Resolution 06233C,1 .T9 grV7,7,97 PE,399f 9R990N tro„ .62•31 PESOTRURJON OF THE COUNCTI. OF gRIE CITY OR ALRMEDA DESIONAIING • TEE NUMBER OF RIR) PROVIDING FOR 'ME COMPENSXEIRRN OF CERTAIN aff„..7ff—n2„„2'111:42.-.„E'LLPY27:21,..cf„..17.1.T.„..C.Fil „, BE IT RE90197:9 139: THE 009k927,1- TV CI TY A: • A,',7 FCA. See i S Re t i S ha 11 ha known a S the 'Salary ang Rosi ti or, Regoluti on of July I, 1961', Section 2 The following salary rates, sciory ranges and salary steps are hereby designated as the r9,tes of pay cp91.ignbis tc the respective. positions In 9hc scrvice of the. City cf Alameda: Code "CanRkg 9.9e9 t S Rtep FoRitigns No. A _ _ _ ',75 kuEtcr and tsscsscg 1 /SI - ... - - 900 163 .9cputg kgkessor 1 ,Rii ggg OR 65,c; 693 727 137 'R.;:'t.,. Denuty guRiker i 54 99R1 535 530 's '59 594 .62 kg?cct9 Fieig Assessor (uart-91m.$) 2 g i 3g9 397 385 R25 ',RR ',...97t9k. Rach, 'Mg. (HCR 310e) 1 175 115 7735 k3f.: 991 .U9 "Ince rmeg i age Typi st -Clerk ? 37 317 '233 349 :397 V35 79 CI ty ',97corogy 1 9,9 1042 MO 1135 1213 1274 (6R Rskintc7t City AktkrgaR 913 •9/.,9 626 710 7g9 115 1,7eggR Skgrc99,1-97g),,,R, t 49:5 425 497 ,`.69 R93 173 City Clerk 114 Deputcy City Clerk 65 62S 660 693 727 763 395 41.5 1,36 459 4.91, 190 City Nagagex 1. Fin, _ 161.5 179 Assistant. Ciggy igengger I. 72 745 P.21.. ;92 9(1,5 12R Agolin.ingragive Secretary to City kignager 1 43 139 .45R 991 505 99R klcnkking RR 1 ect9r I 79 921 962 .9)5 :•.s7stRgt Pikcgcr L 59 5Z,3 570 59R, C'29 9,79;,'! R97 Planning Dr.a. ksk.• .an i 5', 'g4.7 499 493 517 543 119 F.,eniQT to..nos9tc9hcr-Clerk :t 4i RCR.," 39.5 .:.'9k9 425 Seg.': kr St ,gicsr.kgg,kr .99kk 172 Executtve Secretary, Civil Sexvice Board 16.4 Persongog Technician. 110 Ice r cnn e 1 CR e. '109 ItntcnReRR ate Typlc t-Ci.crk 27C.79., nak7. i on P roc t or 349 395 405 425 76 SR]. 962 905 959 99R3 59 543 570 59e 926 660 46 397 415 936 459 4SI 37 3i7 Y.P. '3.,,9 39,7 3R5 PURC9ASINg; 166 Bugr 53 109 Intermediate Typist-Clerk 37 SOCIAL SER.99LCE 113 Sent., Or Stenographer-Clerk 1.79 Treasurer and Tax Collector 16'7 Deputy Treasurer-Tng Ocli(Rktcr 1 199 Ass. ,Depty.Treas.-"CE,x• Col 1 , 1D9 Intermediate Typist—Clerk 493 517 593 R;99, 598 317 333 349 367 395 34.9 "397 '395 /..;09 /925. 9/9 - R3 ktt) 629 990 54 ,k91 505 530 37 91. i 333 3g9 900 59:3 727 3R7 295 Cudu Ste6 Step Step Fos:tione 6 WILDINC UND "11:68:380006 SLep 885 Chief of Inspec6ion Edvisleu (Senlor Civil 0n8ineer) 72 715 782 321 832 905 320 7611ding Insperdter 59 543 570 59S 528 660 840 Plumiying InspecLor 1 59 543 57G 598 62.8 660 815 Deputy 8uilding Inspector 1 54 481 505 530 553 584 305 BUilthng Permits Assistant 1 435 385 405 425 443/ 469 -HALL 3M Building Maddltenancerdarl 1 45 38.5 405 425 44.7 439 587 Cdra2.e kt.:tendant 1 43 367 385 405 6328 3.47 5S5 Janitress 2 36 310 325 341. 35E 376 146 Telephone 06erator I 37 317 333 3:69 367 385 UN6 [NZ:6.0..1NC 460 City 6610dneer I 86 10368 :HO 3213 1274 455 6ss:6tant: 3111y Truf,neer 1 76 an U6d 905 950 .986 480 ducculdL0 Civil Eagineer 3 (.303 693 727 76',. 304 cal 825 3ssidtant C'edil Endi.dreer 1 64 613 644 .88.,3 710 745 426 junior l Elecineer 3 58 530 536 6,34 613 417 Curvny Parte CUIE3 2 56 833) 556; d3, 313 544 416 Cone,Lrudtidn inspect6r a 57 017 543 570 596 625 611 806,680.13 Insucet:or 1 52 L058 433: 505 338 556 413 8.03n18r Cn6..ineern.:6:. :idde 3 51 43d7 466 4C.3 317 543 57 510 543 393 412 ,ddeCtee 6086nistraLlue \ssistant 41.0 060aneerinu Aide 4 .6.8 405 425 3,4.7 469 493 IL3, decretary-Stenographer 1 u6 395 ..d.15 436 .458 1:8 Sen..lcr Ctendsrapher-Cldrk 41 340 357 6,,, 405 109 'uor,ermeddte Ty3ds,3-Clerk 1 37 317 333 36`8 367 385 j26 intermudia6c Adc30:86601er'0 1 41 357 385 405 625 588 P361.8c Meintenance Scuermdsor 393 City. Tree SupervAsor 592 Maintenance Plumber 554 Equipment Opera.6or 45 Park Cadreter 352 Trcold Driver 555 Tree Trimmer. 591 Plumber's Helper 547 Uerdener 570 Laborer 6803 3eccrIty Guard (Cart-Time) 1 56 505 530 356 55C 3d,8 1 56 305 530 056 58u 613 54 &el 5603 510 556 5P4 2 46 393 415 436 65S 481 315 385 405 825 447 63339 46 395 415 433 45L 461 43 1 315 48d3 13S 431 505 1 45 365 405 425 2..47 469 1 45 335 406 6.59 16 43 367 185 u.U5 425 U.43) 3736 _ 8 1.88 68.5 3oundudaster 1 14.8 415 436 8,58 481 505 504 Depdoey 8.6undmas6ur 1 085 405 425 447 660 582 Mniatendnue Cuddrintendent 1 71.) 710 745 782 621 573 General. Stureet Maintenance Supervisor 1 59 543 570 59S 623 561 edltaeotive eechanic FOnaMall 1 5-4 505 553 384 681 Carpenter Fure..6.8n I. Cd6 55S 584 5060 Concrete 136renan 1 54. 1;'U.:1 533 584 549 Painter Fereduud 1 54 505 556 564 5.05 Sewer. Foreman. . I 481 503 553 364 575 866-Foredian , /86 dudi 553, '..dotor 3aeeper Operadcur 2 48 4.13 4.36 431 Tiii6::::f5:= 5382 Maintenance Carpenter 2 50 436 458 532 Automotive Nuchanic 52 530 556 1 556 Equipment: 06e:rat i :dr 4.69 550 dd.:linter 1 50 458 505 53D 552 Trucic. Driver Id) 458 4 1 558 Motor Equipment Service6,an. 1 45 447 4(9 574 Cement Finisher 49 9 ii 493 571 Ckilled Laborer 45 385 405 447 369 578 Laborer , .., 43 38:7 3.85 423 5.51 Traf816 Painter 571 Skilled Labnrer 49 425 469 493 517 3. 45 335 405 fr235 447 469 Ci6P0 (33.3q7..? Range Ster, Stcp Step S Step 10:3/:+:238 7C(C-E) 665 Fire Chief 1 70(0 - 950 99C 763 65(Rn 660 Assstant Fire Chie47 2 657 Battailun Fire Chief 2. 655 FR-re Capta-in $ 61 (E ) 59.0n - 54.5 rir, Lieu-tee:ea:lc,: 10 :55.3)0.5 C60 640 EC: reman 61 .45S 5.'36 5.84. 5C42 4. ucc otec t 1 ve 'RR. ch4 ni e 1 52 4F,1 530 556 113 Senior Stenogr,:pher-Cierk 1 41 349 365 4.05 (.25 367 D2LA. 36 Poi i ce Chief. 1 7MC-E) - 950 '998 1.C.4.6 631. Col. i ce Cop t ci n 1 70(R) - C(52 630 Rolice 1...icuLenant 3 6504) 763 625 PoUce. irkspector 4 61(E) 693 620 Poi i ce Sergeant 9 59 {el..t4) - - 660 415 Police Officer 51 54.(C-E.) 530 556 510 'Z. c 1 1 ceNvcc.n 2 .54.(C-E) - - 530 556 5.C.4 L 13 Senior. Stenographer- Clerk 3 41 34.9 3,44, 3C.5 405 425 I. 0E.. Celli or C le rl,. - Tyle I st 1 41 349 357 7.3.!..5 4.05 425 6...y::: Crossing Guard (Part- 71710 Ire Iqii - 1.70 Each mecTher of the eclice Department who shc,1.; .,..pctain the cuce..iifcaEions of RExpert Revolver ChoC, 'Sharpshooter'', or "leicerksmanN accor,:icmce eilth the provisions ef ResolutIon. No. 2064 s4ell rec,eive in. cdditdon co che c1 5ipcnseA,icn. preevided above, and sc loclg as sech mlalifications Are. retained, the Cee'. 1 ovA ng amouc t c 'Expert Revolver Shotc $5.00 per month 'Sharpshooter' 3.50 per month 'C4...er!‹secanc 2.00 per month 74;5 (MD.': Course 74annger 1 67 693 727 76T.i C01. Th7 "e3e4 ',tarter an..! R.;3„cisCani„ C•ReIN' Cccrse Rean:e3er I 5C 53(..= 5C:,e 5C4 C., L 3 6444 544 Colf Ccersc Sa4crictendunt I 58 C,30 556 1 64,4 562 .AtczoNicti ve Mechnele 1 52 1 505 530 555 750 Goi.5. Cterl,er e Zi5 395 415 6577 4R1, 541 Nr:Nunds,racc-Cardene.r 7 45 335 1,C5 (425 447 469 554 Ecc., i cinent °cern t or 46 395 415 45C 1.,C1 5.5C. :Rotor Ecuipment, Servicecmn 1 45 3R,5 4,05 e25 4L/ 469 5C6 Janitcr 2 40 341 35.0 376 395 570 1,o..erer 6 S3 3(C7 105 405 42 5 447 Se addition to normal compenea ti on, pers.one holding the position of LeCoceNer in. the CNA C Department, 5Aecr. so engea3ed, shall receive. nr,, smm of $20.0.0 per month fee.er 245 Ci ty Id CrarC, an 1 69 693 727 763 801 841 240 1.,..s,C,i,etaat. Librarian 1 57 517 54.3 5'70 59S 628 230. Re.ference Lflerarlaq 1 54. 4.P. .535 5-30 556 584 235 Cctel cg Lilecar I ar, I. 54 .505 530 556 5C4. 225 *CenCur Lilercirian. 5 50. 505 .530 220 Sem i or 141.brarci..en 1 45 3C5 405 .425 447 469 215 -Library Clerical Assistant 5C,' 36 310 325 341 358 376 21S 'Ri bcery C].,:.4.4jR.,Ral. 4444.1sta Yl. i, (Part-Ticle) T4rn 1,„ 75 1.93 2.02 2.12 160 Pb1.1c Relations Recc 1,, 41 34.9 357 185 40.5 425 536 jani Lcr 24,5 .40 341 3eC 37E. 395 41.5 119 Se c re t a ry .- S te.no raph.ex 1 395 4.15 436 45....3 481 210 Library ,.a...,14, (Partclqmee) 1.15 1.21 1..27 1.3'3 1,40 * The incecabents cf the pcsi Lion of SerlSor Librarian who supervise eithex the Branch Library or the Chil,firen's Department will. receive, in. addition their regular sal,,ry, the sum of $15.00. per ,nonth. 5477±...77472,71.4317 74.2 Director cel Recreati on 1 73 76,3 801 454.1. C83 927 730 Supervisor of RecreatIon 3 58 530 .55C: 5B1, 613 C4.4. 720 Playground Di rector .3 49 .4.2.7. 4,47 493 5.17 58.6 Jan i tor 1. 40 341 35C .376 1195 415 ICC Senior Cleeck-Typi st 1 4.1 349 367 385 405 /425 109 Icatermed.iato ypist-Clerk 1..:5, se J, 31 333 :349 3,57 3.55. 736 Recrentinn Speclalist - - _ 2,21 e 2,40 72.2 Recreataon Le4Ider 04..17.) FPI 1..78 2.02 2.12 71C Recre.ation Aide (P,T.) Fih - - 1.51 1.63 11222e, 11o, of f1tot Stu,: Sts: Stet, ts5,1ti_sns 2„21„._ 770 522issains, rocl, sifintger Cf.T.1+ F/h - 2.40 772 Ssn i or Li lesuarf 02.21. ) .2,111 2,12 773 Li ittguturd (.1' .1f . ) ft/S _ _ -1,,tut 777' Cashicv-fttentiant (12.72.) Fih _ _ 1,2,1 777 Lockss Atteildstst 77/2 Instructvr 'tide (11.21.2./ 12/21 1.46 535, Jan.: tor 1,t, . l'.1 fill 1..92 365 City Physician (Part-212.us221, 1 42 (211) _ _ _ tt36 351 Emergency Surgesn. tP.T.) 4 10 On _ 200 360 Reg i stered Nur se 3 44 2715 395 415 t23C■ 4523 355 Relief Steward ("1.11%) 21/12 - W.1 ?at:king tlett:r Collector 572 Pa-I.:Sting Meter Repairman 385 40.1; ,I25 447 469 1 423 .1,15 452 481 505 In 8d.ditiss to normal compensation, the person engflges1 in tyssevT1ter reuaits; ettl I receive an adcit- t1strual sus: st $35.f10 yvfs nvulth. 1,1:1CATION RELIEF 12ND 212,22,211221.11,2 2,12,122-5112,1E Any ..tf ths above classes, as appropriately bsds.2.2st,22.1, and: 12.st Tyti.st-111 31 774 3C2 317 333 BE TT FURTNER n:EscaA,Ty), ffsat the effectIvE date uf tItis resclutAon sha11 be ittly 1, 1961. 21.221121112,2211, 11121111121111. tftsft the prOVI S ;07,S of this resolution ftall sussrscse :tuffs 2,22;:ticns 22,2s01.012isil 1St. 6103„ and any OthOr SOLUt, CCME1 Ct Setts:71th, -and ,f11 such tonflicti,s2 vsu,visions ars, Su, f1ts ststent suct csrfl 1 et only, herelfy rest1 ne,s,1 and ansul Ist1. * * * * * * * * * * T , the. nntlers17,red„ hereby certify thnt ths furegoing 2esolutil,n u,ns anH veguinsly ivItroduces1 and adopted by the Council of the 1221ty of Aittnetia in susular meeting assembled or, the 20th clay of june, TWA, by. the foJio,Ang voe, to wit: .s.121.2Sv. 2nut,c11men. rfungsn, G,sdfrey, McCall, Schacht and President Collischonn, (5). .12t2ES 1112,ne. ABSENT: Mune, IN WITNESS 12222.f,202, 1. have heresints set fly hand and. affixed the sfficial sesi. of said City s 21st clay of June, 1961. 9f,211,LEY 11, TENNTER (1.11,1121.2) ci ty ciert: of the C.1 ty Alarstsit, I hertfty certify that the EsTessing is a full, true and correct savy of 'City. of ilamada Resolution 110. 6233, DESIC1SVI21.1121 TUE 21:12SMET1 OF A122.2 PRO71.2121.N2.1 FC21 71121, CDSIPEN,121TION OF' C2tRTAIN OFFICERS .1,221.1) 02.22ER E112112.tt1222ES 011 THE CITY. 011 SISYEDA2', introfiused and 2.122opted. by the Cuuntsil os. she 2,12tft ciay of june, 1961. 7," t he City Of