Resolution 05741*1'2 EBSOLUTICN BO. 574i ABBOIBTING KEMBBt,, of1HE LIF5ARY BOARD. RESCIATED E.B).f TEE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAFEDA thtAt pursuant to tBe pro- visions of Articae X of the °Barter of tile City of ABB.meda, and upon nominatipn of tile Ttlayor, JOSEPH FB_DUBLIN is hereby appointed to tele office of memtBor of the Library BoRrd. of the City ctf Alameeta, for a. term c.B.BBirin on June 30, 1960, to fila the unexplred term of William T. jotins, deceased, and to Berve until his succossor is appotnted Rnd. is qualified. * * * * * * * * I, the undersigned, Bereby certify' tBat ttle foregot.ng Resolution w.P..s Ouly and reguisrly introduceB rind adopted. by the Council of tlac City of Alameda in. regu- lete meeting assembled on the 2.1.st day of January, 196 by thc. followIrg vote, to wit: BES: Councilmen Coillsotnonn, PBeeman, Petersen, Schacht Bfld President cCall, NOES: None. A.BSEWB: None. IN I= ,BBEBBEGF I have hBrBuntc set my Band rand. affixed the official. soal of said City- tials 22nd day of January, 19. CitTBI6DB. o of -1.] 9m oda * * * * * * * * * I Bereby ceStify ttiBt tBrae foregoin4B is a full, trm and correct coBy of Resolution No, 570, APPOINTING. MEMBBIR OP THE LIBRItRY BOARD," introdu.ced and aBoBted. by tile Council on 17,.h.e. 2ast day of January, 1B5B,