Resolution 06372CITY OF ALAMEDA RESOLUTION NO. 6372 RESOLUTION Oh fdd AMBIGEIL OF THE CIES Od ALAMEDA AMINCRIFING Talc EXLCMINCE1 AORNEENE1Cli NECCE THE oary ASSOCLATION FOR THE COLLEC1MON AND REMOVAL OF REELER ENG CARBAGE. MMEREAM, theca Xas 'seer, atIbmi trod to this (loci:RAI an agroomenC bc.X.smn the City of Alamoda axd the Alameda City Garbage Association. Eat. the col lecti on and remamval of r6ruse and gaxbage Erm- a period of tml (10.) oi.irm fXmoi August L, 1962; aed MliscMisa, the. City Council is familiar with the contents of said mareeamnim and alaRREaS. it is in thb public interest. that. said agreement should be eni..ered info; Now. CaLMZEFMRE, 3E RESOLVED MY THE COUNCIL Of' rdE CLAY OF ALAMIEDA tMat, said agreement- roc thc colle6flon and removal of refuse and faarbage be. encored inmo, and. thaf the Mayor of the Cify of miabmda ba, aad Se is. hereby, aummaramed ane Miascred fo exacuLe said. araelimot en oehalM at Lhe City of Alameda, and ths City Cler ls aumbarixa3 to atEest Co same. the modersigood, hereby certify thars. fF.6. foregoing Resolufion was duly and regularly ictradaced axd adopted by the Council cM the City f-M: Alaff6da ix adjourgod regular T6ebing asseathlad on. t6e 26tX day of June, 1962, by tha tolloaXng voto, co Emacici itacx EasmdLactNi McCall, E0E0, Schactit: axd PresiUmnr Collischoan, (f). IN WIENERS 00ERECF, hflo Lerounto set my haad and affixed laXo official. seal. sf e aid S 2'itn ddy Of JO :le y 19E2. SHIRLEY R. TECNICR City -0.0orR mf CI ty Ciagmada horeby certIty chat Moe forREssoE. is a Mull, trne and correct., copy "Llty of Riamros Nosol LIDA No, 6372 , AU OLOR13.11.0 1S1E EXECAMMON 1,260.2311311' ELUL CAE ALAXNDA CITE Caalistaila AMMO- ClE6110,3 FOX COLIECTION AND RE31030X.. REFUSE XED COMNBACEN, introdocced and adapted by tho Council or, Lima 2ixtla day cio" Lasim 1M62.• simff'7E'Ami.Mastfamai City Clack raf ttlo cr. Alameda