Resolution 05787PENOICY_Cs DO. FYN ADOPTINB SPECIDICIAbiNEA, SPECIAL FROVISICINE AND FRANS FOR ROOF LEADER INSTALbd:TION AT FIRE STATION NO: I, CAlB:TETC.1. BIDS AiND DIRECTING CITY. CLERK TO ADVELTIBE SAME, WHEREAS, the City hnginear has Prepared Specifications, Special Provisions and Plana fon roof leader dasstifilation at Fire Station No. 2, numbered. FW a aBL -7 and. filed in tPe office oS the City Clerk on Junal0, cEs; THEREFEBIS, BE IT' RRSOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OP' THE CITY Or" ALAMEDA that the Aforesaid. Specificationo, Spesial Provisions and Plana, numbered and filed as afopesaid, se, and. tea eamn are enreby approved. and, adbpted- BESOLVED, FORTHER, bb at the perfamoce and omelet:ado of sho work. speci- RI2SOLVED, OBBISTAR, that thn Coo:nail of thn City of Adobe, Alp vial receive sealed bids up to dna hban oi' 10:0E, o'clock a.m. on MONAdY, :TUNE 23, 1958 for' Bum- nEsPirdo to bee Cisy of a2.I 3.dsoms, materials, mbealinery, tools F.T.10 ea:sip:pant necessary for the word Foreinabave refer:ced to, in accordance with said Specifications and P20- .Bids mbst ba presented to teo City Oder ir the City Pall, ABnmeSP, Leadar inste)sAtion at Fire Station No. ld, or simliAR desdnostian. Contract, if aPardea, he a,Parded suPject to too previsions or Ina Chdytef of tEe City of Alameda, to. tine responaible bidder who submits tne lowest and. best bin. Fos riodat Is reserved to meiect any as' all bida. Speelaicatians and Provisions may be Les by any orosnective oloder on aTnilles. tips too lido City abzualse ec's td, cod-rope "in Yee Catty IN.2.1, Aibiestsis, 02,21flaania. Thn City ClorA is hereby Odyected to adveetice„ in the. Alameda. Illanes-Stdr a. notice naliinn For sealed odes, In accondance wito onovisions oP Indio IA:solu- tion and. of cedd Speomeic,dbisns an e, pdcyvabimon, 2, Seed a. S. I, the anne.asioned, hereby camtlfp tbst tad faInneinn Resciptabn WP ant men menu)anly Latrodaceo. and aboptsd Mae Coons:LA. of taa City of Alamedn in. adjourned menu,af meetinm assAmbled or the ..1b)ets any cY dune, ad tan follawins soLe, to wib; AELAS: •Coanclissen Ealflochoun, bondman, Petersen, Scaachba and Peeslbent MbCo171, EAT WITNESS iTTPEOF, 1 rnan henedato set ray hard. and offiAnd. the offioNal seal cf said. City this lite. 6 f.. cf dune, 1.95B. I mayday' cootify that the foregoing is a arne and no.a act soppy of BRenola.tinn d787, AOSPi.iNG SPECILAiFFLUEF, SRECPAE PROVISISNS !ETD BLABS APR ROOF LEADER ISIBTAIEMAdISB AB' FIRE STATION' PO. I, CATICI.NO NOP RIDS AND DISECTIOG CITY CLERK TO APVNTYI3E SAME," introduced and. adEpted by. the CoAnail on. thn lilted Bay of dune, 1.958.