Resolution 06367CET Y OS ALAMEDA Eli:SOL:TETON NO. 6Ss/ RESDEUIBBYki OF THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ALAMEDA ADOPTING SPECIFICATIORS, SPEEEAL PROVISICRE UND PLANS TETI RESUREACTNTI ON FA.ANDING• AVENUE FROM PARK STREET TO BROUDWAit CALLTNO FOR BIDS ARO ETRECIIINO CITY_CLITISK TO aLVERTIS: SAME. WIERDAS, the Ci ty EngInee r has prepared Spec i ficati any , Special Provi si ons and Plans for' resurfacing on Blanding Avenue from Park Streeb to Brea,dway. aambered 3-62-5 and filed In the office ric the Cdty Clerk nn Roe. 19, 1.962.; Nnw kSRCFORE. SE 17 RESOLVED SI' Tad COUNCIL OF THE CEI.Y OF HLAEHDA chat the aforcsaid Sponi cations, Specia: Provisions and P:ara, airkbated and filed ae aforesaid, be, and Ole same'. ard nerehy approved and adnpted. PBSOf inDia, PCS : , hat she pAr Ft:I-manna and compi e ti on n f dha onkb Pd In '1,8; d Spec: I cati aye and Provisions hc, and tha sage i s harsby aacherizea. RESOTTED, FUilfaCCAP, that the Cduncl ol the Ci ty of u'irrieHa wi II race i az seaTna bids vg Lo the hour of II Hiclocit :las. oh ItiaiDAY, HOPE 29, 1962, bur fatrialiii: do tile ty cal all labor, matcrIa,s, machinery, kools ard etuiripEent necessary for the work hcrciparnsve referred bo, lh accord- ance wl Th sai d Spec i ficatluns and Provi sions. &Ida mast be presen led to the CI y Cl erk, in fairs Ty Hai A:emcee, Ca i CcraIa, under sealed cover and plai nl y :ranked on the outsi de, "Proposal for kesarbacHnui nn blanoinia Avence from Strt'at LO aroadwayb, ok sioilar dasiTenation. Cent:ration, i a awarded, wi 1 1. be aRarded subject to thha prava sions of hhe CharTer of the Ci ty of Alameda, ro tee.. responsible bidder wino kubrdit, Lhe lawesT and hest bid. The right is reserved En rejeet any hi. aTAI bids. tne hlhy Lt his offica in tha City Ball, A:aoada, baiifernia. The Clhv Clerli is hereby direched to advertise, in. tEe Alamuda Me S -Star, a notice calling fitE sealed bids, In accordance. wish the provisidna hhIs reschati.ru and. of said apauTifications and Provi DI one, the enHersigned, hereby nenti fr that the foregoing ResRiiiition taus duly arid regularly introduced end adopted by The Councll the CI ty Allaruila in. regular area:a-Tug aeacubled on the lath day of Tune, iSe52, hy the fol lowing vuTu, to ra ti RYES:. Councilmen Godfrevy McCall, Rosu, Schacht. and President. Co: RI schnnn, (5). AtiaillEidil Nona . WAITNEJS allEREOF, I. have laTriiunro set. day aand and affixed the official seal of eald City skis ?Oka day of June, 196.2. lENAIER. (SEAL) City Clerk of the City ot Alameda I hAreby bertIfy that. the Borugoing is a , true and correct copy cif "Ci LI of ATaauda Resolution No. 636.7, ADITSTING SPECECTCBTIGGE, SPECIAL PPIWTSIONS AND PLANS FOR BEIDDRERCIETI BLANDaNO AVENtiE FROM PARR SEREET TO BROaDWAY, Pala ING FDR BIDE AND DIRECTING CIES' CLERK. TO ADVERTISE SAOCEE, inTroduced and adopted by the Countaii. ea the 19th day of: Tnne, 4 /I Ci ty Clerk of. ty of AI agoda