Resolution 06416CITY OF almadEDA RRPOdd LION NC- 6416 RESOLEWION OF INTCNTION 01,01)ER IDE VARAtfON tdf PORTIONS OF DR:ERRS:CV STREET, IN. TfIC. CILfe OF AL.AfTRA. (WEST EVE DF lith(OLYED BY THE COUNCIL Oh ry ALERIEDA that She public Mb:swept requires, and sain Cocnoth heresy doclaros it3 invention to order the vacation, closing and ;abandonment of tidos.: certats. porticos titt Watercon Street.. at the west. end tberticos , Lite City of a tanteda County ot Aladeda, Start; titT California, destdribcd ittillows: BE5,7 ENT NC at the., intersect-A on of the. center 1 inv of Watvrton Srmeet: (formerly -dater Strealt), DO fset wide, and the. Rchathwesterly line cdil the. °Town of Alameda. and Sal jacent Lands.' as sadd street: and lines arR shcatm on. the 'Record of Durvey, Property cf (Waspy J. & ditlian A. Dowling', Tiled June 22, 7959 at. pagw Book 3 of Records of :Purvey, OffIcial Records or Alameda Chuddy; dlorb said. sorRbwenterlly Narth E7R 20' D.7" East (based en the California Coordinats Sys tEmb done , as are al 1 heart ngs arm: d stances in tRts descri p- ti on ) 30.00 feet to the rhr t Rea sCerT y 1 I no o f sai d Water t os. Strew t nidaRECC alonv last said lints Shuth 47;: 39' 53' aast. 13.'555 feet So a point; TAERTE DvsteEly and soutbssietterly along a noR -tangent. curve to the left, hada rg a radi ps o f 40.00 feat (a radial lids, of said. furve to Inst. said pcdbt bsars Chrtai 03 55' 32' PaRt) fbrougb an angle of 40M 35' 23', a distance of 33.92 feet to the BEGIdLINW. BEG latift htl at: the Intersection of. the center I ne of Rater con nacreed (dormer y Water Adjacent Lavas' as said street and lines are SilM.VP. CM. the 'Record of Psoporty ;Dm:Indy dr. s. ji ant A. Deval I nj," ed 22, 1959 at page band< d of Recdsails of Survey., Ottinball.. Records or :Alameda County; ..Schh:01, schttida; stab:A y d was Lb r la; a (sag a ;sortie to tab lt of t. i e.„ 1,3,F,28 feet (a rasial ladte sai d curve to a Core Asia intersection Pears Koran 473 .3,9l 53" t d S 11.C.1 f"J. C L line i711,,C1 nre t t h h. an. 3,1,:.; 2.5", a StaTICA2 (A 33.32 hsot do rads snu Rae s rty lira; f sai Wats:Eton ;street; ClbritiCE ;Slang last. said 4.7' 39 533 'Asst. (bassrl fat Ohs f ors la Cybordi nate Sy:stew, Cone lit, t; are a 1 bearings and iEs stance s Ls. tam s seri p Li on ) 13.333 fact to said nortaittosterly bins of tine o5 Alaimeda„and Adjacent Lands"; SPENCE aldng last. said lirie Nortb S2A 20' 07' East 30.0U feet to the bCGrliatiNC. tin:SOLVED, RC:ETHER. shag the portians of Waterton attreet co be vacated and soars:hided and the dcRal is cf b.sd valcati on are more parti cularly shown soon tRat. certbin map bnocb as Cimawang 5225o, Case 34, heartng the legend "Abandonment of Parcels of Land al. did; tdost. Edd of Etstertod Etheettl, uhintt map is hereby: approved for tbe pumpnss of tREs proceeding and is hereby ordered filed -In the office ot tRe Cd ty (Jerk of. the City of Alayaa and is hereby referred to ladr partdcsiars as to tRe proposed vacation. RLSOLvCD, YSR,a00, shah the l3th dao of December, ,LiStaf, at il.thd nlvaick p.m. of said day, L;IC drtaLli.R thy, CITY EdLL. ncrshavat. corms; Et Cants: (Dant A-scrod and Walt nerte., Al:arcs:ca. Caltrnrnia, be, and Cho same as bereDy rived as tne tibe add p;aco for Rearing hy i cr. said Ci ty RE ail pc-spoilt interestod id Of old jet:ding lc Ane pstnashed nacattun. ptostywdf,g, pEltill(ER. Slott the City Clerk of tiott City mr, Atassida is heteby dirstc.ted to yawns this resolution to Rs dublisfissi tlis manner prescribed by taw dor Dan publishing of, brain:di...cps .7.1'02 City Cr Alameda, In ttst A.,. ameba fdmes-Shar, a dal t y newspaper of general radiation publiShCd nti circulated i n. said City, and Ibis official newspaper thereof. R0abLIED, italdElidd, that tne City Cicry of the dity of iladAda is berchy ntrattett to boat, or catat so be poated, conspicuously along the line ot tno stress and parts of stresc proposed to Re sadatcd. of such wacattcn, in tRe Corm an- aanner rednircd 'ay the Itat(slattve acc :na::tc,r mentioned. RESOLVED, FURE5tER. that: Ma the herein propRsed vacation oe saad street or poi-tar:at. of • atnronentionsd, cha Conntd. t of the Ca. ty al amdoid hereby elehts to prom-sea cobRof sort in pur- S UBRee of tbe provisions of the Cfredb, Vacation Act. oR 1.9s01. of the State cf, Cali fornia (CdiaptRs 2.50s Stnthtes of 134' ), aE ananded- I, tha undersignad, heiniby camtify that One forgbins, Rescaution was duly and rsgsdarly intrndhond and adopted by tho Codned 1 nt: the Cd ty of Alameda in regular bactEn assomblcd1 on the. 2Citai day of. htschaber. t962, by the folloyng vote, co witd AYES: tatdfsby, hlcball, Rosa, Schacht and Prasidont Ccilisolsonn, (5). 9 0 IN WITNEDS qE912b0f1, I have .horsunto set my hand and affixod the official seal of said City this 2lot day. of November, 1962. S L... y ebb of I hereby carte, ty that the foregoin2 s a full, true and correct:. COpy Of. "City. of Alameda Resolution 9o. 6.416, RESOLITTION 111N11E1221191E, TO 0:RDEP PoR °Ns. wl,TE1,410'4 4; TR L.14r IN Tab CITY Ols arAMEDA (WEST END Oh wATERION STREE1)1, introduced and adopted by the Cruncli. on the 20th. Eay of. Covember, 1962. /2 • cl Cty Clerk t1.1Z 0:- MaTe,..'z