Resolution 06418CITY OF ALAMEDA REDOIDTION ND. 6418 YTS SOLUV9 ON OF EVE MOUND I L OF THE CITY OF' ALAMEDA AU THOR El EU EXECUTION OF CONTRACT WITH. IDS FIRM OF COATED, DERFURTA AND ENGLAND , CON SEE 11 ND ACTUARIES , TO DETERMINE THE APPROXIMATE CONTRIDNI11 11. TIVD6 BE REQUIRED IN THE EVENT IDE CITY' S CONTRACT MITH THE SLATE ENTLOYEES' RETEREFFENT SYSTEM IS AMENDED TO INCLUDE CA SDI COVEHACE VEUENAS, the Ccunci thl s date adopted a re. Dale, i inD fyinE s MANED_ fa Enamel the contract beeefeen the CI ty of Alameda and the NeEte Employees' Re t: foment. System to proyi de for a mobQ f i natl. an ef benefite and ad juntment of raven; and WHEREAS, Jt is necessary to ea:meet:gni n the approx mama nmsnnt cf. con tr buti ons payal)le by the el ty (De even: the' ellamementiEneA contract ambndammt in ef fected ; and DiFREAS, a form of aexaemenin liDtween Ole CI ty of Al ameda d the firm of CoatAs, Merburfh anQ England, Consulting Actuaries, covering the employment of. said firm fa abeertaiu. the approximate amount Cif nai d gnu. Lei bn t ups, has been subm.i E tea and f nu CounTA 1 i n aware of the cone benen thereci", said copy pi contract. being filed al Lb the' CA fy Clerk and nDrked Filed 9,926 ; NOW THEREFORE , 3E IT RESOLVED BY CENJIDDA. OE DIE CITY ST. iDAMEDA that Lim Mayor of ebb Di fy of Alatm.da 13 he :Ally ap tEar i zed anel di Dec Led to ekamuLe , an. lieD Ali of f ne Ci ty al Alameda, a contEact substantially 1 n the Term subbl bimd, and tnE Ci ty Clark ix di refilmE tG attesc L , the under ni gnad Uereby certi f y that the forego; np Re bel uf cu Wa 3 dul y and resul ar.1 y ntrodueed and adopted by the Counci 1 of the Cl ty of Al xmedx i n regular Nbe t ng, assembled an the 26th day of Neentler, 1962, by the fel loaf' ng vote , to La 7: AYES: Counci 1Nen God frey VDCa 1 1 , Rose , Schacht and President Col i echDn'n (5), NOES: None. 11, IND196 , have hempen to se my hand and aff" xed r111. official seal ET said Cite. tills else day of NoveNber, (SEAL) Ci y Clank of the Ci y of Al arned 3 hereby ce ri illy that Ova Tnrempanny s a '1,11 LrilQ NNE' corrumi: pope f 'CH ey of anieee ,17:: 0,1 64' , 112,Ebl NE OF CONED ISM Dr. Did !DEP DOMIXE, "FEL CONS,UMTVE ALI DAM ES, 30 DE Clikull NE THE APPROXIAN r±: (.:of, 13. T I ON Wi4". CH intranuace and aim. Did Pne Codnia 1 on the 2066:. day of Eceemec r, 16E6