Resolution 05779— REV:SLUT-EC., BE. ewivi ADOFVENC BkFRIFIOEVIONS, SRHRIEE P,M,V1SICNS efD FLANS ECHE STE= CONSTERCTICE AND WIDECIEEE, CF MIILCE SfliFES SOWTH OP CHIHEON AYEENEE, BOk BIBB AHD EIREMEAS, thw City EnEineer Les prepared Seecificat5Hoo, Epecil. Provisions and PlHns for the construct:Ian, reconstructlwf, and widenEng of WiElow btreet south. of Clinton Avonde, nHmbered. -5ti -3 and filed len the office of the City Clerk or. May- 20, 195d; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED EY THE: COUNCIL SY THE CITY OR' ALAMEDA. thAt Mew aforesaid. SHeciflontions, Special Provisiens 2rd. Flans, numbered. filed. RS aforesaid, and. the same are bereby approved. an:J. acHipled. RESOLVED, PERTHER, tkat thb performance arld. aompletion of the work. speci- fied in said S•cecifications and Rrovisiora be, and tke same is llereby- Authorized. FER.OLVED, .EURFEFR, thst the Council of the City of AlAmeda, will receive sealed bids up Rcur of 1C:C5 o'clock. a.m. on NOEDAY, JUHE 2, 19E8 for furnishw es the City of. alE labor, materials, mseedwle27.. bools and edolpment neoessary for tHe work kereinabove referred to, in accordsmce witH said Specifications and. Provisions. BiRs must be presented to the City Hlork, Ab the Oily Hall, Alwmeda, CcJiforrIE, under sealed cover and plainly marked on thh ouRside, "lire-dose:L. for Street Construction. and WicaenIng of Willow- Street Sodtn. of Clinton Avenue", or simi ler designation. Contract, if' awarded, will. to awarded. subject to tno provisIers of the Cnerter cf tdo City. of Alameda, to obe responsioke bikdoR wed submits tRe lowest and best bid- The ripEt is reserved. to reject any cr ell 'olds. Said. SpecliBmetions oend larovidions may be bad by any ErospootIve biBder on applicatiEn to the City Engineer, 2t LiG office in tbe City Hall, ElImmeda, Calj.forniw,. Tne City Clerk: is dwreby directed to advertise, in thf, Alameda Times-Star a notice calliny for seaked bids, in accorOance with. the, proyislons of tHim rosoiew lion and. of BalB Sweoificalions and ?rovEsiono. 1. Goo uniarsAaneo„ eavoev rerticB ndst tnr Cowomo'nm Rdscoefloi dns dully drd by J: er Aoayira in ,0,:q W,Linr ,,,sommblre o. tee BEEh Pry of Mas,,, IWBR, ev aHe fo,oriny feta, to wiel ERMS: Oodn.Llren .i.lidencir, fdrakman, seaerBon, Brd PP.ef mmal veCam', (:). IN WETNEES WHIEHHaf, i have Hereunto set Fry hawld and affixed. the seal of said City. this Sisl day of Nay, 1958. I horoby oortify thdt tho feaw,fmeRly is a full, trde and rarrect sop, of 'Resolution. Bb. 5779, ADOPTING, SEEETBICATIOBS, SPECIAL PROVISIE,BS ABD PLEBS FOP. STHEEP GONERS:MOTION AND WIDENTEIR C7' FTICEOW HEFEET SORTE Ov cLvlae..7I AVENUE, CALLINC ?OR BIDS AND DIREBETiMEI Cie-. CLERK TO PbefIFEREISE SAME,- introdraHed and stippled by. thE Comnoil on tHa 20th. Bay of My", 1958.