Resolution 05784Q 'ttESOLUTION YO. .57H4 EttiOlUTitti4 On' THE COITHOIL OF THE CITY OF AEAFEHE RECEESTI7C. PA)7,E.IT FEY THE FISCAL AHEUT OF THE AMOUNT HEED IN. 'EEL OFF-STREET PiHitEIBG SURFLES ItENENOE FUND TO THO.,' CEEEHAL FUND TEE CITY CE ALArE7A. • . . . . _ ITHE9FAS, totrsuant to ArtiEle V, Section. 5,06 (6) of Pesolotion hh. tO312., Eatotopizing the Isswance of City of AEnnada Off-Street Parkin:., Revenge Bonds, th..e City's Fiscal Aghnt, of America National. 1.tent Rnd SarttHi AsscEltatlon, accumulated thn amount of 4H3,00901 -tte havanue FtAnd.; and WOHEJ.i.E2,3, said resclutitm p-vovides tEat tb.6 CLiEs Council. by resoluE tion, request the Fisnah. Agent to transfer to tbe General Fund of 'ctne City, to be used. for any lawEul partpose3, any or all moneys in the Surnius REvenue Fund; NgE THEREZEOEt, BE IT RESOLIEL EY TEE COUNCIL OE THE CITY OF ALAMEDA tit9t the Fiscal Agent bn, and io hnhhny rotuested, to pay over from tte Sunplus Rvenue Fund to tb....o General Hand of ttle ClEti nf Alnmea, to be usd.. for any lawfua pur- posec, omount of ...,.20,000.C.O. * * * * * * * * I, th6 undrsE7ned, hnl-eby cPrtify thnt, foregt.)Eott Ensclution vsti dotty end. Er,gutiarly :Introduced and adorted by tte Courcil of the City cf AEarteda fEl Ear meeting assembled on the 20th day of May, 1951E, by the following vete, '',53 1E1E5: ATtLi: Council:men Golii.schmir, PrEE=., PoEsen, Schac'at and 'President TtHCeHE., (5)„ ABSENT: None . 1Hq wHTNESS WHEPEOF, I ftave hereunto set my and affixed. thn official seal of $aid. City tM..s 27.u..3t day of Hia.y„ aS58. : H. TIEWLE 7177 ,:rz of tHie I hereby cortify that thn foregoing 1E a foill„ true and. correct co7:. of "Reclution No. 5784, REE.:,OLUTION OF THE COEHJCIE GF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA REUZETING- PAYMEWT BY THE FISCAL .A.Gzmr OF THE AMOUNT HELD THE aFF-SEREErn PAREEEKT SITCHIES REVENUE FUND TO THE 0OHNERAL FUND OF' THE CITY OF ALAMEDA," introduced and adopted. by the Council on thn 20th. day of May, 1..(.;58.