Resolution 058844 2 0
,J 13 NO, 9884
WHEREAS, the Council of thh City of '1 c' did, on the 2nbi: day of December,
1958, pass its Resolution of intention No. 5830, declaring its intention to order the
vacation, closing and abandonment of that certain portion of Peril Street, in the
City of Alameda, County of Alameda, State of California, more porticoaarly described
in said Resolution of Intention as follows;
That portion of Pearl Street beginning at a point en the norttl-
,Yostern line of Pearl Street distant thereon South 34* 21, 05" West
112.75 feet from the southwestern line of Otis Drive, 80 feet in width,
formerly Bay Island Avenue, as said. straet anbt avenue are shown on ••
Block 9H" of the -towel:ling Division according to the map thereof filed
October 18, 1887 in the office of the County Recorder of Alameda County •
and of record. in MR7, Boob- 19, page 67; and running thence along sai1, .
line of Pearl Street South 34* 21, 05" West 85.25 feet; thence at right
angles South 55* 581 55" Efast 60•feet to the southeasterly line of
Pearl. Street; thence northeasterly along sold southeasterly line of
Pearl Street North 34* 21' 05" Fast ON.25 feet; thence southwesterlY,
westerly and northerly along a tangent curve to tbo right having a
radius of 90.00 feet, an arc distance of 94,25 feet to the point of
WH3REA3' 4 by. said. Resolution of intention said Council declared and deter-
mined that public convenience and necessity require the reservation to the City of
Alameda of permanent easements and rights-of-way over and across a certain parcel. of
land situate in that portion of festal Street proposed to be vacated, for tee purpose
of constructing, operating, maintaining, replacing, renewing and. repairing thereon
storm ard. sanitary sewers, or either of them, and did. by said Resolution of Intention
reserve to the City of Alameda, for the aforesaid. purposes, a permanent easement and
right of way over and. across that certain parcel of land hereinafter described; and.
WHEREAS, the portion of said street to be vacated and. abandoned ane the
details of said. vacation, together oith easements to be retained, are more particu-
larly. shown upon that certain map known as Drawing 4220, Case 52, bearing tbe legend
Closing of Partisan of Pearl $treet South of 0,1,. 31 10, which. map was by said. Reso-
lution of intention approved for the purpose of this proceeding and was ordered filed
in the office of the City' Clerk of the City of Alamod4 and marked "Filed Deo. 2, 19589,
and which map was in said resolution referred to for further particulars as to the
proposed. vacation; and.
WHEREAS, tho City Clerk of the City of Alameda caused said. Resolution of
Intention to be published in the manner prescribed. by law for the publishing of ordi-
nances of the City of Alameda, in t, Alameda Times-Star, a daily newspaper of generaj .
circulation published. and circulated in said city and the officiel newspaper thereof;
MEEREAS, proof of said publication is evidenced. by an affidavit of publica-
tion now on file in the office of the City Clerk of said city; and
WHEREAS, proof of said posting of such notice is evidenced by the affidavit
of the person posting seid notices, which affidavit sets for1 h. the fabts reuarding
such. posting and is now on file in the offiee of the City Clerk of said City; and
WEERFAS, the matter of said proposed vacation came on regularly for hearing
before the Council of the City of Alameda at its reTaler meeting on the 61h day of
janupry, 1959, end dt the time and place fixed in said Resolution of intention, and.
a4 such hearing the said Council heard the evidence offered by all persons interested
in said street vacation, and a full hearing thereon having been had. and the matter
submitted for determination,
said. Council hereby finds and determines, from ell the evidence submitted, that the
street and part thereof in said Resolution of intention and hereinbefore more particu-
larly described is unnecessary for present and '30i33'(41' '4143 public street purposes
and that public interest requires the vacation of said portion of said street.
EE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the pbdtion of said Pearl Street in said Hese-
letter) of Intention and hereintefore mbre particularly described he, and to same is
hereby, vacated. and abdndoned.
RESOLVED, FURTHER, that publAc convenience and necessity require the
reservation of, and there is hereby reserved to the City of Alamed, a permanent ease-
ment and right-of-way over and across the following described parcel of lan4 .. for the
purpose of constructing, operating, mAintaining, replacing, renewing and repairing
thereon storm and sanitary sewers, or either of them;
BEING a strip or parcel. of land, 10.00 feet In width, situate in
1 be City of Alaneda, County of Alameda, State of California, along
the center Una of Pearl Street extended across the above described
abandonment for the City of Alameda;
and said parcel is hereby excepted from the vacatio5 . of said portion of Fnarl Street.
RESOLD, FURTHER, thot the above described eaoement sLail orcvida to the
City of Alameda all rights to enter upon the easement area for the purpose of con-
structing, maintaining or repairing a sewer or 3ewe0z. Said aaement shall vest the
control of all improvements thHreon with the City Engineer of dos City of Alameda,
and. it shall be neces3ary for the owners of the land through which the easement
exists to procure from the Office of the City Engineer 9. permit or _permits for any
u,nd all improvements to be constructed on the surfRce of tho grogrd.
the undersigned, hereby certil y. thEt the foregoing Resolution was July
and regularly introduced and adopted by the Council of tMs City of Alameda in regu-
lar meeting assembled on. the (,th day of January, 1959, by the following vote, tc wit:
AYES: Councilmen Collisehonn, Freeman, Petersen, SchacLit and
President McCall, (5).
NOES: None,
IN (,YITNESS IFYF'REOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the effloial
seal cf :Laid City. this 7th d_ay of JanD,ary, 195c).
(SEAL) It Clerk of the City 0 0 0 lame a
I hereby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct copy of
OF ALAMEDA,' introduced and adopted by the Council on the 6th. day of January, 1959.
City Cie Y 00 tthe C
: Alameda