
20 425 555 4.65 585 505
21 535 555 475 495 520
22 545 465 485 505 530
22-0 - - - - 530
23 555 475 595 520 555
211. 4_65 585 505 530 555
25 575 495 520 545 E7',.70
26 485 505 530 555 580
26-0 - - - - 525
27 595 520 555 570 595
28 505 530 555 580 605
28-0 - - - - 615
29 520 55 570 595 620
30 530 555 580 635 635
31 545 570 595 620 650
31-A - - - - 655
32 555 580 605 635 669
33 575 595 620 655 580
35 580 605 635 665 695
35 595 620 650 685 710
36 605 635 665 695 725
37 620 650 680 710 745
38 635 665 695 725 76o
39 650 680 710 755 780
39-0 - - 710 745 780
I 0
4 665 695 725 760 795
Step Step Step Step Step
Range No. 1 2 3 LL 5
hl 680 710 755 780 815
42 695 725 760 795 830
43 710 745 780 815 855
La 725 760 795 830 870
45 745 780 815 855 890
46 760 795 830 870 910
51 .65 .95/hr.
52 .95 1.01 1_07 1,13 1.20/hr,
53 - 1.25/hr.
54 1.30 1.140/hr.
55 1.10 1.20 1.30 1.40 1.50/hr.
56 1.60 1.80/hr.
57 - 2.00/hr,
58 11.35/dRY
9. Schedule of Positions and Fay Ranges.
Code N. cf Range Step Step Step Step Step
No. Class Title Positions No, 1 2 3 7 5
175 Auditor and Assessor 1 31-A - - - - 655
163 Deputy Assessor 1 22 445 565 485 505 530
165 Deputy Auditor 1 22 445 465 485 505 530
162 Deputy Field Assessor 1 11 300 315 330 3.5 360
162 Deputy Field Assessor
(Part-Time) 1 11 300 315 330 345 36o
127 Senior Account Clerk 1 13 330 345 360 375 390
151 Billing Machine Operator 1 10 290 300 315 330 355
106 Typist-Clerk 1 5 240 250 260 270 280
80.5 Chief of inspection Division
Sr. Civil Engineer) 1 32 555 580 605 635 665
810 Building Inspector 1 16 375 390 0.05 425 1145
835 Plumbing Inspector 1 16
805 Building Permits Assistant 1 11 375 390 505 425 )55
300 315 330 345 360
174 City Attorney
115 Legal Secretary
177 City Clerk
113 Senior Stenographer-Clerk
710 755 780 615 855
12 315 330 345 560 375
1 23 495 475 495 520 545
1 9 280 290 300 315 330
557 Garage Attendant 2 8 270 280 290 300 315
585 Janitress 3
230 250 250 260 270
11L6 Telephone Operator 1 8 270 280 29G 300 315
109 Intermediate Clerk-Typist 1 7 260 270 280 290 300
100 City. Manager 1 50 - -1229,17
168 Asst. to the City. Manager
Right-of-Way Agent 1 25 575 495 520 545 570
120 Secretary to the City
Manager 1 lii 345 360 375 390 405
106 IntermeSlat.e Clerk-Typist A,
.,. 7 260 270 280 290 300
890 Planning Director 1 32 555 580 605 635 665
895 Assistant Planner 1 17 390 405 425 445 1465
106 Senior Clerk-Typist 1 9 280 200 300 315 330
Code No. of Range Step Step Step Step Step
No Class Title Positions No. 1 2 3 _ 1
'905 Assistant Director of Civil
Defense and Disaster 1 26-A - - 585
910 Chief Warden 1 17-A - 570
930 Medical and Health Services
Coordinator 1 17-A - 570
940 Auxiliary Police Coordinator 1 17-A - - - 570
950 Auxiliary Fire Coordinator
-P,- 17-A - - - - 570
113 Senior Stenographer-Clerk 1 9 250 290 300 315 330
106 Typist-Clerk 1 5 249 250 260 270 280
172 Executive Secretary,
Civil Service Board 1 35 595 620 650 680 710
110 Personnel Clerk 1 11 300 315 330 355 360
106 Typist-Clerk 1 5 240 250 260 270 280
113 Sr. Stenographer-Clark 1 9 280 290 300 315 330
665 Fire Chief 1 39-A - 710 755 750
660 Assistant Fire Chief 3 28-A - - 615
655 Fire Captain 10 18-A - 590
655 Fire Lieutenant 4 17-A - - - 570
650 Assistant Fire Marshal - 17-5 - - - 75
640 Fireman. 61 15-0 - - 365 390 415
562 Automotive Mechanic 1. 14 355 360 375 390 505
113 Senior Stenpgrapher-Clerk 1 9 280 290 300 315 330
365 City Physician (Part-Time). 1 4-A - - 275
351 EmerFency Surgeon
(Part-Time) 4 A - - - 150
360 Registered Nurse 3 9 280 290 300 315 330
355 Relief Steward (Part-Time) 1 58 - per day 11.35
760 Golf Professional 1 7-A - - - - 310
555 Greenakeeper 1 15 360 375 390 405 525
562 Automotive Mechanic 1 15 355 360 375 390 505
750 Golf Starter 1 10 290 300 315 330 355
551 Groundsman-Cardener 3 9 250 290 300 315 330
554 Equipment Operator 3 10 290 300 315 330 345
586 Janitor 1 7 260 270 280 290 300
570 Laborer 2 8 270 280 290 300 315
In addition to norrrIal compensation, persons holding the position o f Laborer
in the Golf Department, when so engaged, shall receive en additional sum of
,0.00 per month for night watering.
366 Health Officer 1 43 710 745 780 615 855
350 Director cf Public Health
Nursing 1 21 435 455 575 095 520
355 Health Educator 1 18 505 525 5,55 565 585
330 Director of Sanitation 1 21 535 555 575 495 520
335 Public Health Laboratory
Technician 1 15 360 375 390 405 425
350 Public Health Nurse r, 15 360 375 390 505 525
325 Sanitarian 2 15 360 375 390 505 525
315 Rodent Control Officer 1 8 270 280 290 300 315
119 Secretary-Stenographer 1 11 300 315 330 345 360
108 Senior Clerk-Typist 1 9 280 290 300 315 330
113 Senior Stenographer-Clerk 1 9 280 290 300 315 330
112 Junicr Stencgrapher-Clerk 1 5 250 250 260 270 280
105 , Typist-01ork 1 5 250 250 260 270 280
336 Laboratory Assistant 5 r-. 3 220 230 250 250 260
585 Janitress 1 5 230 250 250 260 270
Code No. of Range Step Step Step Step Step
No. Class Title Positions No. 1 2 3 4 5
579 Asst. Labor Supervisor
583 Park Maintenance Foreman
592 Maintenance Plumber
554 Equipment Operator
545 Park Caretaker
552 Truck Driver
555 Tree Trimmer
591 Plumber's Helper
557 Gardener
605. Deputy Poundmaster-Laborer
570 Laborer
506 Crossing Guard (Part-Time)
610 Policewoman
615 Police Officer
620 Police Sergeant
625 Police Inspector
630 Police Lieutenant
831 Police Captain
635 identification Officer
636 Police Chief
568 Chief Radio Technician
566 Radio Technician
113 Senior StenoFrapher-Cierk
1 15 360 375 390 405 525
1 15 360 375 390 405 1125
1 18 35.5 360 375 390 405
2 10 290 300 315 330 345
6 9 280 290 300 315 330
2 9 280 290 300 315 330
5 11 300 315 330 345 360
1 9 28o 290 300 315 330
1 9 280 290 '300 315 330
2/3 9
6 080 290 300 315 330
15 270 280 290 300 315
12 53 - per hr./ 1.25
2 14-?. - 365 390 415
51 14-5 365 390 415
7 17-A - - 470
4 18-A - - 490
3 22-A 530
1 28-A _ - - 615
1 17-A - - - 570
1 39-1 - - 710 745 780
1 13 505 425 55.5 465 585
1 14-A 355 370 365 400 415
3 9 280 290 300 315 330
Each member of the Police Department who shall attain the qualifications of
"Expert Revolver Shot," "Sharpshooter," or "Marksman" in accordance with the
provisions of Resolution No. 2964 shall receive, in addition to the compensa-
tion provided above, and so long as such qualifications are retained, the
following amounts:
"Expert Revolver Shot"
605 Poundmaster
604 Deputy Peundmaater-Labover
166 Asst. Purchasing Agent and
Building Superintendent
108 Senior Clerk-Typist
106 Typist-Cierk
Director of Recreation and
Physical Education
730 Supervisor of Recreation
732 Supervisor of Athletics
734 supervisor of Special
736 Recreation Specialist
720 Playground Director
722 Recreation Leader (Part-
710 Recreation Aide (Fart-Time)
770 Swimming Pool Manager
772 Senior Lifeguard (Part-
773 Lifeguard (Fart-Time)
775 Cashier-Attendant (Part-
777 Locker Attendant (Part-
113 Senior Stenographer-Clerk
125 Jr. Account Clerk-Typist
566 Janitor
per month
3.50 per month
2,00 per month
1 11 300 315 330 345 360
1/3 9 280 290 300 315 330
1 22 445 465 485 505 530
1 9 280 290 300 315 330
1 5 240 250 26C 270 280
31 5L5 570 595 620 650
1 15 360 375 390 505 425
1 15 345 360 375 390 505
14 345 360 375 390 405
per hr./ 2.00
300 315 330 345
13 56 per hr./ 1.60 1.80
5 54 per hr./ 1.30 1.50
1 57 per hr./ 2.00
56 per hr./ 1.60 1.80
54 ... per hr./ 1.30 1.40
54 per hr,/ 1.30 1.40
51 - per:r./ .85 .95
9 280 290 300 315 330
5 25.0 250 260 270 280
7 260 270 080 290 300
Code No. of Range Step Step Step Step Step
No Class Title Positions No. 1 2 3 5. ,- 5
305 Executive Secretary,
Social Service Board 1 15 360 375 390 405 525
112 Junior Stenograpner-Clerk 1 5 240 250 260 270 200
460 City Engineer_ 43 71D 745 780 815 655
4.45 Senior Civil Engineer
(Design and Construction) 1 32 555 580 505 535 665
44p Associate Civil Engineer 1 28 505 530 L 605
425 Assistant Civil Engineer 3 22 5-5,5 4-65 4.ft5 50.5 =,',30
420 junior Civil Engineer 5 17 390 405 5.25 5.45 465
5.18. Engineering Assistant 2 lli 345 360 375 390 505
417 Survey Party Chief 2 17 390 405 425 445 465
415 Street Inspector 1 15 360 375 390 405 425
413 Senior Engineering Aide 2 12 315 330 3h..5 350 375
410 Engineering Aide 5 10 290 300 315 330 345
582 Maintenance Superintendent 1. 26 505 530 555 580 605
576 General Street Maintenance
Foreman 1 15 350 375 390 405 425
501 Carpenter-Foreman. 1 14 35.5 360 375 390 405
503 Concrete Foreman 1 14 345 360 375 390 L05
505 Sewer Foreman 1 14 345 360 375 390 405
575 Sub-Foreman 2 11 300 315 330 345 360
556 Motor Sweeper Operator 1 11 300 315 330 345 360
502 Maintenance Carpenter 2 12 315 330 345 360 375
573 Maintenance Mechanic 1 11 300 315 330 345 360
560 Automotive Equipment
Operator 1 13 330 345 360 375 390
562 Automotive Mechanic 1 15 345 360 375 390 405
554 Equipment Operator 1 10 290 300 315 330 35.5
550 Painter 1 12 315 330 345 360 375
551 Traffic Painter 1 12 315 330 345 360 375
552 Truck Driver 7 9 283 290 300 315 330
556 Motor Equipment Serviceman 1 9 280 290 300 315 330
574 .Cement Finisher 1 12 315 330 345 360 375
571. Skilled Laborer 7 9 280 290 300 315 330
570 Laborer 13 8 270 280 290 300 315
127 Senior Account Clerk 1 13 330 345 360 375 390
119 Secretary-Stenographer 1 11 300 315 330 345 360
113 Senior Stenographer-Clerk 1 9 280 290 300 315 330
176 Treasurer and Tax Collector 1 31-6 - - - 655
167 Deputy Treasurer 2 18 405 h25 445 465 485
126 Intermediate Account Clerk. 1 9 280 290 300 315 330
148 Parking Meter Collector 1 9 280 290 300 315 330
572 Parking Mater Repairman 1 13 330 345 360 375 39c
127 Senior Account Clerk 1 13 333 345 360 375 390
113 Senior Stenographer-Clerk 5 9 280 290 300 315 330
112 Junior Stenographer-Clerk 1 5 25(3 250 260 270 260
109 intermediate Clerk-Typist 1 7 260 270 280 290 300
106 Typist-Clerk 5 5
25.0 250 269 270 280
146 Telephone Operator 1 5 270 280 290 300 315
351 Emergency Surgeon 1 A - - - - 150
335 Public Health Laboratory .
Technician 1 15 360 375 390 405 425
360 Registered Nurse 1 9 280 290 300 315 330
810 Building Inspector 1 16 375 390 405 5.25 445
835 Plumbing inspector 1 15 375 390 805 425 445
R20 Junior Civil Engineer 1 17 390 405 525 545 465
1110 Engineering Aide 3 10 290 300 315 330 345
573 Maintenance Mechanic 1 11 300 315 330 345 360
557 Garage Attendant 1 0 270 280 290 300 315
570 Laborer 2 8 270 280 290 300 315
586 janitor 1 7 260 270 280 290 300
585 Janitress 2 4 230 25.0 250 260 270
1 2
Section 3
Paragraph 1.
1, Holiday Work. All City employees covered by this Resolution, exclud-
ing regular members of the Fire and Police Departments, paTt-time employees, and
division or department heads, who are required to work on any established holiday,
(1) he paid for the number of hours worked. at the rate of one and one-half
times the straight time rate based on their monthly salaries: or
(2) be allowed such time off from employment with pay as is equal to the
number of hours worked on the holiday.
Holiday pay shall be in addition to the regular salary an employee receives for 411
holidays which fall on a regularly scheduled work day for the employee. In the event
an employee is required to work on a holiday, and this holiday is beyond his regular
work week, there shall be no pyramiding of holiday pay in addition to overtime.
2. Holiday Pay for Police and Fire Departments. All employees of the
police and Fire Departments, excepting the Police Chief, Fire Chief, clerks, steno-
graphers, or other civilian employees, shall'oe paid additional compensation for
holidays at the straight time daily rate of 1/30 of their regular monthly salaries.
This provision applies to the following holidays:
New Yeer's Day Labor Day
Lincoln's Birthday Admission Day
Washington's Birthday Columbus Day
Memorial Day Veterans' Day
Independence Day Thanksgiving Day
Christmas Day
in the event any of the aforementioned holidays shall fall within the vacation per-
iod of said employees, the Department Head shall determine whether the employees
affected shall be paid additional compensation for such holiday or holidays, at the
rate in this paragraph provided, or be allowed additional vacation time to compensate
for the loss of such holiday or holidays.
3. Overtime Payment - Emergency. Work. When a City employee, excepting
part-time employees, division or department heads, is required to perform emergency
work in excess of the work hours per day or an his days off, as provided in the
work schedule for his position:
(1) he shall be allowed such time off from his employment with pay as is
equal to the amount of time worked in excess of the work hours per
day for such classification; or
(2) he shall be paid fax such work on an hourly basis at 5 rate of one and
one-half times the rate paid to him for his services performed during
his normal work hcurs.
4. Promotions. A promotion, for salary purposes, may be defined as appoint-
ment to a class with a higher maximum salary than the one previously held. An
employee being promoted from cne class to another will be placed in the beginning
step for the new class or the salary sten above the one he is currently occupying,
whichever is higher. This procedure shall not apply in those cases where its appli-
cation would result in the employee being promoted receiving a higher salary than
an employee in the higher class who Has greater total City service. Advancement to
succeeding stens will be in accordance with the procedure outlined in Section 2,
Paragraph 2.7, above.
5. All salaries and compensations, as fixed by this Resolution, shall be
payable, in arrears, on the 5th and on the 20th day of each calendar month; provided,
that when any such day falls on a legal holiday, payment shall be made on the next
preceding business day.
6. Salary increases to Auditor and Assessor and Treasurer and Tax Collector.
Any salary increases to the positions of Auditor and Assessor and Treasurer and Tax
Collector, as indicated in this Resolution, are subject to revocation and refund in
the event of litigation in which it is determined that; such increases are not in order.
7. The salaries and rates of compensation as fixed by this Resolution shall
be effective as of and after July 1, 1955.
BE IT FURTHER, RESOLVED that all other resolutions, or parts thereof, in
conflict herewith, are to the extent of such conflict only, hereby rescinded and
I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing bbsolution was duly
and regularly introduced end adopted h7 the Council of the City of Alameda in
regular meeting assembled on the 21st day of June, 1955, by the following vote,
to wit:
AYES: Councilmen Haag, Hovb, McCall, Meresi and President Kranelly,
NOES: None.
IN WIM7n WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixeci the official
seal of said City this 22nd day of June, 1955.
City Clerk of the—Crty of kiameda
* * * * * * * *
I hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
Council on the 21st day of June, 1955.
.---1-, ,.
rk 4
,, f the City o f Alameda