Resolution 057432 4 4 REEOLIITION NE, 5743 RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF TUE CITY OF ALAMEDA URGIEE THAT STATE LEGISLATION: aE ENACTED EXEMPTING SHIPS UNDER CONSTRUCTIONFREMPEESETAL PROTETTERTAX., WHEREAS, tKe City of Alamede, containt mrthin itt boundaTies many and. varied. shipbuilding yards anU facilities; and WHEREAE, these shipbuilding yrrds and ftellities are unablr to successfully compete ir the construction of thirs with. out-of-stato shlrbrilders because of the irrootitirr of the personal property trx; tAnd WHEREAS, it is Ls the best interests of fhb City of Alameda an3. the State of California Eriat such shAras rudrP construction be exempted from thb operation. of thr nersonal property tax; NOW. THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED 3E. THE COUNCIL OE THE CITY OF LIAMEDA that ttb Legislature of thp State of California is hrehp urged to enact such. legisltion ab pill. exempt from thr operation. of the personal property tax srips under construc- tion in California. sripyardr. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the City Clerk of the (di - of Atialteda is hereby directed. to transmit to thE pertinent parties certified copies of tris resoPutitr. X: 777-7 7777 7777 -A A -7( :X E. I, thr undersigned, hrrrby certify that the forgoirap, RePollition was duly and regodbrly introdueed. and adrpted by tre Council. of tbe City of Alariuda in. reguA lar meeting orsemlaed on the 21st day of january, 1.9RE1, by the following vote, to wit: AEES: Countilmrn Collischonn, Freeman, Petersen, Schrcrt and. President MC:(72.73., (5), NOUS: No ()e. A3SEN1 None. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I b....97V9 Perernto set my tand andaffixed. tfte official seal of said City trls 22nd day of January', 1958. siamI2y City CarrE. o 7,ity AlamTft, I hereby' certify that tbe fcregoinft is a full, trut and correct copy of "Resolution No. 5743, I:RESOLUTION OR THE COUNCIL OF TEE CITY OF ALAMEDA PEGING THAT STATE LEGISLATION. 3E ENACTED EXEMYTING SHIPS UNDER. CONSTRUCTION FROM PERSONAL PRO- PERTY TAX,' introducod. and. adopted thr Council.. on the 71st day of january, 1958.