Resolution 06411CI FY OF ALAAUDA Er,SOLOW,ON NO, 6al RsoLuTT,ON OF IRE COUNCIL OF THE CI FY Of ALABIRDA EURBEYWNW TEE alAYOR :XI EXECUTE, m BRaALF CP Mr, CLEY, A REMEAAL OY PRAT 1 BAIN 11 E TO tiAR BOB TUG AND SURGE COMPANY , DATED NOVEMBER 2E,, 1952, PURSTANE 70 Tdr, rER'As OF SAfD It:ASE AND ORIORANCE 99. 1.7lO9 B. WHIEELAS, on November 25, 1952 certain lands of tne Ci ty Alameda were leased • to iarbor Tog ao7 5argal C090allY far a. Period of ten 00) years as authorized by Ordinance- No— 1069 N. S. duly passed by the Caunci 1 cf the Ci ty of Al anteda on Ila tuber 21, 1952; and. WartEla,S, said Oralaahca and Lease ex.pressIy procUde rhat upon faithful performancv of all terms and condi lions of said Lease and upon the givi ng of wri t ten notice nf nt.enti on to do so at least. six (6) months prior to December I, 1962, Lessee uhall have an altymoluta right to renau said lease for. an additional period of fifteen (15) years; and WaElLEAS, tha Connei 1 i s advi sed that: the Lessee has fai Chau 11 Berlorma d al terms and condi tions of said Lease, and has given. airly. notice of intention Le renew sang, for The additional. term of fifteen (L5) years; and al,,Ralita, in accord with the terms of the aidoresaLd LIcase, providing for the renegotiatAnn. of annual. rental in the event of renewal , a rental (amount of .2,800.09 per year for the add', tiona 1 term [INA6 been proposed and accepTed by the Lessee; and OWERBAS, a form of renewal lease. containing the aforesaid rental. figure of $2.M300.00 per year along wi th the ether covenant s and agreement s to be ettpul a Tod and agreed upnh be tutan the Cl ty of Alameda and said Harbor Tug and Barge Company has been prepared. and submitted to N6iS Counoi 1 at i ts regular maeting held Novuuber 7, 3962, marked "Fl led. November 7, 19.62EM and ordered filed al th the Ci ty Clerk— NOW 7AEREFORE, 3E IT ETTEOLVED BY 111,'3; COUNCIL Or fah ',AIM OF 1,1,MMEDM that lac torm renewal lease referreA trt above be and the sums. 1 s hereby approved. RESOLNED, FURTdEE, that the Mayor nf tha Ci ty of Alameda be and he hereby is directed to execute and the Ci ty Clerk to atrest es the act and deed of the City of Alameda, a renewal 'icase substantially in trap Corm and containing the terms, covenants, agreaoknts and provisions sec forth in tha afoyamentioned farm of renewal lease, I, the 11nd..1ra:s71 ed, hereby oerti fy that the foregoing Resolution was dul y and regularly intrrdocao eno adopted ny Luc Coutoll or the City of Alameda in regular meeting assembled on the 7t,n day of Novecber, i962, by the f ol ocAng vote, to ird t Cooncl Bach Godfrey, McCall, Rose, Schacht and 'President. Col I i schonn (5) . COES, Bone. IT WITNESS WHERIMIE, 1 nave hercunra set my hana and affixed tha official seal of said City this 8th day of November, L962. SUIRLEY J. MPNWIER (SPALl Ci ty Clerk of the Ci ty or Alaoada I hereby certify that the. foresoing is a full , true and correct copy of "Tity al Alameda Re,solotion No. 6411, 91.909TITEM THE t011Erw. TO EXECUTE, ON 3EHALP CT THE CITY, A RET,Bwall.„ OR FART CERTAIN LTASE AAR3OR 7:19.; AND BARMY, COMPANY, DATME NOVEMBER 25, 7957, PURSUANT TO THE TEMS OF BATTU LEASE 9N9 ORDINABWB, WO. 1069. N. W.", tutroducad and. adoptad by the Cooncil on the 7tb. day ot Noventher, 1962. CI Cy Ci o 1 ameda