Resolution 051541ESOLOTI0N NO. 5154 A=HORIZING EXECUTION CP CONTRACT NITH ALAMEDA CHABEER OF' COMMERCE 'Oft ADVERTISING FOR THE FISCAL, YEAR ENDING' JUNE 30, 1956, AND APPnOPRIATINP (i)10,000 MaR SUCH NURPOST. WHEREAS, the Alameda Chamber of Commerce is willinm to undertake the work of advertising the City of Alameda and too arry on al/ the necessary publici9 y.. for said City duming tho fiscal year ending dune 30, 1956; and WHEREAS, the production of such. advertising and publicity requires special serNAces of a professional and technical. nature and special technical skill and facilities; NOW THERETCEM BE IT RESOL9ED NY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA that the City of Alameda enter into a contract wlth the Alameda Chamber of Commerce for the carrying on by said Chamber of Commerce of all necessary puBlicity and adert.ito ing on behalf of the City of Alameda for the fMe al year endinm Juno 30, 1956. RESOLVED, FURTHER, that a fox" of contract to be entered into by and between the Alameda "0' 1' of Commerce and. the City of Alameda, submitted to the Council and filed with the City Clerk of the City. of Alameda. on. August 2, 19550 and the terns, 1"' I'" and. provisions thersof C, nd the same are hereby approved. REBOLVELL, BURTHER, that the Mayor of the City of Alameda is hereby 9' 1' and directed to 'o o, and the City Clerk to attest, on behalf of the City of Alameda, a contract aubstantAlly in. the form. nnd. containing the covenants, agreements and previsions set forth in the aforesaid form. of contract. RESOLVELA RUBTHER, that pursuant to Ondinanpe No. 64a New Series, as Amended b9 Ordinance No. 962 New Series, the sun of ,3 '9 be, and. is hereby. appropriated. out of the General Fund of the City to be used for publicity. or adver- tisinm for said. City- for tho fiscal Tpar ending J011e190, 1956, in the manner and. for the purphoeo pro1 ided. in. said. Ordinance No. 641. New Series, a5 amended. I, the undersigned, hereby. certify that the foregoing Resolutionodas duly and regularly.. introduced. and adopted by the Council of the City of Alameda in regular meeting assembled. on the 2nd day. of August, 1955x by the following vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Haag, Novo, McCall, Mores' and Presidont Kranenlyp NOES: None. ABSENT: None. IN ATITNASS WHBIEUF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed. the official. sea1 ol' said City this 3rd day. of August, 1955. SfillnA59 H. TENNTAR (SBAL) (..(fit.7)-INARk of the Coty OT ..)17-67()(76TE7)----- * * * * * * * * I hereby. certify that the foregoing is a full, truo and. correct copy of "Resolution No. 5154, AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF CONTMACT WITH ALAMEDA CHAMBER OF com- ((tE)HcE FOR ADVERTISING, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENBaN9 JUNE 30, 1956, AND APH39)1 RI9 IE910 1)10,000 FOR EUCd PURPOSES", introduced and adopted by the Council on the 2nd day. of AuFust, 1955. ne ky of Alameda -- P I