Resolution 05778RESOLPION. ND, 5778 ADOPTINE SPECIFICATIONS FOR FEETJEETEIC. TC HE: CITY OE AlskleaDn. FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDI,NE JUTE 30, 1959, QUARRY WASTE AND EARTH: PILL AT CITY DUMP:. PAVING MIXTURES; AND POPPELAND CENENT CONCRETE 1.:171X:i CALLING FOR SIDS AND DiPEC7i1WWi CITY CLERK TO ADVERTISE SAME. dma _mks EESOISITED EY TEE COPEETT, OE TEE CITY OF ALPEEDA that the Specifications and, Provisions for furnishIng: Item (a) Qiaarliy Wastsm item (b) ',Petah 'Pill "it City rump; esaa-2, be, to the City of Alamedd for theef_4; e,i013tedsommix June 30, 19,l and the same are norm- RaSOLVED, FURTHER, that the Specifications and Provisions for furnichin: YMMITEre Celcing PleEnt-mimed. Surfacleng Paving. Mixture:1. Ilrhar. 7ear enameg lune 30, 195g Ee ER E RE " and. hnR Rre heresy aeorsved. and adn-I • llE,ORTED, Uhat 111 ..oecifidations and Provisions for furnishimE: (1) Class 'AP Portland Cemnt Concrete Transit Mix; (2) Class "PE Poctland. Cement Concrete Transit Mix, to the City ,f Alameda for the fisosi year ending june 30, 19E9, Ph. ES 5-56-h, be, and the same are hereby. approved. and. adopted. PE IT FPETEER RESOLVED, that the Cousil of City of Alameda. receive sealed bids up to tne houp of 10:05 o,clook a„m„ on FRIDAY, JUNI: 1E58, for the furnishing to the City. of esah. ant all of the above enumerated. supplies, in. accordance w1 1 1 Speeifieations and Provisions thcrefor, Bids must bo praseated. to tne City Clerk, En the City Hall, Alameda, Call_fornis, ander sealed. cover and plainly marked on the outssida with. the designation. of the supplies to WheiCIA SaiU OiCi applies. Bids may covar one iten or a conbination of :Items and the Counpil resdhass tho ripht to let tEe contract for any of said supplies to one bidder or seversa individual bideprs„ Contreets, ER awarded, Will De aremeed subject to the 700-ViSiOnS Of Moe Ccarter of pald City, to the responsible bidder who submits Mae lowest and beet bid for any &me: dr saiE supriies. Veda nidnt reservpd. to reiect any or an 'olds. The City Clerk is eereby directed to advertise, in the Aihmeds Times-Star, a nothime oallirm for sealpd hies in accordance with thp provielcies of' tLis tins and. of said Specifications and Provisions. ODO I. the undersigned, herecy certify ohrt she sorFoSks Fpassuaion WaS duly amd remularly introduced. and hdropted bv the Cohncil of the Cr!„ty of Alameda '!D regh Mar spating assembled. on tPe 20th day of May., 19E6, by the folMowind vote, to Wit: AIEZ: Coanciimph Chilischann, Freeman, Petarsen, Scnaoat and. NOES: None. ABSENT: Mone UITNEES vEEPE02, I hr me neronnto ast my hand: and affixeO ono cdficial son' of ooid, C!ty tnio ;Ton non! of May, 195d. SHIRT-EY H rrIER ThrEfl,TIEFFEE-175' I horeby cortery that the foregoing is a full, trup hrn. correct copy of "Redolution Eo„ 5776. ADOPTING. 1 PECIEICAPICE11 FOR FUMEISHING ku PEE CITY OF ATAYEDR PoR MBE EIEhMIS ENDIy-4 JunE 3e, 1.9E9, QUARRY WASTE AND EARTH FITE, LT CITY DUMP; PAP/ItIC, XEDFNES AND POD TEA ND CEMENT CONCRETE :7,.i,,EX; CALL:11'4G FOE BIDS A7A-D DIRECTING CITY CLZEK TM ADVERTISE SAME," introdaced. end adopted by thp Council on the 20th. day of' , 195