Resolution 05916PESOLUTION NO, 5916 RESOLUTI7 4i OF INTENTION TO ORDER THE VACATTON OF A PORTION UP EVERETT STREET IN THE CITY OF ALAMEDA. ( NORHERN EN) T t'Tp Fa.m - RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA that the public interest requires, and said Council hereby declares its intention to order tne vacation, clos- ing and abandonment of that certain portion of Everett Street, in the City of Alameda, County of Alameda, State of 0maifo8 nia, and. mnre particularly described as follows: BEING a parcel of land, 1 feet wide, further described as folinws: 1' 71 on thb southeasterly line of Everett Street, 60 feat vide, distant thereon North. 34* 23' OFP Ebst 100.00 feet (assumed. for the purposes of this description and. boo' on the California System of Coordinates, Zone III, as sme ali bearings and dis- tances in this 'Cr deiption) from. the northeasterly lino of Blanding Avenue, 60 fbet wide, as said street and. avenue are shown on the "Map of the Jenks and Mead. Hombstead Tract" ftlbd June 23, 186.9 in Book 6 of Maps, at page 12, in the Alameda County Recorder,s office; THENCE North 55* 361 30" west 60.00 feet to a point 1) the north- esterly line of Everett Street, distant thereon North 34* 23= 06" East 100.00 feet from tne northeasterly line of Blinding enue, 60 feet wide, as said street and avenue are shown. on the "Yap Almmpda Station Homestbad Tract" filbd March lb, 1868 in Book 17 of Maps, at page 60, in the Alameda. County Recorder's office; THENCE North 31* 23, OP" East along said northwesterly line of Everett Street, 200.50 feet to the southerly line of that parcel. of land described in that suit in condemation entitled. 'The United States, Plaintiff, vs, M. Crookt, et al, Defendants", a. copy of which. was recorded October 20, 1884 in Book 278 1 Deeds, at page 59, in the Alameda County Recorder's office; THEME Sogth 60* 13' 14" East along said southerly lino, t.Soa.9 feet to the aforesaid southeasterly line of Everett Street; THEME South 32* 231 C.Er West along said southeasterly 11 01 Everett Street, 205.32.. feet to the BEGINNING. RESOLNED, PURTEER, that said Council finds and determines that the tublic convenience and. necessity require the reservation to the City of Alameda of a per- • manent easembnt and right-of-may over and across and under a certain parcel of land situate in that portion of Everett Street proposed to be vacated, for thb purpose of constructing, operating, maintaining, replacing, renewing and repairing a joint pole for public utilities with necessary guy wire attachments, and said permanent easement and. night-ofmay for the aforesaid purposes ib hereby reserved to tne City. of Alameda and excepted from the vacation of said portion of' Everett Street, over, across and under that certain parcel of land situate in tbm City of Alameda, County. of Alameda, State of California, and mbre particularly described as follow's: BEING a. narcel of land, 12.00 feet wide, and further described. as follos: CCMMEMMING en the southeasterly line of Everett Street, 60 feet wide, distant thereon North 34* 23, 0.0" West 100.00 feet (assumed for the purposes of this dbscription and based on thn California System of Coordinates,. Zone III, ab are all bearings and. distances in this description) from the northeasterly line of Blanding Avenue, 60 feet wide, as said street and.. avenue are shown on the "Man of Jenks and Mhad Homestead Tract" filed June 23, 1869 in Book 6 of Maps, at pagb 12, in the Alameda County Recorder's office.; THENCE North. 55* 36' 30" West 4.00 feet to the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING.; THEME North 55* 36, 30" West 12.00 feet; THENCE North 34* 23= 08" East, parallbi with the aforesaid southeasterIy line of Everett Street, 26.00 feet; THEME South 55* 36' 30" East 120' 00 feet; THENCE South. 34.* 231 0±'. wost 26.00 feet to the TRUE POINT OF EE3INNINM RESOLVED, 0MmeTCR, that said. Council finds and determines that the public convenience and necessity reduire the reservation to tiao City of' Alameda of a perman- ent easement and rig'nt-ofeway over and across and under e. certain parcel of land situate in that portion of Everett Strobt proposed to be vacated, for the 111 01 of constructing, operating, maintaining, 4191 8.' renewing and repairing storm and. sanitary sewers,.and said. permanent easembnt and right-of-way for the aforesaid pur- poses is hereby reserved to the City of Alameda and excepted from. the vacation of said portion of Everett Street, over, across and. ander that certain parcel of laid situate in the City of Alameda, County of Alameda State of California, and more particularly. described. as follows: BEING a strip of land, 10.00 81 1,1 and. furtner describbd as follows: 4 8 3 BEGINNING at a point on the northmesterlE; line of Everett Street, 6b feet wldo, 14,41' along said line North 34* 23' 08" East 100.00 feet (assumed for tte purposes of this description and based. on the California System of Coordinates, Zane 'la, as are oil bearings and. distances in this description) from the nbrtheasterly line of Blanding Avenue, ;SC feet vide, as said. street and avonbe are shown on the "Map Alameda Statibn Homestead Trace. filed Mdroh 14., 1868 in Book 17 of Maps, at pagb 60, in the Alameda County Recorder's office; THENCE North 1114* 23' 088 East along said northwesterly line of Evorett Street 200.50 feet to the southerly' line 4), that parcel of land described in that sait in condemnation entitled "Thb United States, Plaintiff vs. Md Crooks, et al, Defendants a copy of which was recorded October 20, 188E. in Book 278 of Deedb, at page 59, in the Alameda. County Recorder's office; THENNE South 60* 13, 148 East along said southerly line 1.0.03 feet; THENCE South 34*. 23, 088 West, par1161 to said northwesterly line of Everett Street and. 10.00 feet at right angIes thbrefrom, a distance of 201,31 feet; THENCE North 55* 36, 30 West 10„00 feet to the BEGINNING. RESOLVED, 4) 1, that the portion of Everett Street to be vacated and abandbned and the details of said vacation are mbre particularly shown upon that hers 4. taim mdp known as Drawing 4800, Case 4., bearing the legend.; "Closing of Everett Street North. of Blanding Avenue--Ntility Easements and Sewers Alterations", which mRp is hereby approved. for the purpose of thia proceeding and is hereby ordered Mod in the office of the City Clerk of the City of Alardda, and which map is horeby referred to for particulars as to the proposed. vacation. RESOLVED, FURTHER, that thb 5th. da• of MAY, 1959, at 7:30 o'clock p.m, of said day, in the COUNCIL CHAMBERS in the CITY HALL, at the northwest corner of Santa (4. Avenue and. Oak Street, Alameda, California, be, and the same is hereby, fixed. am the time and place for 1141 by the CouncR1 of said City of all persons inter- ested ih or objecting to the proposed vacation. RESOLVED, FURTHER, thbt the City Clerk of tde City. of Alameda is hereby directed to cause this resolution to be published, in the manhdr prescribed by law for the .14 1' of ordinances of the City of Alambda, in the Alameda Times-Star, a daily newspaper of Ebneral circulation published and t3044 "(.1 in said City, and the official newspaper thereof. RESOLVED, FURTHER, ttat the City Clerk of the City of Alameda is hereby directed to post, or cause to be posted, conspicuously along the line of the street and prts of street proposed to be vacated, notices of such vacation, in tte form and manner required by the legislative act hereinafter mentioned, RESOLVED 114 that in the herein proposed vacation of said street or portion of street aforementioned, the Council of the City of Alameda hereby elects to proceed under and ir, pursuance of the provisions of the Street Vacation Act of 71.9la of the State of Califbna (-1404) 14 250, Statutes of 1E41), as amended, I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing 'Resolution was duly. and regularly introduced and adopted by the Councid. or the City of Alameda In regu- lar neeting assembled on the 7th day of April, 1959, by. the followimg vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Collischonn, Freeman, Petersen, Schacht and President McCall, (5). NOES: Nonm. BSENT None, 4 IN. WITNESS kELEELEOF, 1 have hereunto set my hanh. and affixad the o seal. of said City. this 8th day of April, lEEE. ( SHIRLEY' H. L NN1ER City. Clerk of the kty of Alameda -- I hereby certify that the forhgoing is a full, true and correct copy of. • "Resolution No. 5916, RESOlUTION OF INTENTION TO ORDER TEE VACATION OF A PORTION 31 ETERET1 STRNE2, 1 THE cm OF ALAMEDA (NORTHERN END—EVERETT ST.).° introduced and adopted by the Council on the 7th J of April, 1959. /4- 1SLity Clerk,ybE/the City of Aihrceda