Resolution 06286CITY OF ALASEDA RESOLUTION NO. 6236 BASSCIUTION OF ISE COUNCIL, OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA ADOPTINS1 SPECIFICATIONS FOR SITISSISSING TO ME CITY OF ALAMEDA SWF, (1) NE,S, IFFAIsT MODEL, SELT CONTAINED, FiNT•TI PROPTSED TRAFFIC LINE MARKER SCR STREET DEPARTMENT, CALLJSIG FOR KOS. AND DISSECTSFCCITYSIZRKTO ADVERTISESAM RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL Of' US CITY OF ALASTSDA thnt the SpecIfJcations wild Provisions for ferniishing to the City of Alameda. one (I) new, latest model, self corissined, power propelled Trafbic Line Markey. Stir the Street Departimert, No. MS 11-61-16, filed. in the office of the City Clerk on Nsvember 7, 1961, be, and the same are hereby. Approved and adcb,ted. • RESOLVED, FURTHER, thst the Council of the City of Alamed,iii, still receive seaJed bids up to the Cour of 10)00 s'eloc.k a.m. on kG,SDNESSAf, NOVEMBER 29, 1961, for furnishing to the, Cisy of said Traffic Line Marker, tn accordance said SpecSficatiens aad Provisions. Bids must be presented • to the City Clerk, is the City hall, AJameda, California, under sealed cover and plainly marked en the buts,de, 'Proposal. Eor 'Cower Propelled Traffic Line ScirPers, or similar designation. Contract, if awarded, yiill be actirded subject the provisions of She Chs.rbes NAS, said City, to the responsible.. hideer who submits she lowest ash hest bid. Sibe right is reserved th reject any or all. bids. The City Clerk is hereby directed Co advertise, in. the. Alameda El:es-Star, a nstice fhb. scaled bids, in accordance with the provlsions of this resoistion and of said Sceeificaticcs And Prbvisionb. I, the undersigned, hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was duly and regulayly introduced and adopted by the SChibell of the City cf Alameda in regelar meeting assembled on. the 7th. day. oS November, 1961, by tine following vote, to kiNit: eNuncilmsa Dungaus Gcdfres, SchacPt and President' Collischonn, (5). NOES: Nene. ABSENT) Nene. IN WSPESESS ISHESSOSA, I have bereinsto set lily hand anci affixed the official seal of said City this Gth. day nf Novenber, 1961. SITSREY H„TENNTES (SEAL) ity Clerk. of the City of Alamegla I hereby certify Chat. the. Foregoing is a full, true and bcrrect chipy ef "City of Alameda Resolution. No. 6286, ADOPTING SPECIFICATIONS Fop. SPRNISSING THE CMS' of, ALASEDA MSS (1) NEW, LATEST MOD•EL, SELF CONTAINED, POWER PROPELLED TRAFFIC LINE MARKET, FOR STREET aa.o.v.mxr, CALSJGC AM MOS AND STRESSING CIAT CIETSS TO ADVERT-ISE lAntirsduced and adested by the Ccuncil on the 7th. day of November, 1961. Sit!, Cisysk cb tht.i.SCity of Alanieja