Resolution 05922NESOLUT1ON OM INTENTION NO. LNL2 TN THE MATTER OF THE CONSTRUCTIOIA OF WORK AND IMPROVEMENTS IN ASSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 1959-1, WASHINGTON STREET, CITY OF ALMAEDA COUNTY '1' AIAME0A CALIFORNIA- BE IT NESOLNED by the City Council of the City of AiNmNda, Alambda County, California, that it is tne intention of thp said City Council to crder the following work to be core and 1..m0 rovemnts to be made '0 the City of Alam.eaa, Alameda Coubty, California, as foil:own, to vit: The construction Of curbs, gutters, paRembnt and/Pr resurfacing, together with.. necessary collateral and appurtenant work in thp following streets, avenues, public ways or publin places in the City of Alameda, Coubty of Alameda, State of California, to wit: Washington Street between Peach Street and High Street and. a portion of the intersectAon of Washington and. Peach Strbet, and a portion of the intersection of Washin(itnn Street and Hiph Street: Post Strnet from the northerly' line of. Washington Street- to a. point approximately thirty (30) feet northerly thereof; and Post Street two hundred forty (1O) feet south from Center Line of Washington Street, NOTICE IS HELES1 GIVEN that the City Engineer has estimated that the total cost of said. work and tmprovements is the sum of $12,970.Ndy All of the above mentioned work is more particularly- and. specifically set forta and dpscribed in the plans, profiles and specifications for said work heretofore adbtbed by the City Council Ny its Resolution No. N0121. , which plans, profiles and specifications are hereby referred to for all particulars in connection therewith. The (1 10 streets and rights of way hereinsbove referrpd to are shown and delineated dotail and. specifically locatd on tho plans hereinabove refortd to, and refer- ence is hereby specifically mode to said plans, and notice is hereby given to ail. pprties that specific locations thereof nre contained in said plans. BE 1 FUL!ILEF, RESOLVED that the improvements hereinabove dnscribed be con- structed in said streets, avenues, roads, lanes, courts, alleys, places and/or public ways Lereinabove described, of the dimensions, :materials and in, the partiralar loca- tions set forth. and shown on the plans and speccations and dotailed drawings heretnaboge and hereafter referred to; together with the construction of all appurtenances thereto, including necessary fittings, trenchingn, grading and regrad- ng, excavation and fill, removal of obstructions, connections to existing services, back-filling, reconstruotion of obstructions, connections to existing services, reconstruction of existing ground. surface as required to conditions existing ;prior to commencemnnt of construction, all. in the mRnner, of the mateiN sls and. to the dimhnstens and. to the grades, and ib the. particular locations as the same are more fully sRown on the plans and specifications and detailed drawings hnreinabove and hereafter referred to; That the structunes and work and. improvements heroin described shall be constructed to the grades, sub-grades and elevations severally shown onon the plans and. profiles and detailed drawings thereof in the respective locations thereof, to which plans and profiles reference is hereby expressly made for a description of the grades to which all of the work and. improvements under thls Resolutihn of Intentdon shAll be done, which said. grades are hereby adopted. and established as the official Frades therefor for all purposes in connection with '10 '3 pursuant to thls Reso- lution of Intention; notice Is hereby further given that said. grades are or may be, in part, new and dAfferent from those heretofore established or existing, or may be, and. in some cases are, different from. existing ground levels; Exoerting from. all of the herein dosoriLed work all of said wo, k. that has already been done to the lines and grades shown on said. plans and. speccations; All of said work shall incimina, without duplication, any and all streets, ntersections, terminations and opposite terminetions occurring within thn limita- tions of said work. The attention of all persons is directed to the fact that all„ of said. classes of work abovn described may not be constructed upon the streets and/or public ways above described. in their entirety, but only. upon. the particular locations as shown on the plans and specifications, to which, the attention of all persons is directed for a description of th 'oTk, location of the sevoral cle:sses of work, a description of the classes of work to be done upon each of the several public streets or rights of way named, a. description of the streets and rights of way, and for all other information contained in the said plans and specifications pertinent to the doing and completion. of the work and improvements herein proposed; and. NMITREAS, said contemplated work and improvements, in the opinion of this City Council, 1 s of more than local ordinary benefit, said City. Council 01 the City 492 of klamwda hereby makes the expenses and. costs of said work and improvements charges abEe uwbn a. district, whisk said district said. City. Council hereby declares to be the district benefited by. the 913 r1 provements herein described; said district shall. include that territory in the City of Alameda, Alameda County, CalifornEa, which is shown on•that certain map or plat which. is on file in the office of the City. Clbrk of the City of Alameda. and is attached. to and a part of the plans and $ pecifi- catibns heretofore adopted, and. which map or plat is entitled and described Map Showing Boundaribs of District Proposed. to be Assessed for the Improvements to be made 1 Assessment District No. 1959-i, Washington Street, City of Aiamada, County. of Alambda, California", and which said map or plat indicates, by a boundary' line, the extent of the territory included in the proposed. dEstrict and covers all dstails as to tho extent of the area to be assessed; said map or plat is, by this reference, incorporated flenDill and made a part hereof; Excepting from the area shown. and delineated. cr said map or plat, herein- above referred to, the area of all public streets, avenues, lanes, roads, drives, courts, places, 4" 12. parks and all. easements and rights 17 way therein contained belongi.ng to tha public, and also all property belonging to the United States of Ameriba or tho State of California. NOTICE IS HTIOETSY GIVEN that serial. bonds will be issued in the manner and form provided. in Part 5, Division 7, of the Streets and Highways Dodo of the State of California J.mprovement Act of 1911) to rebresent unpaid assessments of Fifty Dollars M0.00) or over, whic;, . said. bonds shall bear interest at the rate of six per cent (-(A per annum and the lemt installment of whi0 h. bonds shall mature fourteen (14) years from tho 2n.d. day of january next succeeding the next October 15th folibw- ing their date. Said bonds shall be payablb to bearer, anE may be redaemed as pro- vided in the improvembnt Act of 1911, and there shall bb added to the redemption clause in said bonds tho following words: (13 with as oremium of five prinpipal." NOTICE IS HaPPOII CIVET that on Tuesday, thb 5th. day of Way, 1.959, at the hour of 7:30 o'clock P.M. of said 0023, at the mbeting place of the City Couhcil. of thb City of Alameda, Alameda County, California, any. and. all persons having any objection to the proposed vork or improvements or any objections to the grades to which said. WOrk is proposed to be donb or to the boundaries of the district proposed to be assessed to pay the cost and expenses of said work, may appear before Said City Council ofd the City of Alameda and show cause why said improvements should not be carried out in accordance witn this Desolation of Intention, and may present writ- ten protest, not later than tide hour hereihabove set for hearing, against the doing of naid work, the Fradas to -which. said work is to be done, or tho extent of the erritory. to be assessed. to pay the cost and expenses thereof. (5) Per cent of said unpaid NOTICE IS HEMMOM FUPTHER GIVEN that Tuesday, the 5th day of May, 1.959, at the hour of 7:10 o'clock P.M. of said day, at the meeting place of the City Council of tho City of Alameda, Alanbdb Coidnty, California, is hereby fixed as the time and. place for the hearing as to the public crivenience and necessity of the construc- tion of the aforesaid. improvements in accordance with the prbvisions of the Improves mbnt Act of 1911, and without compliance with tho Special Assessmbnt Investigation, Limitation aild Majority Protest Act of 1931, and. it 1.8 hereby ordered. that said fteering ahli be held. by this City Coonil at said. tins and. plabe. The City Clerk of the City of Aaambda shall cause this Resolution of Inten- tion to be published. twice in the ALAMID). TIES STAR, a daily newspaper of general ciroul2t1on published and circulated in the City of Alambda, which said newspaper is hereby designated by said City Council as the newspapbr in 11 shall be printed mnd published all notices, resolutions, orders and other matters required to be pub- lished in the proceedings taken pursuant to this Resolution and under the provisions of the said "Improvement Act of 1911" and amendments thereto. The first ouldiention of said notice shall be not less than ten (10) days prior to thb date herein fixbd for hearing on this Resolution of intention. Thb City. Clerk shall also cause this Resolution of intention to be posted fbr five (5) days on 01 04"' the door of the Council Chamber of the City Council. of the City of Alameda, California, which postkaa, shall be completed at least five (5) days oribr to the date herein fixbd for said hearing. The City Engineer of the City of Alameda shall cause to be conspicuously posted along the line of said contemplated work. and improvement, and. on all the open streets within the assessment district, notice of the pa$ sagb of this Resolution of intention. in the time, form and. manner required by lay. The City Clark of the City of Alameda is hereby dirboted to mail a copy of thls Resolution of intention, postage preada,Ad, to all persons owning real property proposed. to be assessed, whose names and addresses appear on the last equalized assessmbnt roll or as known to said City Clerk; said mailing to be at least fifteen (15) days prior to the day herein fixed for the hearing on this Pesolotion of Inten- tion, all in tee time, form and manner prase:Piked in said "Improvement Act of 1911", as amended. I HEREBY, CERTIFY. that Adria foregoing Rysolution was duly and re7ularly adopted by the City. Council of the City cf Alameda, Alameda County, CaRifornia, at a regular meeting thereof, held on the 7th day of April, 1959, by tbe following vote, to Alit: ATYArn: Councilmen Ocilischonr, Freeman, Petersen, Schucht and President (5). NOES: Norie. ABSENT: None. 77177= AderK„ dALN or Alameda, Adamedu County, California- I 14 0) certify that the foregoing is a. full, true And correct copy. of 'Resolution of IntentiRn No. 5922, IN mITE 1 AATT72. Ow THF: COARTIRMATION aP WORK RFT URPROVIMAZTS IN ASSEA(SMENT DirdTRIA,T NO, 1959-1, UASHARGTON STRIaT CITY OF ALAMDA, COU-MY. OF ALAMEDA, CALTFORNIA," introduced and aOurted by tAde Council.. on tha 7th day. of April, 1959. -1/