Resolution 06127DEE CERTED NO . 612 7. ,AMEND INC SALARY: RE3-30123T ION ND. 6103 13131231:11 ND: TO C CEDE:NSA T I 0 N EDP AldD POSIT LENS OF OFFICERS AND RE:FEMMES OF' ; C TEC OF' AIAMEDA _am s ma s as. as - 9 2 D EDS IT RESOLVED BY THE GREND IL OF' THE CITE OF ALAMEDA t ha t Sec ti on 29 Fara mrscE 2, submactions 72) and 31) of Resolution Ne. 61°3, NMI at in 7 ts comcansat for and cos it ltms of :officers snd emplayess of the City of' Alameda be amended as f or:Laws sa Salary Sc [Reticle 10 32 3.6 37 = 361 Ste 160 255 261 269 Sash S te p S Leh Sb e RE 170 190 2 26 L 995 1379 37L 2aa 302 317 24i 295 31.0 302. 317 333 Th.9 367 310 3:75 373 .11.1 2,07 27.2 276 - M 66 :366 :37 52 3s) c63 61 5910 62 COL 63 59a 65 62f 5 30 .556, 5all. (J.3 c!, 57:5 588 623 ,z7c, 598 62C 6(.,.0 598 620, 666 (392 67.3 66161 676 7337 6E33 660 63333 727 666 693 727 793 ,- 66 64h F26 710 71..C.T, 7a2 (:J3 676 7327 -IL: 9-9 '7 82 321 69 693 96,6 70 716 7L69 86, . :-12' 362 u,....) i ,... 71.L5 7:32 82i 56? 905 N A ; 2 782 R2-1 862 905 9 EC, -7.r.: 827 pc, nc, 9 27 978 i.:(1,::?: 969 95,3 991-; 905 9E0 95o 996 70136 73793 Range Fe, Dten Mhen Sten Step -1) 1.1.1 927 99k 1013 129e 1199 M2 9de 990 1048 1102 mye; 82 97t. 10n3 101n lifp a7 998 1048 1102 119h 1219 85 1023 109n 112? 112Th 11P.Ll Frm F.Mh. -- Flat rate par hour F/d Flat rate per day F/m. Plat rate per mrnth h. Schedule of Posit:ions end Pay Ranges. c0a9 Fra, cf Range Stem 0, Claes_Title Positions 11e,_ A APPIDOR AND ASSEMSOF 199 Auditor ane Aseeeser 1 - 750 16- Deputy Aualten 1 163 Deputy ALn:OSGOr 161 Analstant Denuty Assessor , e 53 yn.9 D9'.1 515 505 570 1h9 Deputy Field Assn:sem (Pant-Time) 2 de -3-''-t 378 lin 99P 4122 197 Sericr Account Clork 1 46 395 425 43E 458 ')842) 283 Areeentien Nacnirs One-rater I le) 2F2 li'h 395 915 93.", 129 Intarnaliate Typint-Clera 9 3(e 31r 37: )1•OLl 355 376 PPTID7N9 AND 172,3,EcTipb: 1221 Dnler af In:venation Divt- slon (Sr, Civil Engineer) I 7, 929 -dt, Cd').1. n' , 1120 Bnilding Inspector a 51:' 81, 556 23:P9 633 644 840 Plumbing Inspector 1 5 53c 996 58h 613 6h6 815 Denoty aunding Inspector 1 53 kall kpl 9-0 363 54-) , 3a)lding Perglts lasisment 1 PIL ana 395 615 1136 )2:6 C1 7I .11.27I-7177 1711 Deity Ahternav 3 eF qt 3 -7 7n ir:'7 lin 12aP 168 Assistant City Attorney cc 793 679 667 29l 72f 11F kraal Senretary-Cldria [ c 395 Inlh 636 L5P ',61 DTDP9SLFRF 1Fl 71- 7 rtnn Sten Sten 765 669 456 CITy_HALL PPP (-forage Attendant 2 1, 43„ 35P 3,2 20r, 415 585 Jenitress 2. -,,,_ 3o2 117 333 349 367 14)6 Telephone Operator 1 36 310 325 361 :" 376 CITY Mayalkpllt idel City' Manager J. ffm - - 1575 178 Assistant City Fanager 1 1 727 762 Boa. E61 883 19D Adm Anihtpative Secretary 409 425 0.0 409 493 to City Manager 1 CITY lANpl112, 801 890 Planning Director 79 841 889 927 976) 895 Assistant Planner 1 nu don: 766 5Ph 197 Planning Draltsmen 1 50 1,36 1778 481 61)3 644 ,n, 530 1 Senior Stenographer-Clerk g 40 3544 376 395 615 PERSONNEL 11L1. 172. Executive Secretary, HA Civil Service Board 75 801 )))1 927 974 110 Personnel Clerk ' 95 385 405 LL75 447 469 1 Intermediate Typist-Clerk a 36 310 329 lei 368 376 109 Exdmination Proctor DILFT,75'57TN7 113 Denier Stenographer-Clerk. )0 344e 370 395 4,15 7DCO No. oE Moore Stan Sten Uith '$))c- Sien r,„. Cia.solitio ,_.!. wmtioni P __ _ 7IRi 6(l'i. Tiro Chief 1 'ME-ii - 925' 1MM3 6O0 Aesiotant Pipe ))Etlef 0 EM(7) ()it (P7 riottrilDr Plre Chiief' d r`,(w) - - 7'-M), 655 Mire Coretain 9 c`,6(57)) - - 676 MIPi Mire Lieuter9ru 6E6 Fire l'euoefent iludiln„) 1 'ib(t) 644 r()(0 Mes!stont FITE PErsheil ,9 n Pliera- 6i 53(53-E2) h17 eo) -70 -62 iEforeuive Peefuhic J el '-',7 , ( `' 'i(M) )1? `)M13 113 Senlor Stenoracher-Cterk MIM.SE AID 36m Pity PhTriclor (Peri -Pimi) J U.C.1) 351 Mmeurencf Su ,monn (PerO-MEn,) If(7) e e wO M2E ')5C) M(M) Mristre Xurse t3 :OP .)cif m 7 )ft rt Efewerd i Refef (Po -.Mime) 1 UME 1,79 ("MAY Comrse Mangoar a (6 7(7 Head Storher anh) A-sistont folf Courem, fanamer 7 57 941,. -51-1 996 ":9,8 Suricriiteroemt I 977 517 9', 6n) .P6P AutDmitime Mecoario (1 P(1 ii7 iuu MME tkplf Start,: d im) PPP:, (105 b2i 1O,7 OMM), 'Mil Phrounean-P.)-nrciuner 7 :: 7 )77- 1 g'4 , i5 EmoidmanM Coorator 5ct motor Equimment derviceman i2! (i.ME tic, 57C Petioror 6, (;.()) '17'7 399,1 419/ 4i6 in aiiii.En to normal eorponsatien, rorsrEo moloito t(1):(7:::oe.eitipt) co' iihorer .tn Lime Co_hif Morillm=t, whur sm onmuwoo, cou); roceife Pn afditforni sum o: P25.00 per mortio Chr niiit )(terinr. P.Afq2v5).741,,Y7i9137-D. 5eo Park Maintenance Surver. i 59 4.93 5e3 City Tree Supervisor 59 h93 592 Yriintenance Plumber 1 E6M 554 Equipment Operai)er Ed> )85 PEP Park Gereteiter 6 .,J.k eer. 552 Tror k Driver 2 14.5 365 555 PrEe 7wimener 2 47' 4.05 591 Plumberto Holoer 3_ to, 376 MU.7 tierdr ner 1 ii,,, 376 570 Laborur 16 )42 ite8 606 Security Guard (Pert -TimE) PPE - POLlpiE 636 Pollee ChiEf , 631 PEadice Coutain 1 630 Police Lleuterart ()) 625 Police InsoEctor E. 620 Police Serwerent 635 identification Officer - (ElP Police Officer ri Ed 61.0 PolicewErthir ' 113 SeniEr Stenot,Taphwr-CierM o 208 Senior Clerk-TypAst i 6E6 Crossinfe, Guard (Part-Timu) 15 ?Et 943 943. ()ME 395 Enod meniter of thE Police MEcurtmEnt wEo shall attain iht quolificatione of "xpert REvolver Soot", 'SEurruhueter oh. 'Murk:IP:run" ir oEcordoiloe with. the )t)oviuions of PEemiEt!En Mo. shoii. receive, in additirn to the crtiopenpation provided. above, and so. 'ono as such qualifictEions are retained, thE following amounts: "Eruert Revolver Shot" "Sharpshooter" "MarkEman" POPM)i 605 founEma3tor 1. 60E. Deputy Poundmaster PPO.....00 per month 3.5o par nEntE 2.00 new montin. .447 C 1 an a Title PMT. SINS No . of 2 a A Mm a:It:boom t; 0 5 Sten Inn boyar 505 109 Into non d 1 rk. .36 .310 325 D. EC R EA TM: OM 242 Dire c tor of c rb a blab 230 Suynrvisom of Reerna tion 736 Emendation Sbncialist (Part -Taimb ) IDO Playground Direc tor 722 Re cre a t ion Lm a dn r (Part-Time ) 710 Macon o tion AI (Pgat -Time ) 586 Jan i ton 108 Senior CinrkyTypist 1.69 Ibtormnal ate Typist-Clerk S92 TA, (Ma:ST Dia 770 S'45iCr7i .50771 11971P577037 1,?22 Martbdr Li Me ameba', (Marts Dia-M1 T23 ID, gyard Redd 17,3721,,e, 775 Cashier-43-endant (Part a Pind 777 Locker Attmnaan1g LIaort-TI.me 757. nf,Mmac ton a 112p (' mart-Larne) b7y dakti 3-2 !me ; 77, c.; EOM 517 Stop CL 7776 or Steo 862 9'35 598 3 443 MOD IA 2.,.„, MERADIEMIL 113 S e rim r S t or o gbapher 90 lark. 1 'In 34 2. 358 376 395 415 E No 72.7EER 70 4.6(2 0 1 ty- Engineer I 85 1023 1074. 17P7 L188 1283 455 Assistant City Engineer 1 71A 8c 1 8181 883 9.27 974 68.0 Anse° in te Civil an gine en a (MS 676 '3330 73.05 621 425 A so's tont C ivil. Engineer 1 63 M9 e 628 660 693 .727 420 Junior Civil Engam a er 2 37 977 6.20.3 . 570 (758 628 7.1M Sumvey Party Chief c 55? 5, , 55.3 570 598 528 bib Conn true t ion Inspector 3 56 MO5 530 M M(.:, 5581!. 651,5 411 Sidewalk.. Inane° Tor 1 MA 10.7 4E0 493 ,5 , 5 _34..., 4.13 Senior Engineering Alan 3. 5C 4.36 '8,6 1; j7:i. 50 5 53o 4.12 Office Administrative A.,sa t . 1 E6 50 5 5 30 556 564. :313 410 Engine ering A Mae am bda 7 .',3 1115 OMM 45... h4,31_ 119 Macre tary AS tenaam apber 1 4433 3 .55 '705 113 Senior Steno graone r mC lerk 1 2,0 2811 376 395 415 109 Hal teram di a tn 2yrist-C le rk 1 36 33.0 358 37-6 126 In t e rm. e I. i a t e An o a unt CMIAmak 1. MO .32,1 .336 .395 gl.5 TRAP? I C ENG I MEER IN C, 551 Traff io Pain ter 1 3: 4i5 433(3 .450 443_ 505 571, Skille d Laborer 1 L2 3'76 395 M. 1. b 7 dy„ :ADO :'.,3'11:12E7E917. 582 Ma in tenanc m Supe rin tendon t 60 693 727 VMM. 801, 844. 576 General.. Street Ma lb te nano e Supervisor 1 5,9 5-250 556 , 88. 5- 5 61.04. 579 Assistant Labor Soynrvisor a a M93 biF 21,16.3 c-.57r, 59e -...... 561. Automotive Mechanic Foreman 71. 53 565 495 717 ot 3, 570 557, C arpenter Foreman 1, 5 3 ' 6- 497 53.7 937 5'70 503 0 on a re te Ibreman 2 53 465. 493 537 913 570 54.9 Pain ter Foreman ..,.. 93 469 4.93 53 7 8,8 570 0 13,33:015 Sever 19bremon 71. 53 L6.5 493 '53.7 8,3 570 6 79 Sub-Foreman :I 47 455 425 :44.7 ..,3 493 556 Mn tar Sme a pn r Operator 2 47 6 09 425 64.7 869 4.93 502 Ma in t e nonce Carnentnr 2 6 9 4 29 h,..h7 11.69 hq-4 573 Ma in tenance Mechanic 1. 9:62 Automo ti ve ee 'amnia 7 F7i,.. ag 2 M69 1/.93 517 5333 554 E1a ui amn r t Operator 7 im 550 Pain ter 1 49 it.2.5 12n7 MO9 4.93 037 992 Truck Drlvor 8 i, 8 3,85 ,...8-.) 5 425 5;57 25, , 569 555 Motor Equipment Serviceman 1 376 395 M..15 /.1.36 a L.,:f.1 574 Cement Finisiafir 156 )12.5 .' '''',6 1358 481 3- MM1, Skilled. Laborer .:3, 376 395 441.5 4.36 1.135 570 Laborer Code No . of Ranye Stes Step Step Step Stem 11.717A SURER .41 ND TAX f OLLEC TOR 176 Treamomer are. Tax. Collector 1 foSe 167 Deputy Treasurmr 2 57 512 52.0 59(1 626 126 Interrrodiate Accourt Clerk 1 4.0 .3)61 2(42 3'76. 395 415 life6 Mm ter Collector 1 376 395 4)15 512 ParkinA Meter IfloalTman 4.7 4(15 11;3(5 447 3. 23 In additiss to normal. compensAtIon, the person engs7sd Yr: typewriter repairs shall receive an additioni SIM of $35.00 rJer month. VACATONRELAIEF AND TEMPORARY PARTATIME CLERICAL A_Sy of the above clerical cis eses ee , and: 106 Typist-Clerk 30 265 2.45) 295 310 395 Nate : Tt ant!eiosted that the Typist-Clerk classiTiost Ion will. be used for most temsosAyy clerical work, except Ffere special. skilfis arR required, AfO City Sibrarinn 1 68 676 710 245 782 821 9..).2 21.1.0 ASsis tant LibraYflan a. 56 505 530 3,35 5414 613 230 Reference fibrriati 1 53 heo S9S 517 5S3 570 AAA CA talog LAI:TA rian 1. r8 225 *Senior Llbrariam 49 fife '1 447 See') 49A 517 Junior Librmrian 376 30(3 3 612 2830 .458 215 Lib. Clerical Assistant eel 35 302 317 333 3419 367 215 Lolto Clerical. Assistant (Part-Time) 2 Alh 1.71 .1.. o ,130 1.8a .11. .91 2.07 1 AAA eS7 e 3-so '' S 58E, jAfitor 2'.:i., .39 3.33 .34.9 362 .5413 (.1.0 5 119 Seers teoe-StenopTaphRr 21.0 Lltessey Pass (PaTtefime) F/11 f-1, 1.18 1.2/1 19530 1.37 ( *) Yw Senimr Librarians, suervis.1',A: tha Brec ARA Children ,s depat,menta, will each :ffoofIlfe .1,;00 rev montt in addition to their current step sooles. 1.3.111 l'111114,111-.1ER RES VE t t h.e fen ve da te of t els re e o uti on s ha .1 I ee RAM,YYPOE FIMAT'ITER, that the provilor of thls roesolm,tAon shAll supermede tOlo portions of Esol.utio No. 6101,, and of any other rasoAtion r conflict hmre- oithR and all such conflis tins r)rovis lens Are, te the fistert of such conflict only, hereby rescinded and a nfso,11d.... * * * * * * * * I, the undersigned, hereby certify thot the forgoing Fsolutic was duly and regfiarly introduced and adopted by ths CoolsAil of the City of Almoda in reFfa- 1Ar meeting aysembaed on the Eth. day of s ptember, 19(,0 , by tLe follwing vote, to wit: AYES: Counmilmen Freeman, Petersen, and PresidRnt McCaji, (3). NOES: Councilmen ColllsoSons and. Sohmeht (2). ASSOff: Neer., IN WITNESS WHEREOF, T. have losreonto set ray nand and sffsixed the official. seal of 3Rid City this 7Itl day cr. SeptsmioAr, 1.960, (SEAL) SAANNIER -(771,7:7 f . I rereby ce2 tify. ttat tba foregoing is a. fail, true and correct copy of "Ressistl'on NC„ 6127, AKENDING SALAF7 PESCLUTOSON NC. 6103 .1AFLAiriNG TO rOMPENSATION FOR AND POSITIONS OF INATIDIERS AND EMPLOYEES OF RHE CITY OF ALAMEUM,1 introdubad and edontoa tOon Cour:A.11 or the ASS. da..y of Sept-Amber, 196C„