Resolution 05927HESOLUTION NO. 5927 AMENDING. RESOLUTION NO. 5814 (SALUSAS RESOION. FOR THE FISCAL YEA3 1952-1959) SY ALLOWIN3 "(1 3-' CITY FiANAGER, IN UNUSUAL CIRCUMSTANCES, TO DEVLATE FROM USDAL SALARY ADYANCENI= PliCEDURE. BE IT PESOLVED EL THE COUNCIL OF' THE SILT OF ALAKETA that HOsolution No. 581!, (Salary Resolution for the fiscal year 1998-1959) is hereby emended by addirz thnreto nevi subdivisions (f) And (g) to Section 2, Parsgrao 2, subsection E, which. anall read as follows,( 33-331 case whore, by reason of unusuRA circumstances, rigid aerence to the foregolng principleq Tainting to salary advAnce- ment or adjustment would net bo in the best loaLosts or the City of Alameda, the City Manager may make such. order deviating there- from as is in 1-1,-.1.s jugnient proper and. in tOe best interests of • the City of Alameda, g. An any case where, by reason of an employoe temporarily perform- ing the duties of a position having a. LIgher rank and classifiqa- tion, InsuoLty yrould eEEst Insofar as sucO employee, the City. MAnagar may make such order increasing the salary of such. employee to an amount not to exceed ten per cent (10%) cr tne equivalent of two steps sbove thE nighest step of such. emolovee's DermAnent range. I, the 73-3-31" 73-31 hereby certify that tOe foregoing 31 33 was 3133 and regulaAly introduced adoted. by thE Council of tEe City AinmEda in :regu- lar mEeting &ssembled on the 21st day of April, 1959, by the Lc-flowing vote, to wit: AIES: Councilmen Collischonn, Freeman, Petersen, Schacht and. President NOES: None. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I havo In.Dreunto set mg- (land and 313- 3. officiAl saalo f 31 .3'1 this 22nd day of April, 1959. (SEAL) SHIRLKY H. TEMNIER CIty Clerk. o the C - of Alameda - I hereby certify that the foreFoinF 5s a full, true and correct copy of Resolution N, 59275 AFENTAIM REASOLUTICAY NO. 58:14 (SALAI LTASOLUTION FOS THE FIS- CAL, YEAE. 1956-1959) BY ALLOgING CATY TEENAGER, IN UNUSUAL, CIRCULIETANSFS, TO DEVIATE FROM. USUAL SALARY 3- '.3 PPOSEDURE" introduced (And adopted by the Coarion on tae 21st day of A7ril, 1959. City A(..(,vita4,ALAL City AC Alameua - - 9