Resolution 05929RLOOLNTIOM C. LN29 RESOLUTION OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA COMINENDING THE PUBLIC, UTILITIES BOARD AND TEE STAFF THEREOF WHEREAS, the Council of the City of Alameda has received notificotion from the Public Utilitios Nomrd relating to the increase In net earnings of the Bureau of Elbctricity and. a resultant increase in dividend from said Bureau to the City. of Alameda for the fiscal year 1950-1959; and WHEREAS, such. increase reflects diligent, able and effective management and operation on thu part of the Bureau of Electricity; NOW THEREFGRE, BE IT RESOLVED EY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF' ALAMEDA that the Council of tice City of Alameda. hereby commends thm, Punic Utilities Bcord of tbe City of Alameda, and Its ebtlre staff, for its efficient and able ncinabment and operation, BE IT FUEMHER RESOLVED 'Moat thu City Clerk of thu City of Alameda is 3131 directed. to transmit to said Public Utilities Bo1 rd. a certified. oopy of this recciation. * * * * * * * * * tne undursigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Reoolution was duly and. regularly introduced and 13< by the Council of the City of Alameda in regu- lar meeting assembled on the 21st day of April, 1959, by the following -vote, to wit: AYES: CrionciUmen Collisobonn, ?rues:on, metacsen, Schacht and Precident McCall, (5). NOES: None. ABSELir: Mbne. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I imove bereunto set 77 htand and affixed. the official. seal. of said City tnis 22nd day of Apria, 1959. TENMA (SEPL) Ciry Clerk of tiiST-C- T * * * * * * * * * * hereby certiTy that the foregoing is a full, true cnd correct copy of "Resolution No, EM29, RESOLUTION OF THE COUMIL OF THE CITY OF' ALAMEDA. COMMa.NDING THE PUBLIC UTILITIES BOARD AND TEE STAFF THEREOF,' introduced and adopted. by the Council or tMe 21t day of Apri11 1959. Kv aNd .sessestda Alam.eda