Resolution 05950RESOLUTION NO HWHO PROVIDING FOR THE AMOUNT PEE DIEM FOR OFFICERS AND EMPLOYEES OF TEE CITY OF ALAMEDA FOR TRAVELING EXPENSES, WHEREAS, Section 22-7 of the Charter of the City. of Alameda requires that the dounoil annually fix the per dibm allbwance for traveling expenses of dfficors and employees of the City; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT EMSOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA as (1) y officer or employee of the City who shall, undbr the authority of law and, except for routine duties, on authorization of the Council, leave the City for the purpose of. performing any official dwty of rendering any. service for or on behalf of the City, or for tho purpose of offloiwily representing said City or any hoard, commission or department thereof, shall be allowhd the traveling expenses incident to said service, which traveling exoenses shall. include the actual cost of transportation, including Pulinhn charghs, plus a per dlem allowance in an amount not to exceed H26).00 per day for each and every day while said officer or employee is absent on sa1 e7hfficial business; (2) 813 "00 for payment of 9' 190 exphnses for which. prior authoriza- tion of the Council is required shall not exceed the amount appropriated. or author- ized by the Council: (3) Performance of duties or services for or on behalf of the City, to be performed outside of the City in connection with routine 01 (3, need rot have been previously Ruthorizod by the Council; nowever, traveling expenses incurred in con- nection with the performance of 90 3h. routine duties or services shall. he allowed only when such performance was authorized or approved by the head of the dhpartment or office in which the officer or employee making demand therefor is emoloybd- The term "routine duties", as used herein, '06 (0 deemed to include performance of duties or services connected with City business, tbe necessity for the performance of which arises from time to time, although. the same may not be of 8. perioeMcalfy or regularly recubrent nature, and shall include attenddnce at classes for the purpose of 9031 11 or training in City work, or attondance at occasional meetings of other city officimis or employees or public administration offivers held. for the purpose of discussion and. solving problems of public administration with.. which the City is concernedd (A) Demands for trembling expenses shall be for 20101 900190 actually incurred, and shall he supported by a statement of the officer or employee present- ng SP17ftl showing the nature and Amount of the items of expenditures as shall ha required by the Council or the Auditor. RESOMWED FURTHER, that this reselation shbil he in effect for the period of one year from july 1, 1959. 1, tho undersigbed, hereby certify that thd foregbing Resolutipn was dhly and rhgularly introduced and adopted by the Council of the City of Alamedso in regu- lar meeting assemblhd. on the 16th. day of Ohne, 1959, by the folloeine vote, to wit: AYES: Councilmen Collischonn, Freeman, Petersen, Schacht and President McCall, (5), NOES: None, ABSENT: None., IN WITNESS WHEREOF., I h hereunto set my Nand. and affixed the official seal. of said. City. this 17th day of Pun(, 1959. (SEAL) SHIRLEY H. REEIRIER City Clerk of the city of Alamean. * * * * * * * * * * I Nersby certify that the foregoing is a full, true and correct. copy of "Resolution No. 5950, PROVIDING FOR THE 10=7 PER DIEM FOR OFFICERS ANT EMPLOYEES. 017' THE CITY OF AltAMEDA FOR TRAVERItp EXREMES" introduced. and ado pted. by the Coun- il on the 16th day of ;tune, 1959. out rut/ City Clerk, f