Resolution 06337CrTY OF ALYXEDA RESOLUTTON NO. 6337 F.E.SCITTON CY TUE COTX,CIL OF THE CITY OF t.,:.1AFDA IN VEMCETAX! TO BIM:LAY STEEIENS, p. NITTi SOXIX.4, the Council. of the City of Alameda. records. the death of onx of most distinguishe.d nfld beloved citizens, W. BARCLAY SMIXENS, '4P.EAS, Or. Stephens had been a prominent Ophtbalmologit and. had brought renown to self and to the City through bis rcseaxch. in. Lhis field of medical science; and WHEREP,S, a,..3.61t1on his note:worthy profexsibnol career, Dr. Stephens had eadenred himself to the peopte of the community by his financial generosity and keen interest in the youth of thE. City, particularly the. moxemen of Scoxtina., and devoted. ,pany years of leadershix, Lc. this activity; and N'ilEEAS, Dr. Stephens had also been. one of the founders of' the original FJamede THEREFORE, BE IT RESCIVED that, in recognition of the. good works performed. by this nnbla bumenitarar, the Council. •of the City of Alamsdp does hereby express i.ts sense. of regret and itt, gratitude for the invaluable personal coatribution made. by Dr4 Stephens. to,,,ard the welfare of the people of this CX.ty. BE TT 1 1 1 RESC1VED, that this rePelution be spreild in full upon the minute',1 of. this meeting and a copy thereof be sent to the family of. Dr. Stephens in order to extend. to its mexabers sincere expression of condelnnce. in their bereavement; and bE IT FURTffER that when this meet.ing of the Council of the City of Alameda adjourns, it shall do so in. respect to the memory. of W. 3i,XCLAY STE2XENS, M.. D. I, the 6ndersigned1 hereby certify that. the for0xgoing Resolution was duly anti regularly introduced and adopted by the Cox-F.1,2i' of the City. of Almxadxt in rpgvaar meet,,ng assembled on the 6th day of March, 1962, by the following vote, to wit: Cd6ncilmen Mc.C211, Rose, Schacht and. President Collischonn, (5). NOES: None. ABSENT: None.. wITNEss I have hereunto set my hand an affixed the official seal of said City thi, 7th. day o.F. (SEAL) SHIRLEY E. TENNT7r. .ity Cleric ot the Lity of Alameda hereby certAfy that the foregoing Xs a full, true and correct copy of 'City of Alameda Resolution. No. 6337, IN ,,Emrar_Am TO W.. BAXUAY STEPHENS, M. D.", introduced and adopted. by the. Council on the 5th day of Mbrch, 1962. CIty Clerk/pf. .T,t City of Almlede