Resolution 05925RESOLUTION NO. GG2S AMENDING SALARY REETTIVAkRIR NO. 557H BY DE1ETING THE POSITION OF TYPIST-CLERK (RARTGTIRT) AMD CRELTING, ORTIL IGELEIGHONAL POSITION OF INIERMEDIRRE TYPILT-CLERK THL 'LILTILESSI) RE 7 GkROTvGD R= TLE COTN'GGL Ov GRE ( ARGRTULDA, nG G k nortikl of No, RU,)GR: (Rmendinp, subouut c, parati-atR ,L, ,RILLGn P, oL) R Lutick: Vd, GG1(,) RR amendkd to T,PO 8C! foilowG: e RIGGL,,,,,aRle_o,LIDs1:11)=_LEU PRIL.t)=1. PURCHRGIRC odk, RG. RC Rsnun GteR ukku nkss Tuft,1)6), Posit!: ns G Ge rm9 te Typis t -C IP kR 3% EGS 310 32:. S(11 t(V) 727pRst-LlcrL( (1kGrt-61mo) R('' LTG G(GG, LLPI do()) BR Jt FIRTRRGR RRSOLVED Gkkt tuR ev.(e)()I(vo Lkte of Ghlk respiLkt)kk 195q RESOLVED, FURTHER, that tRo provisions of tRAR, resolution shall, skRocursede those portions of Resolution No. 5876, and of any otter resolution, in conflict here- with, and all such conflicting provislons are, tc the extent of such_ conflict; only, hereby rescinded End. armurled, * * * * * * * R * I, the undersignRd, hereby certify tha t tRe foregoinF ResolutiRn Tv:Ls duly and. rugularly introduced. and adopted by the Council of the City of Alameda in regu- lar meeting assembled. on t(le, 2ist day of April, IRGG, by the following kote, to wit: ATER: Councilmen Collischonn, Freeman, Petersen, Schacht and Pre9ident McCall, (5). NOES: None. ABSENT: None „ IN WITNESS WHEBEOF, I have rereunto set RT hRnd and P,ffixed the officiFl seal of said City t'ais da)y of AILLG11, 1R5R. Cit t, n, k2k)((telE I Rereby certify thet the foregoing is; a full trae and correct copy of "Rn solution No. 5925, AMELTING SALARY GGEGmG-uTTor:( PD. 587G BY DIGIEHTING THE POSITION OE TYPIST-CLERK (PART-TIME) AND CREATING ONE ADDITIONAL POSITION Os TNTERMEDIATE TYPIST-CLERK IN THEE PURCHASING DEPARTMENT," Introduced. nnk) adGGted by thk, Counell on tRe 21(3t day of AL)a'IT., 1959. )(`)/4c-te it