Resolution 06132RESOLUTION NO. 6132. RESCIETEON 07 THE COUMIE. Of' THE CITY OF ALAKEDA. AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION CF AN AGEWEDEITT BY AND BEEWEEN THE CITY OF. ALAMETA AND COUNTY OF ALAMEDA RELATINa PE] CAR. WHEREAS, a form of agreenawnt by and between the City of AlEmwda and thR Connty of Alameda relating to per dlem payment for the cawn of pEEsoners in County jails and City jail hws been proposod4 nnd WET.,W11.S, rlaid form of 94...reeplent is on file in the offic of thn City Clek of the City of AlEmeda, markwd "C11Pd Eqpt, (=,, 19ECE, erd tne Council is 1nformed of thn contents of said. rE7eement; and. WEER-CAE, it Ws deemed cn the best lrteEE7,ts of' 'GCE City of Alameda to execute said agreement; NOW THEPEgRE., LL L RESOLVED EY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITE OF ALAMEDA. tEat the Elayar of the City of Alameda is hereby authErized to execute, for and. or behalf of the City of EEameda, that certain agreemont by and between said. Cits. of Alameda and. Lbw County of Alameda. relatinR to per diem payments for tEe ewre prisoners. ThE City Clerk is hereby directed to attest to same. I, the andersigned, herRby certify that the foTwEgoing Resolution was auly and regoEarly intEoduced and adopto by the Council of the Cify of Als.meda in reguw Dar me6ting Essembled on tRe 6th dny of September, 1960, by. the followinE vote, to wit: AYES: Collischonn, Freeman, Petersen, Schacht and. Presient. McCall, (5). WOES: None. AIESENT None. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I [wave hereunto set my' hand. and affixed tbe official seal of said City' tEis 7th d117 of. September, 1960. SHIRLEY HwEEENNIER City wIrk cf the Cg:Wi -Of AiarE9En 7* * I hereby certify thEt thD foregoing is full, true and. corweet copy of "Easolution No. 6132, RE30110TIOW OF TUE aCUNEIL OF THE. CITY OF ALAMEDA AUTHORIZING. THE EXECUTEEW OF A7 ACEESTENT H1 ANT WETNEEN THE CITY aF AIAIKETA AND COUNTY OF ALA - ETEA RELATING TO PRISONER CARE," EntroeCaced and P.Eopted by the Counci1. on. the 6t1:1 day of `EeEtemLber, 1960. EEWEE,E7 c Alqroda