Resolution 06087RESOLUTIO7 NC. RORS7 RESGLUTION OF THE COUNCIL Oe' THE RIP' OF ASSAISETDR. RECJTESSRTUNG PAYMENT BY THE FISCAL ACENT OF THE ARsORTN"T MELD IN THE OFF-STREET PARKING RURFLTSS REVET)RE RUND TO T77 r=ITNI7RAL. 77ND cr0 THE CTTV oP susr-ssph 'WHEREAS, pursuant to Articls V, Section 5,06 (6). of Resolut.S)27: No, 5312, authorizing the issuance of City of Rinssada Off-Street Parking, ISsew.)))))1se Bonds, the Asssnt., Bank of America Nationl Trust and. Savings Associstion, has accumulated the amount of CJA,o19.83. in trbe Surplus Revenue Fund; and WHEalAS, said resolution provides that the City Council may, by resolution„ request tbe Fiscal. Agent to transfer to tlbe General 'Fund. of Use City, to be used for any lawful. purposes, assay or w.11 msneys in thb Surplus 'Revenue Fundb NOW THERETUE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL C.F THE CITY OF ALAMEDA that ths FiscR1 Agent be, and it is hereby requested, to pay over from tiss Surplus Rever Rus Fs Ind. to the Genersqt Fund of tqe City of Alame Ja, to be used. for any lawful purposes, ho asuRIS of '::,,,.:a9,(Docoo I, the undersig)y)ed, hereby certify that the) foregoing Resolution wes dwly and. regularly .1ntroduqed end. adoptbS by the Coorcil of the City cf Alamoda in regu- lar meeting assembled on the St la day. of Jutne„ 1960, by thq following vote, to wit: AYES: Coancilmen Collischonns Fbesman, Scbncht and President McCall, (SU NOES None . SESEWS: Councilman Petersen., (2). IN' WITNESS WHEREOF, I Sege Sersunto sat my Sand and affixbd the official seal of saiR City thls 9th. dry ot June, 22.2)220. bus). • Cs Ty. Clerk _e of Al erne da I hereby certify that tte foregoing)) is a full, trete and correct coq.)7 of "Re sols SI on No. SRS2, SESOLSERION OF THU COUNCII, OF THE CITY CT' Arki2),EIDA RE,OEsTINT1 PAYM2),NT THE FSISSCAL AGENT OF THE AIS.011711) HELD THE OFF-STREa? PARK:ERG SURPLUS REVERTE FUND TO THE 2,ENERAL FUND OF THE Cr..17)17 OF AISXXEDA," introduced and a do peed by the Council. on the 8th Say of June, 1960)