Resolution 06079RESOLUTION NO. 6079 ADOFTING SPECIFICATIONS, SPECIAL PROVISIONS AND PLANS FOE REMOVING RAILS ATE TIES AND RESURFACING 31 LaNcoLN ICHETHE BETWEEN P.NiVK STREET AND Ea-GHTH STLEET CALLENG FOR BIDS AND DIRECTING CITY CLERK TO ADVINURTJHu WHEEHES, the City. Engineer Lao oubparod. Specifications, Special. Provisions and Plans for removvinE; rails arei ties and resurfacing oh Lincoln Avenue between Park Street and Eighth Street, numbored PW 6-60-11 and d In the office of the City Clerk on June 8, 1960; NOW THETFT'ORE, BE 17 RESOLVED EY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA that thw aforesaid Specifications, SpeciEl 01(111 r' and Plans, numbered and filed as aforesaid, be, and the same are hereby approved and adopted, RESOLVED, FURTHER, that the performarEe and completion of thE work speci- fied. iO1 said Specifications and Prov Isichs 1E, and the S me is hereby uutherized, RESOLVEE, UEH hat the Council of the City coI Alam,ode will receive sealed. bids ubp to the hoar of 11:00 o'clock: a. To. on FETINAY IfEtE 17, 196E, for fur- roisining to the City of all luEdor, Oor 3 1'1 c hl 311 tools and equipment necessary for the work nereinabove referred. to, in accordhnoe with said Specifications and FlEmmisiens. 13ids must be presented to the City Clerk, in the City Han, Alumodn, CEllfornia, under seeREd cover and pluirly marked cn tte outside, "Proposal. for NemevIng Rail.s and Ties and. HesurfaciTIF on Lincoln Avenue between Park Street and Einhth Street T S ITTIOISOP desiivEatihn, Contract, if nwarded, wilE be awarded. subject to the pro vis iwns 3 t ne Chart*r cf the City of Alerede, tc th* rosvEnsible bidder who submits the loweot and test bld. The right is reserved to reject anT OT all bids. Seid Specifications und Provisions mEy be hRd by any prospectl ve bidder on application to the City ENEHDenr, at Lis office lr the City Hull, Alameda, California. The City Clerk is hereby directed to aniertise, in the Alemeda Times-Star, notice callicE for sealed bids, in accordance with the provioions of this resolu- tion and of said Specifications erd Provisions, tea undersigned, beINHOy certify- thDt the foregoing Resolution was duly oold regElerly Introduced. and adopted by the Council of th.e City of Alemoda in regu- lar meeting assembled on the St1 . day of June, 1960, hy the following vote, to wit: AYES : Councilmen follischonn, Freeman, Schacht and President MECall, (n). NOES: N one „ Councilman Petersen, IN WETNESS (33111 03 I have hereunto set my hard and affixed the officiEl seal.. of said City. this 9th day of MurE, 1960, SHERTEE TEENIER (SFUVI2 City Clerk of the eEil'y of Alameda * * * I hereby certify that the fEregoing iE s full, true and ocrroHt copy of "ResolEtion No. 607H, ADOPTING SPECIFECIITIONS, SPECLEL PROVISICE AND PLANS FOR REMOVING. RAILS ANE TIES AND BEEURFEC ON LENCOLN A VEIVUE EETEBN PARE: STREET A ET EIGHTH STREET, CALLING FOR BIDS AND DIRECTING CITY CHERI, TO ADVEETISH SAME," intro- duced sEd adwpted 31 y the CounEG.. on the 8th day of June, 1960.