Resolution 06240CITY OF hIAMEDA RESaUTION NO. 6240 RESOMITON OF THE COUNCIL OF TEE CITY OF ALAMEDA ADOPTING DUDCEI, FOR EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS ALLOCATED FROM TUE STATZ PIGWAY FUND TO CITIES. _ 1.,1.1EhREAS, R masher agreement has been. ea,acuted by the City of Alameda, hereinafter referred to as the City, and the. State Deparrhment Alblic Works, Division oh Highways, hereinafter referred Lc as the Department, on March 2, 1961, for expenditure af Shate allocatd funds; and WHEREAS, a prohect statehent has been prepared. and was submithed ho the Department on May 21., shun.in.g estifflated ez:penditures of such binds rech...mienciehl to be made during the EiscaJ year 1961-1962; anA WE3REAS., a bo0,eh., aphrhved by the Depart.nent n Sunc 12, has been presented. ho the City Council in accordance whth prh,jech htaterd....nt suhrdhtcd hy the City; and IhhhhT,E,AS, the City Chancii. is familiar with the contents hi' sah.,1 budget, as Approveui by the Department; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT T....ESDIVED .F.ch. VIE CDUNC1L OF TN: CITY CT ALAMEDA. hhat. said hudw.....h be and ih herEby adopted as thh, bhdsat of expcnd,,chhhh ruh..hmended tu. be made from sue, funds d.lrin3. the: FAscal. yea.r. 1961-196:2. the uadersigned, hereby hhutlhy that the foregoing Resoluthicy was duly and regularly introduced and adopted by the Council cf. the City of Alameda. in regular meeLing assembled on the 21Ith h!Fy of June, 1961, by the following yhte, twh hWt: Chtmcilmen. Dungan, Godfrey, 'McCall, Shhacht. and Presidenr Chiliachhnn, (5). WOES: hh..SFhhhh; None. IN hrITNESS WHERE.CW, I have hereuntD neh my hand and affixeA hhc official neal sact Ci.ty thls 21sh hh.y :Rm.., Ih;61. ENNTE (SEAL) City Clerh of the CiLy T herehy certify that the foreghing is a full, true chaCi correct chpy of' hCity Alamedn ReiicdutAc.n. No. 6240, ADOPTIN..c. KDGET FOR EXPZNINTURE OT FUNDS ALLOCATED FRO.. 'FE ST,h1TE ITSND TO OTTJE5', intrhduched and h,doht,A hhe Council OE. hhe 20th day of. june, 1961.