Resolution 06374CI aitiatteatt GP Arai 'de CiNataitiON efir COPtiitit. 'ilia OF itivitMetiNa APPOlei flea; BE IT PINS(11A1115) f.Pa araphall, CP Clare of. ALAMEDA that peradara. ha the pittu,r1 si,ns a Ar Li at, the Charter tUt7 12,1ti.:. L9 0:: AlevaNlei area upaii hotel raze:ion tha llayar , s hereby appointed to the otil ce of member of the Ci ty PI wining eloara cy of ahead a 'Per th a a ittg ntil y and on Strat, 30, 1965, and t a se rtie ant. hia succe eater 1 a apaihi ota and. taial 1 f I., the JAPerek&ata, hereby certify than Pat. foaez,,in Resclutava was du.), and rasalarly innroduced and adopted by Viie Council of the City of Alameda in. adjourned regal ar meeting atsemal dn. ilia, 26th aay cf Jana, 1562, by. the fc,Novang vote, to vie: a:PCS Coatei. then. Pic:plan:ay, , Rase; Saliacht anal Pre el dev-ei Col 1 1 set-ape:1, Pi:), VIPS; Ptatt. NVAPPESS haiER t have Ileireino se t hand and a axed iate affica al siie at aval iPhi La, PENNI City Clerk of, Lhe City of 10 Resolotaoa No. 6374,, APPOINTING MailDER OP !Nit Cilli PilievidAtNG BOAPpaā€˛ atraphIceti and aaachiaa AA Nee Council on. iihe 26th day of 1962, Ci ty Clerk/at' Ci ;iy e4 ame