Resolution 057882 9 4 R*CSOLTATION YO. AD=ANG SFELINDAATILNS AND INiCVIS:iN*NS FC,A, IciANITED TAT:I:TOMCAT. E.E.RAnNIE PUN THE CITY HALI, Fca BIDS AND DTEMerMITATC hTTTChNicA TO AisNmgc WEEAEA.S, the City Engineer 'nag prepared 3cecifications acid. Provisions for acImItcd jan:Ltorial scryNce for the City Haal, rumbernd 6-,;6-8 and flied. :In the office of the City Clerk on Juno le, 1958; NOW. NEEEEFOLE, Ia IT RESCIAED SY THE COUNCIL OF CITA OF ALAMEDA thAt tfte aforesaid Specificati.on and. ProvisionA, numberod and filed as aforesAAA,ce, and. the came are iNecaby approved. and. a'*cpted. RNAN_NAVED, INNCDTER, that. th.e performance and AccApiction of work spec"- fiod in said '.5pecificationc and. ProvisAyccs be, erid. the same i9 earacy authorizes., NENOLVED, FUENNAP., that tha Council of the eine of Aianadt 229neiVe sealed. bids hh to refs Cocr of 2.0.°5 o,cacck a.n, on morNaa TAME 23, 1950 for fur - nIshing to the City of all labor, mcterlals, machinery, tools anh equipmant neces- sary far the worZ hareirabove referYNA to, !Lc accoccAnce w5A6h. Aaid Specifications and PAovisiocs. Elds wuct be presented. to tra City CiArk, ln the City Hall, .Alacleda, California, under senfled coynr crd marfyd on th..6 oNts1Cle, "P-copcsaa for LImAbAd Janitorial Sarvico for Gity Hall", or similar Casimnation„ Contract, if smaresca, miin ha awardar ambiaci to Aht provisions of ina Charta.r of A'Ac City. of Alenede, ITherespon,lible bidder wlao Aubmitc the lo.,4est and bast -bid. Thc right lc resa.Acred to cAject any or ANA. bids. Said A'pecifLcAtiors and Provisions bo NA6. 'Ay any- p:-.'copcciva oidaer on strlication to the City Engineers at hls office in thn City Haaa, Alameda, Gcilfccnia. TAN City ClaP.k is hereby directed so ere-antis°, in the Aiameea Nimec-Stan a notice nalling for secead bites, in. accordance with.. tha provhsions of this resedh- tion anN of Jaid Specificatiocs Etna 2covislccs. I, thp ti,ereby certify that Chc fore7c1*.'N Hesciatlen mar hiller Ancl. rercuiarly imtrodcicoa and. adcpCod tae Courci) of the City of Alaradc. in adjourned. rec.,Alar meatina aaserbied or. thn 10th of .june, by the fclihwinm vote, to mfitr, AYE'S: CoAnciirlAn Cci1C..ccAccnn, Fyee-lAan, NeteNsec, SchNcAt end pAAA-iNert JNyAcli, NOES 'None. IN acauca WHENC.E0F, havo hcyeunto set my hand. and affix.A.d. thc official seal of salN City tiaAs LitAn. cf 7A.T,EY" TENN.:TER 7I7T1-7ji Circa arapc......, I h.ereCy certify- th.nt thc is fuaa, and coitect col)°, of SER,INCE PGA'. 'ADE; CATY HAINA NAN.IN.NN. FO'Ci AND DINCCTINC OTTY CLEICN 'CC ADVEATi'AE SLK2," IntNoNuceN an.N adctAN. b.y '3AN CoLincii.. on sho lirtn day of Jena, ..196.