Resolution 05780lESOIPTIO7 YO. A760 ADOPTIM. SPECIFICATIONS SPECIAL PROVISTONS AND PLANS JCR REPAIR OF POLTLAND CEMENT CONIADETE SIDEDAHLA DRIVEWAY., CURB AND =IVOR FOA tlISCAL YEAR TINDING JUUF. 30, 1959, CALLING. FOH BIDS AND DInECTING CITY OIFFOK TO ADVA'MTISF SAME. WHEREAS, the City Enribleer :i7IRS prepared Smecifivations, Special. Provisions and. flaps for repair of Portland Cement Concrete Siddwalk, Drirekay, Curb and Gutter tor thA fiscal year endinm June 3o, .19b9, welch are mnxbered 74 5-58-9 .1-6156,69 8i186 qn thc Affkice of the City. Clerk on 10.hy NOW. THPAEPOFE, H7 TT WFSC,LYED HY THE COUNCIL OF THT: CTFY OP ALAMEDA. that the aforesaid. Specifications, Special. Provisions and. Plans, numbered And filed ab storesaid, be, nd. U10 same are hersev aprovod and amoptsd. Rws0LvDD, JUATHDR, that. bee performsence and. completion of the work speci- fied In said Specifications and Provisions be, end tbs same lo hereby', autlacHimAd. RESOLVED, DURTHER, that tbe Correll of the City of Alameda will ra3eivo scalcd. bids no to tbe hour of 10.05 a. m. co. FRIDAY, JUNE 6, 195A, for the furnish.- ing to the City of all. 'Labor, matevials and equipment necessary for repairing and/ or constructing ImAtima Cement Concyeue sI1 ew8A., driveway, curb sn nutter in tnA streets of the City of Alameda. for thA fiscal year endinm juns 30, 1959, in accord- ance with said. Specifications krbi Provisions. Bins must be presented to City CAlArk, in tho City Eall, in AlamdA, untier seaiel chveo and plainly' marbod cm thA outsidA, Proposal for vemair of Sidwalef, Curb and Cltt.hr"„ or similar designatimn. dantract, if awkncod, mill oe awarded sujnst to .:fre orovi:flons co' tea CneewAr of saio City, bo blew; frulnonsin]n Mincer who subfulL5 the :Earnest arc! bast did. TA bir.ve is Ikohrvod tc r6,:acl any of ael blds. SrArdifloatInns ond SpeolCi Provislfns rab be Lao cy an:r rrospdotl-us OldJur cm emnIicatlen brie Cituy Mnnf.neAr, ,L his (fifine it +Ulm Cice -3:2, hinnedla, The City Clork is Mbreby directed bo advertise, in thA Alamodue Times-Star a noticA calling for sealed. biSs, in accordance with. tne mrovisioms of IMh resolu- tion and. of sa-W1 Spemiwily..91:Ubms 8nd. Provisions. * * * * * * M M I, the undersigned, Lfrby certify tMAt tMe foregoing ResolutIhn wah duly and rmnwluiv .ltroducen and sHopted bv the Coucni. of the City of Alameda. in reFu- lm mectimg essembihd cm the 20t. day of Kay, 1.956, bv thA following vote, to wit: ALIEV'm Coubciimen Collischonr, FA ufwar, Petersen, SoCimclat and President McCall, (5). YALS: ;fun,. ..A.BSENT Nona . IV. WITNESS WHEREOF, I have Merennto sAt my hanM and affixAd the official seal. of said. City this 21st Hay of My, 1956. beveby eortify tbat the fcregying is a faIA, l*PTIe and comAcct COpy of "Resolution No. 5780, ADOFTINC SFECIAICATIOVIS, SPECIAL PROVISIONS AND PLANS FOR REPAIR OF PORT:LAT:I 0 E1,1017 CONCRETE SIDEWALK, DRIVEWAY, CURB AND GUTTER FOR THE FISCAL LTDIH JUDINf!, JUNE 30, 1959, WAILIDO rkliA. BIDS A.N1) DIRECTING CITY CLERK TO ADVHFIAJBE SAME," introduced and sdmpted Ay the Coum;r1.1 on thh 20th. day of May, 1958,