Resolution 06234CITY 2,p ittamsani, RNSSUCIN ON NO. .5231, RESCIUTIN OT THE COUNCII, THE CITY OF allAMEDA APPROVINC. AND ADOPTING TIE TENTATIVE EJDGET OF THE urz AlatlIEDA INN FISCAL t",„,..A.P. 96 962. liIIIEREAS, Caere has beea submitted to and filed wit. Cala CounciI, a ten.tative budget ?sepia.- SCCA Fq a financial plan far conducting she nf faNna of the City of islasseatu. for the tiscal yeass 1961- '1;962, an:in budget being entitled 'Recormendea anN'`utsts-INty Maste,NaisCaliforeil'i.—III961-1962', and being led. th the Ci ty Clerk of ehe Ci ty of Ale...sada as of June 13, 1961. ; ana "IalfigESIS, tile Council of she City Cf. Alameda. has tally examined said tentative iguit;ger. anti 'oexeby finds, th. the exceptions noted beint..7, that said tentative Nina:in:jai plan i In the hest interests of the Ci. ty of Alameda; NOSI THDIEFUSNE, BE IT RESOLVED 3Y THS: COUNCIL CT THE Cill7 OF' that the Council of the Olty of Alamada hereby adopts and approves said taptativa bcdset referred. to tUvave as filed, aubject no fir.al aparnt'al in. Septanber, 1 , as required by Section oE the Charter at the City sr Al.a.saaa; praviden, lissieares, that, (1) Tat. amount set out and er OTT! CON NC T I , OTHER Ia EIR V CE shall read, Nall lowed , $7,6.80" . (2) Mg arstavat tat oat npaea• SOCIAL SERVICE, PERSONAL SINWICES, shall rend, 'Allowed, $4,96CN. • 0) Tne amount !an: out under CAU1TAL OUTLAY FUND, REST ROONS, GRANT STREET :aaMP, shall. read, ' 5 00, BE 11' FURTHER REIWITIO that the City Manager and the Ci ty Auditor of tbe CI ty of Alameda are hereby eathairisej and directed Lc, the precepts of the saiin tentative buNlgei: in the inteTia seriod prior Le adoption. and approval cif the. final budget, fiscal year 1961-1962, by this Council. in September, 1961. undiersagned, hereby certify that the. totegoing Resolution was duly and. regularly ingradaced aaoptaxl by the Csnatil. of City of. Alaneda in regular aleeti.ng assembled on. the 20th. day al Junes, 1931, by the Colicwing vote, to vat; Councilmen Dungan, Neafrey, TacaUtall. , Schacht. ana President: Collischaan, (5). laDES: Nane . Nono . NaANTES TNESINTa I have hereunto stt lay harlal and a ffIxeil. the atficial veal af valU C.nty this 21st day of June, 1961. SNIIINNY,IIT. City Ciera of the City of Alameda hatelis setitify that the foregoing Is a fall true and c cr o. copy af 'City et alamesila CAI SIIIR 1961-1 ;SI,2" :1 Iv-Panted anti a +sa ta a by the Count ert 11:11C 2 C h y of June , 951 sof,' the Ci ty aaeda