Resolution 06330CITY OF ALAMEDA RESOLOTEON idlCs 6330 RESOLUTION OF THE COU.NiCIL OF THE CIOHV Or ALAHXDo TN .4"44R1Ov.4 DANIEL H. 10.0X. _ WITH DEEP SORROW, the Council of the City. of 4.1.aeleda records the. death dr one. 4S its psonlin- est and loyal c4tizans, DANIEL 4, 'KROH, retired Judge of the Alameda len:Helsel Court, Rhin had served ss the Bench. for almost tnenty-onn years .fron: the time of his alection te this. post by vnte the people in 1934, until his retAremast in 19455. WNEREASs Judge Ini.sx had presided. over. his Court: wi.th impartiality awl dispatch and had been held in high esLeem by his -colleaTies for the integtity manlfest in his decisions; and WHEREAS, Judge 14nox had. resided In Alaneda since early childhsed aud 'add played ad. R4partant part through the yedrs In the life of. Cie communIty by bAs decise pdrticipdtAos and leadershle in the worthwhile programs df many celvic anl . fraternal groups. NOO, TEEREFORE, HE IT RESOLVED th‘,at, in recognition. of his excellent record of service and hjs friendliness toward all hAs assoeidtes, the Council of tbe City' of Alameda expresses its sense of personal loss and its gratefulness for the reputable influence exerted Sy Judge Xnex, RE IT FuRIncR RESOLVED that this ressoluRies be spread in full upon the. nvAnutes of this meeting and eettifien cony thereof be foredreed to Mrs- Knex in order that it may extend to her a sincere expression of sympathy and condolence in. her bereasevient BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that when this mee.ting uf the Council. of the City 4f Ala,se.d adjourns, it shall ne so in respect ts tse medidrY 44 4O444E HANLE', d. RHOX. I, the undernigned, hereby cerLify that the foregolly Resolution was duly and regularly introduced ann adopted by the nnuscil of libe Cdty of 41deeds in regular ment4ne assedhled de. the 20th day of February, 1962, by the follsoing vete, to wit: Coonciln(4r, Codfrey, McCall, R.02E, Schacht. and President Collischonn, (5). NOES: None. ABSENT: None. IN WITIOESS 1411EllECT, 1. have hereunto set sly hand. and affixed the official. seal of sald City this 2Ist day of. February, 1962. (sEAL) SHIRLEY U. TENN1ER_ CiLy Clerk of the City of Alameda I he.reby certify that the foregoing is a. full, true corres espy el.: °City of Alamedd Resolution dln. 6330, IN N.Enmi",,m Tn DAN.11E1 H„ KNOXR, introduced and adoptsd hy the Csuncil on the 20th dal of February, 1V2. CHLy Clerk oi1 .„.„,„44.4e City cf. Alamsda