Resolution 06254lTSCVMTION OF FFell COUNCTL OF TrIE OTrr OF eioVflFee Te' VPPRFCIJVFION AND COrlelrolerION OF JAMES A., QUINN FOR HIS NOTFOOORTIN SERVICE TO 'ITV 9F AleNVETle\—__ _ WHEREAS, jAMES A. QUINN has been n member or ttle C.ivl I Service. Board eince JUA.e and hes served ae President nt said Brerd several ',TA ,TRS dUTi. 11? ths thirteenrycor verleoe and sh. has bee:, wost cense .e t' wos in. hi s eerfermance o`f the veer (lute es involved and its girea wf hes Lime nee.. erepereence the. revAew ane dieperV ticm. of:: pe re Done 1 . ,_sues and procedures f or the equi table bene c of al 1 coneereed. efjR, JOJEROFOR2, Be IT RESOLIED, reat the City oe AleFeeda afle CBE_ citizens ef Lhe ceirefon- Iry oo hssehy express tecir ereat ..steer tor .4r. Quinn ane extenA their sincere gratl tube .for COR rewelueble serrece rendered by him eureng his long tenure of effice. to N.r. lames A. f:,,eion as a toren ell the reecToitior hr. so ierrly deserves enw rhe ceeoeneata e.1 the City Ccueell for hes loyalt.y, wjell its felleitetione for his Betere heppiness and we beerre, 1, tee ereerseeneA, !Jereby certify thee tee foregvine,„ Resolutirn vas dvey anV reuiarly crie ce a 1.16 Ci.01) Led by the Coe n cli of the Ci. ty oE n eu 1 it7 TIC?(7, g s sfebb ed the dby eel y , the ttt7,11.7.),It7t3 VOte, ittt, tttitt t ES: Ceunci 'men Doogen, Cedirrey, McCell, Scheeht and Presleent CrIfisetreen, (5). Nene. FeleVO.) v.- of the Cle t E eeTeby certify Leni Lee fovegolng 'Is a feel , true and correct copy of: "CU:.y eB elarleda Resorutioe Ne. 6254, IN lrl.PReCIATI,ON CONFeljelerefJOM .J.AMES A, WINN FOR BIB NOTEVOkJeW SERVVOE TO T7.17 CT Tv 07 VfoorVOlv , at.redoced en,1 adfvored By. tee Ceunce 1. on the 5th day of Jolly, 19'51.