Resolution 05159RE:SOLT:153:0N NO. 159 . ADOPlaNG SPECIFICATIONS, SPECIAL PROVISI3H5 AND FLANS FOR FLI(FIHM, AND ESTIHH.52,(flTAHN1 OY LAHM FOR THE nEw mzpi(551pAr5 GaLF cou.,:(6L, oA,L,ING Foii BUDS AND. D H.HHHIG CITHJ.:,THEEBH,70_ADVETISE S'MP 11HEREAS, the City clIngneer 10 prepareo EupecitHcatf)ons, Prowisious PlHns for ',UP planinP, And Hstabllshment of luwn for Now HanIcipLi 'Thar pumbeueri P51 d--55;-21, anC .):n. the ol—ice of -1(-.) NOW HEUliT!H50,-H, 'HU r" WH(HDLJ-0 )5).-( (HH (-)Ti7.1CUL. ',U5 TYE CIT, uu(5.).,PHTA t)ult Une afcre,(afd SpecifHcations, ST),H4,1 Pro-UT7,ions and Pl@ns. rumFGrE)a 8nC filed sEi afore6Rid, be, Pild the s<(5roe auH nereb:i accroved ano aHpte6. RH601n.,H')„ FUEThEh, thAt the performance and completion of the work suecified in sqid Specifications [Inc. Provisions be, and 1.-AHe 8ame is hereby out°HoHlzod. HHSO FUHT, ttect the, Council of thn kiity of Alameda will receive sealed bids up to the hour of (3:C.5 o,clock P. M. on TuesHay, September 6, 1953, for the furnishin7 to the Cit°7 of all D,abor, materials., reacHninpry. luuols and eQuiument necessary for the„work hereina5uove refenred to, in accoudance with said. Specifications anU Provisions. (31.HE must be presented to the City Clerk, in the City Hall, Alameda, undur ..sHeH cover and plainly minrked on the outsidu, 'Proposal for Plant- 15m and. Estalilishnent of LaHn for NAw Municipal Golf Course or simliar desinHtion. Contrast, if awarded, will be awarded subject to tne urovisibus of the Charter of the (:t-y. of Alameda, to the responsible bidder who subrlt the lowest and best bid. The rigni. is ueserveu to reject any or Eal bids. Said. Specifications and Provisions may be had.. by Any. prospective bidder, on Hnplication to the City Engineer, at. his office in. Alamedu., Califurn.D1. The City Cl..er"... is horchy directed to ath(urtiso, in. the AlmedH Times-Star a notice c811.ing for seuled bids, in ac.cordance with. the provisions of thius resolution mid of said Stecifications and Provisions. I, the undersigned, hereby. ..u.3rtify tHaat the fouegging Eesolution was duly and regul.f).r2,7 introducd. and ....clouted by the Council of the Cit7 oi' A15.111.eda in regular meeting assembled. on tho 16th day of Auguut, 1 by the following votH, to wit: AYI)3: Councilmen Huag, Hove, McGaaa, Mbresf. and. President .1,,Hane 117, NC)1.7,3 one. ABSENT: None. WITUuSS ',1H1,1.:,,CF, huve nereunto nanu ana 8_,Tixeu Tule orficial oee,1 of City this 17th day of Anglast, 1.95HH. SHIRLEY H. IS.NNIER 75,15)75)Cieri..5715)-TETT7,Hr), r Alameda THereby certify that the foregotn7, 153 e ..1 n1), true find. coruect copy of "Resolution No. 5,159, ADOFTIN SPEGIFICATIUNS, SPECIAL PHOVISIONS AND PLANS 'ED?. PLANT- ING AND ESTABLISHP}:NT OF' FOH TRH MUNTCTPAL: C.OLP COURSE, CALLTNG POIR. BIDS AND DIRECTINa 111 .7.E CLERK TO 1 DV2HRTISE introduced and adouted by the Council 0 n the 16th. Ha7,, of Auqust,