Resolution 06133RESOLUTION NO. 6133 A RESOLUTION OF INTENTION PONAPE CHANGES AND MODIFICATIONS - BAY FARM ISLA:ND ASSESSMEET DISTRICT sfo rhPsi ym . ft -. ass as RESOLVED, by the City Council of thb Citv of Alameda, Callfornia, that the pub.:Lib interest, conveniencb and necessity require, and thgt it is the intentibr of sald Council to make the following changes and modificstions in the proceedinFs under Resolution NV. 5798 o' ' opted. by said Council on jdne 17, 1958: Change and modify the amountu of the assessments to conform to the true cost of the vorli done for or for wgich sact parcel of land :is benefited as mmve particularly: set forth in the revip,d assessment on file in the offive of the City Clerk, to whicM reference is hbreby made for further particulars.. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that -7 17 the dtv of September 1960, at the hour 7:30 o'clock P.M7 in the Cohnolm Chambers, City Hall, Aid:sada, California, are hereby fixed as tra time and place whbo and. mhbre said Council will corsider thm matter of making said changes and modifications and whetner or rot tha public interest, convenience and necessity reouire such chnnbes OT msdifibations, snd hearing all persons interested thbralm. Tino City Clerk of said City shall CRU80 a copy of this rosolutisn to be tbdilisfid once in the Alassads Timus -Star, s newspaper of 7enersdi cirenDstien nub - lishvd isn ueid Ditv and thu newspaper in which. the Notice of Improvement under said bemdMfation of Pnelimimbry Determinatibr Ind of Intention was buiMMLsbed, said pdblica tier to be cd least ten day8 before said day cT hearing, * * * E * * * * * I, tne undcrtigned, heraby certify that the foregbieng Resolutisn vas dub's' and regularly introduced and addsted by the Council of the City of Albmadu in regu- lar meeting assembled on tRa 6th day of September, 1960, b7 thfi following vote, to mit: AYES: Tourcilmbr Collischmmms Freeman, Petersen, Schdoht and President mcce11, NOES: Korb. AMMEMMM None. . IN VITNESS WHEREOF', I bate hereunto set dy hand and. affixed the officjma. deal of said City thim Tth 'Say ' September, 2960. -7 (7 CJerk cf 77 Alumoda * * * h * * * * * * I hereby certify thdt tha foregoimg is 2 f,A21, Ursa and correct coCY DT 'Revolution No, E7 33, A RESOLUTION OP' INTETTION TO MAKE DRANGDS !AND MitDIDTCATMOIS - PAY FARM ISLAND UMSESSMENT DISTRICT NO. 58-1," introduced. and samot "a mis u en " . ed sms feff or the Eth. dbv of Sentenbr. iTms