Resolution 06129RESOLTLIOg NO. 6129 THE hATE AND LEVYING A. TAN ON ALL, R.SAL AND PERSONAL PROPZRTY IN THE CITY OF ALAMEDA FOR TER FISCWL YEAR 1960-1961 AND AFFORTIggMING TSTi; SAME AMONG TEE SEVERAL FUNDS CF THE CITY, gee__ RESOLVED BY TP,Te COUNCLL OF THE CITY OF' ALI;15ET;A that the rate of city taxes to be levied for thg fiscal year beginning July 1, 1960 and ending jane 3C, 1961, upon all pronerty assessed. fcg taxtigbe within the corporate limits of the City of Atiaggd. en the basis of the ealueltibe thereof as shown. by ths awsessment rolls; Itg the office of the City Aebeesse of satid City gw, and the same is hereb7;5 fixed as follows; At the rate of TA.ba hundred and fortywfour cents (2)0_140 on eagh mew hundred. dollars 1:100) of assessed. valowtion of sgid property on the 'Unsecured. Roil; and At the rate of two hundred end. forty certs (2;10e() on eech one hundhpd dollarg 0)100) of ahsessed valuating of said. property on the Secured F;o11 and BE IT FURTHER FESSCIVED that, for the purpose of raising thp necessary revenue; for said City.for the fihoal year 1960-1961, a tax be, and. thp same is hereby, fixed and leyled on each and every one hundred dollars 09.00) otf assessee; valuation of all taxablp property, reyi and porsenel, within thh corporate limits of said City, as follows: On. property on the UnsecuTed Roll, at the rate of Two and. 64/166 Dpllars ($2.4e.); and On property or thp Secured Rol1, at thc rate cf Theo and 40/100 Dollars ($2,0E); and SE IT FURTHE RESOLVEID that said tax, and ebb; moneys arising therefrom, when collected, shall be, and the same sre hercby appropriated to and apportioned ampng the several fn.d.w, sbeeial purposes and bonded indebtes;3ness of nig City here- inafter ggsignpted, in the proportion and ampunts respectively Bet forth opposite each. each. desig.neted speci,t;1 purpose DP indebtedness, as follows: Unoegbred Roll Secured Egli. __Tax ;State_ GENERAL FUND: Genera.; Purpose P ,, 2 gt ;T ) 1,681 Library gelg-38 ,2W'10 ative Relief .0100 ,olco City of Alomeda Police wee Fire Pensior Tgtal General TWnd — 2.21S1 _ a , a at BOND INTEREST ArTO RETEMTTION FUND: 1951 Sewer Bonds 1956 Washington Park- Fill Bonds. Total .090;t q2.4g0 1666 tbe etedersigned, hereby certify thwt the foregoing Ptsolutior and rgletrly Introdlned and. adopted by thw Cowmen of the City of Alameda in regu- ler meeting seembled on the 6th day of September, 196S, by thp foljowirg votn, to wit: AYES: Coenilmen Freeman, ITetersen and President 116,56,11, (39. NOES: Counellmen Ccglischbnr end. cerht, (21„ ABSENT: None. IN WITIES.7, WdEREOF, have nareunto sat my ham. and affixed the official seal of said City this rth day of Soptember, 196C. SHIFT_ (fity * * * * * * * * iiereby certify. that the foragoinF is n. true and. correct copy. of "Reso1utim7.1 No. 6129, F.I.X7NG THE RATE AYD LEVYTYG A TAX. ON ALL REAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY' IN THE CITY OF ALAMEDA FOR THE FISCAL, YEAR 196.0-196J AND APPORTION-11'M THE SAME AMONG TEE SEVERAL FUNDS OF TH7 CITY," introduc96 and e..dc,pted by t!ao Council on the 6th 6ay of Sactember, 1960. Ciky of Alameda.