Resolution 06018RESOLUTION NEOD 018 ADOPTING SPKIFIDATIONS, SPCIAL PROVISIONS AND PLANS FOR. CONSTRUCTION OF STORM DRAINAGE OngE1 IY23 ,,DD LING= AVIDr,731 FROY OAK STE= TO SHYJYAN STREET, EALIdND FOR YYDS AND DIRECTING CITY CLEEK TO ADYFEUETEIDE aANE. WHEREAS, the City Engineer Yds preparPd Spcifications, Spaciml Provisions and Plans for the construction of stmrm drainan:e culDyrts on Lincoln AsrfEnue from Oak Stryst to Shmrmmn Strectu rumYred. P14 11-59-19 und filod in. the offi.se of the City CinurEn on December 1, 1.959; • N3W Dyna.ET=OPE. YE 12 uLSELVED TnY sGY" DIL 0- THE GIYY OF int,T,,,FEDA ;sat che afur9:d Ehnecifidntiods, Syde:n1 nrc Plnns, srs fE,Yed As bo, nyC inre 32228 R-22 nLY.EJ nEnYonad Ann nsoo,d. RESOYEED, EYD-2R, thyt LE,c n-nforscc nnc ,t0mnY.-inicE of tEso onln 'led n-4IC YdrEDEirinnryi Ens sny Provin,oss Eo, anE tun dnse nueoy yunnoyie,,Pd„ y DEYDLED, nnsn tEs nusc51 yf tEnu Cin nf win roodive EiOs sy nn tde Eddr nY 1•:E d'slock A. m, en 171DAY, 1 'YY,152-DE furn!„Aning 70 ESe City on gE] nrcnnyialn, deunIneny, tools and ecuiyert rddds nary for mnrk nenndi.nonon referc:Int Ed, im nddoJanne Yith s Snentf!cnntoys any PrEviEidn. Eids ust Es mtsnonted no Etse ulty rY, In 'nun- TEEL, Aoarneda, Enull'ornin„ unEer eooyece cover oral plE,EDe IroYeed on z„hs cn,:nsion, "?y5nocn: fsY 5dr - ntyunnlon of '.3tTan DE.:Enage gn oincelo Evenao floshE Oeg hu oleeetteel Stroet'E or sir-"Eno, CEnrnct, if asarded, !.,.11 be rldrdEid nuYjnyn to nho orovisEEso of telt! Cyoree2 th,e cf nnsEdnsElc biSacr luto subsDts tJe IsdoJd ann., dds'E cid. 7Ye rlFht °Ls rnsnrEnn to neyTect any or rel Stld Yussiricdtisns P22,7i2j022 mAy be EEd Ey nyy- TEroTunctivn blnY,” or crEltsn'Ynn 2D too Olty EngEleer, at !Els .Efloo In 'Tao CrEey Ha:I, Alaroaeo, OeTEThornia. Tye Ciry Clsirk Is Eorbm dirdcn(nD to nb"murtso, .3n tlnd AYnmy,:'d :1e3-TEntr, a ndnien crufl: for nyyled bD3s, in 5cnnydaEco sttn troni6loys od resolutInn snd of Syndif!unnidnn snd vrovisYsyn„ * * * * * * * * * I, tee undersigned, toreby (Eertify thst the foneFoing Resolution was duly and renyDyrly Yntrods.cod erE by' tE Dosucii. of tte City of Alameda io reou- lay meeting assembled on the lst dgy of December, 1959, by the foaloYng vote, to AYESH Councilmen CollischerE, Freegan, Peteraen and Vice President SohacOt, (4). NOES: None. PEOTEAT: ProsIdent YECall, (I). erITETESS WEEiETE, I h,ave Oorounleo set my 'fiend and affihred thE official. soid City- this ?nd. day of December, 1959. '75:NNT, E - TTrEIHE ET TTE-E4-JEL-Eghoo-est -.017Ereoa yEE.Ti.' Eh. LEE. * n * * * * * * * hereby oertEfy that the foregoing Is 2 full, trsu and correct copy of "Resolution No. 601d, ADDTEETED SPEZInEYEADETni SPECIAL, PROVISIGD5 AND FLANS '1 STRUEEIOY OF STORM DRAINAGE CUIDTE:ETS ON LINCOLN YFTENE FROY aLK STREET TO SHERIIN STREIDT, 1 a LiDS 4Nn DTEECTING CITY eiTEK TO ADVERTISE SAYE," inEleodutEed. and. adopted by thie Do1 yil on the 1 ot day of T:namber, 1959.