Resolution 06081RESOLUTION NO. 6081 ADOPPIND SPECIFICATIONS, SFEEISAL PROVISIDNS ALID PLANS FDR FURNISHIDE AND REECTINiR CHAIN LINK FENCING. AT VARIOUS STEEaT ENDS IN TEE CITY OF ALAYEDA, CALLIND FOR BIDS AND DIRECTING CITY r 7,- TO ADAREETTEE WHEREAS, the City Engineer Pas prepared Specifications, Special. Provisions and. Plams far furmishing and. erecting 33 13 link fencing at various street ends in the City of Alameda, nunkered 6-60-13 and filed in the office of the City Clerk. on Lane 8, 1960, NOW THERE:FREE, BE IT RESOLVDD 'EY TYE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA tha t the aforesaid Speeificationm, Speciul Provisions and. Plans, numbermd and filed as aforesaid, be, and the same are hereby. approved. and adopted. RESOLVED, TITRTERP, thnt thm performance and akmpNetion of the work speci- fied in said. 1-3301311331 33 and. Provisions be, and thn same is hereby, authorized. RESOLVER, FURTHER, that the Counc33 l. of the City of Alameda will receive sealed bidm up to the tour of 11:0.0 o 'clock a. m. on FRIDAY, JUNE 17, 1960 for fur- nishlmg to the City of al 1. labor, materials, machinery, tools and equipment necessary for the work berninabove referred to, in accordance with. said Specifications and. Provisions. Bids must be presented to the City Clerk, in the City Hall, Alameda., California, under sealed cover and plainly marked on the outside, "Propreal for FurnishIng smd. Erectlmg Chain Link Fenming at Various. Street En.d.s. in the City of Alameda," or similar designation. Contract, if awarded, 41 be awarded subject to the 1')(3' ('3' of tne Charter. of the City o f Alameda, to the responsible bidder who submits thm lowest and . bast bMd. PE- right iz r8 served. to reject any or all bids. Saib SpecificuticEr and Provisions may be h.ad by any prospective bidder on application to thp City Engineer, at his office in the CI.V 3'- 33 Alameda, California. The City Clerk is tieneby di:reefed to adnmh,tin o, in the ADtymmda Timos-Star, a notice: calling for sealed bdds, in accordance mith the provisions of this rosoiu- tikn and. of s aid Specifications and. Provisions, tae unde.raigned, hereby certify' that the fcregkinw; Resolution was duly and regalerly introduced and adopted by thr Counci l. of tae City' of Alamedm in regu- lar meeting assembled. on the Oth .1(3 33 June, 1960, by the f oil owl nr vo te, to wit AYES : Councilmen Co'ilisohorn, Freeman, 33 111111 and President McCall, (k). NOES: None ABSENT: CoanoilmEn Petersen, (1) IN WITNESS WHEliEkaF, 1 have hereunto set my h» nd. and affixed the official.. seal of said City this 9th day of Juna„..1960.. p TTANNTER City Clerk ei th ' • 0? Alameda -- * * * t * * * * * I hereby certify that the fomegping is a f ILIA, true and correct cony cf "Resolution No. 6081, ALOOF:0'NR SiRECIFICATIONS, SDAYSIIAL PROVISIONS AND PLANS FOR URNIS HIND AND ERECTING °HAILE LINK FENCING AT VARIOUS BITERS' ELIDE IN THE CITY Ok ALAMEDA, CALLING FOR nIps Ann DIRECTING CITY CLEISIL TO A.DVERTISE SAME" introduced and adrpted. by the Council on thm 8th day. o f June, 1960. ty of Alameda