Resolution 05856RESCISSION NO 5854 CAMEILJUG CITY TPAKES ON PSSPEETY ACQUFRED BY SCHSOL DISTRICT POE T=ATC PURPOSES (TRACT 1666, SOUTH ' WHEREAS, tha descrltd real ssoparty situated in. the City' of Alassds, County of Alameda, State of California, to 3 10, LOT I, according t. t-Ale map entitled, "Tract 1866, Saut'a S'aore Unit No, 1, Alameds, California.," flied Octobr 2.0. 1857 in the office of the County ReArder of said. AlmAda County, aV d. of secord in Map Back 38, at ssgas 59 to 82t, (TO.TION of lsnd asse.a.asod in TAX BILL NO. )2578, 1958-12259; AB 373, Plate 9, So1.7th Shre 1.21d. Co.) hF.,s been assessed. i(,:.rretofare for city purposes for the fiscal year 1958-1959 and taxes levied. on said portion of land. In the, Aum of aro uncollected. and une..id; and. WHEREAS, after th.e tims said taxas 01 assessments beaass a lien on said real property, it Dsod recorded In tho office of ths OcAmty Rocordsr of Ala- meda Cousty on or a.but May 27 1958 in Bock 8729 page 513 of' Official Recarda, acAlired, and. ever sAnce has been and is o';,Aned by ths Alamed. Unified School District, a public body, and has been and now is boins used fos public pur?oAas, snd. bocauze of such.. publi oTAnershlp is not :subject to sale fsr d.elinquent taxes; and. WHEREAS, thA said SchAal District ha.T) tho cann],,,A.A.on of said tasss on said. portion of lands NOW THEThae6.1.1., IY gY COUNCIL OF' THE CilAT OF ATATDA, with. ths Alr!'.tten aonsent of ths AttorAey attahed. th.at all anollectad taxms AHATgea or L3Vied for City- parpses upon tha aforesaid real property, toglahT with penaltlas and costs tATeon, be, and tha sass ess cancel.i., and taa Auditor. and 28x. ColJetor of tSe Olts of A.11.Eda are Lereby authorized ana,i dArocted to cancel the sare on tlAel raslAectivo books, and. to remee the said portion of 1,,A.nd .nrom tha assessment rolls. I, FRSNK ANTAIRALE, City Arotorny of the City of Alameda, Stabe of Cali- fornia do relay consent ts the canceflation of any and all uncollected taxes and assessment:a§ or penalties and. costs thorson, chasgsd or levied for City purposes upon tile real prsperty deserfbed in ths Ilithjan resolution,. Dated: October 21, 1.956, FRANK C2ty (1) Aty cf Alacecla , the undrsigned, Ileaby certify tlaat tAfte fosegsing Resolut.ln was duly end. reFulrly introdsced and. adpted Sy the Corscil of the City of Alamsds is reFu- la ;meting ac,sen,bled. on ths 21st day of' Ootol,r, .1a.,11.56, by tho following votAa, to wit: faTES: CoqncAlr.r. Collischionr, Freeman, Prterser, Schacht and Pre:-.A!drt mort)7, (5). NOSS: None . ABSENT: None. TP WITFESP wPITEOF., I hAAT Pereunto set my Pand and affixed the official seal of said City tials 22nd day of Octobor, 1958, SHILILEY TENNIER c, rk --E1;17(P-O7f-f5F A laf.e. d. I hofeby ceFtify that the foregoing is a foal, true aPd correct copy of PResolution 6 CANCELLING CITY TAXES ON PROPERTY ACQUIRED BY SCHOOL Da.s- TRICT FOE PPTIIC PURPOSES. (TPACT 1866, SOUTH SHORE)," introduced. and. adopted. by the Council on the Past dop7 of October, 1958o