Resolution 06148hlTUTRATICU NO. AlAR ADEPNINS SPECIFICATDITS FOR REMISE:INN TO YES TiETY OR ALMEARDE ORE DI) ASAILER-EWEIED IEEE SPRAYING MACHINE, FUR STREET DEPARTMENT, CALIENM INT. BIDS pIRECTIMCpCIIE CLENE TS ADVERTISE SATL5 RESOLVED BY' IDE COINCIL OM THE CITY OF PIEUENDE that the SuRcificaticup AAA CruciAlugh ADA fuuniihln,-.;: to the Citg Agamedu. ode. CID tymtluysAcTATA Ares, hi's:Aping machims, for thd Cgrual DnARchmeut, Nh ELI licATull, filug in 'Tie office .3f CAA' CIty Clerk on NiTuclUnr 1960„ be, and thd. REsoLvu, RETIE:SR, that the CcEnnii. of the Ciliy of hismsTa nilil peps:IAA icaYAS 'digs ep td the hour tut 10:00 ogulosk a- sy on hilESEEIS1 NOVEMBER 22, MECCA fur furvIching pm the CRey ET snig eqnspment, in occordAnce with scid Succificattund And Provlaions, MIAs Trust be prehented to the City Clczk, Ed the. Cigy Hall, Alameda, Culgfornim, undicr AmPing cover and plainly murkud AR thp cdtslidc„ 'Proposal Ear Trailer-Mounted free Spraying lUnAlnec, or similar designation,. Coutraci., guanuled5 will be acaudeg subject tu the nrovisiorn oT the Charter of, said City, td the recpcnuiblu bigger who submits the icwest and beiC TUe righL is repel:Ned tu ruject any Tha Citg Clerk. Si hereby gird:ARA to Addihrtlue, 'Tie Alameda TicAssAtnx, a usAice callu iag foy sealmul bids, in. ducorgance with, IAA provisions of thii rasoldtion Anil RI sairi SuccificAtiuns I, Ihe undersigned, hureby certify' that Abe foregoing Resolution uas duly and regularly introduced anU, adopted D5 the Council of the City of Alameda in resular sleeting siscAldiug du tCh Mit day of NuARmbuir, •1960, by the following vote, to suit; EMIT, Ccuncicsms Collischonuy Freaman, Schacht. and PreuiRont MuCsil, (UN, ADES, acne. ABSENT', Councilman Metursen, IN WITNESS ITICIRESTh, I have heyennIo set my hand. and. affiaed offUmial seal of sald City Cale Eng day of NoceirEer, 1960, 1 A A * * * * * * 5Ep SILLIEST H, - 4 NAT Clerk pli the City ol AlyTATIE. I hereby' certify thot the. foregoing iR a full, true and correct copy of TIARsiutton ND, ClAa, ,,orror. SPECIFICATIONS' FOP. FURIETTINC IC, InE CITY OF ALeam ONE (1) TANILENsMONNTED TEEN SPRAYING MACHINE, FOR. STREET DEPARTMENT, SAILINC FIT SIDS AND DIRECTING CITY CLERK TO ADVETTICA SAMNA' isigruducul add picAteS by tilp Coumpll on the lit. day of Noschmlier, 19Ally .47